Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 74: I believe your evil!

"By the way, Brother Minato, what should I do about the blood contract of necromancy?"

When the matter came to an end, Feng Huo was at a loss, staring blankly at the two little snow eagles, completely unsure of what to do next.

Fortunately, Namikaze Minato has experience and taught the contract of blood on the spot.

Spiritualism is actually not difficult to learn, and with Namikaze Minato's precepts and deeds, Fenghuo quickly understood it. He took out a small scroll and signed a blood contract with the two little snow eagles using his own blood as a medium.

This scroll also logically became an important psychic scroll.

The contract was successful, Fenghuo didn't feel any changes, what kind of heart is a little bit clear, what body does not exist without a colorful phoenix and two flying wings, just look at the two little snow eagles and how to raise them.

Apparently, these two little snow hawks also felt the same way, they flapped their wings foolishly, and quickly retracted into Namikaze Minato's arms.

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, feeling cheated.

"Brother Minato, why is this happening? They haven't changed at all."

Don't say anything that has changed, there is not even a hint of intimacy.

'I believe in your evil! '

Namikaze Minato laughed dryly, a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "It may take a little time to get used to it."

Feng Huo took the scroll, opened it and checked it carefully, there was no mistake, then grabbed the two little snow eagles and checked it again, the two little guys screamed in fright, and they calmed down a little under Namikaze Minato's comfort.

"Lan Shou, mushroom!"

Feng Huo Ge You was lying beside the mountain wall, looking at the firewood still emitting sparks, thinking whether to directly roast the two snow eagles.

Bo Feng Shuimen said: "The contract is definitely a success, seal the fire, try to see if you can channel them over."

Saying that, Namikaze Minato carried the two little snow eagles to the corner of the crack.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, he immediately squeezed out two drops of blood, and then formed a seal.




A puff of smoke rose, and then the chirping screams of two little snow eagles came out of the smoke.

The psychic was successful!

What a tragedy.

Sealing the fire was even more depressing.

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "Fenghuo, don't worry, they are still young, they will be fine when they grow up, well, let me give them a name now!"

Namikaze Minato rubbed his chin and pondered.

Feng Huo glanced at him, thinking that there were only two Snow Eagles without the ability to think, analyze, or speak, so he let him go. At worst, he would learn Kai in the future and pretend that he had never signed a psychic beast.

"Yes!" Namikaze Minato excitedly grabbed a little snow hawk, and said, "From now on, you will be called Chao Rondo Sanshi!"

He grabbed another Snow Eagle and ordered him to say, "You call it Chaolunwu II!"

The two little snow eagles seemed to understand something, chirping excitedly and flapping their wings in celebration.

Feng Huo stood beside him with a dazed expression. Am I the only one who feels that these two names don't look like human names?

Well, they weren't human in the first place.

However, why is it called the third form first, and then the second form? Generally, it is not the first two and then the third? !

Fenghuo was completely torn apart by Namikaze Minato's naming talent.

Namikaze Minato took two names, and with a satisfied smile on his face, he said, "Okay, next, let's find a way to escape from this snow mountain."

Feng Huo snorted, "Why are you running away, a spiral pill could blow up that Snow Eagle outside to death."

"This can't be done, Fenghuo, that snow eagle is also a relative of Chao Rondo Third Form and Second Form, we can't be so cruel!" Namikaze Minato said very gently while hugging the two little snow eagles.



The two little snow eagles shouted happily, not to mention, they seemed to be really spiritual.

But Feng Huo didn't care, and asked: "Then what should we do? The snow eagle outside doesn't seem to be reasonable. We will definitely attack once we go out, so we have to fight back."

Namikaze Minato said: "It's very simple, we use the earth tunnel to go directly to the foot of Xuefeng Mountain, and then you use spiritism to channel the third and second forms of Chaolunwu!"

Feng Huo's heart moved. It was a good idea. At the foot of the mountain, he would say that he forgot how to communicate with spirits. Wouldn't he be free?


"That's it."

Namikaze Minato hugged the two little snow hawks aside, murmured orders, the two little guys didn't know whether they really understood or pretended to be honest, anyway, they stood obediently in the corner, neither making noise nor making trouble.

Then, Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo used the earth escape technique to escape directly into the mountain wall and run towards the foot of the mountain.

The snow eagle outside didn't know what was going on inside at all, it was still wandering outside the wall formed by the soil flow wall, its fierce eyes were still staring there.

Soon, Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato emerged from the foot of Xuefeng Mountain.

"Huh! It succeeded!" Namikaze Minato looked up, the high altitude was steep, and he didn't know how high it was, anyway, they couldn't see the snow eagle.

"Fenghuo, quickly use spiritism to summon the third and second forms of chakra dance!" Namakaze Minato said anxiously.

"This..." Feng Huo scratched his head, really didn't want to, but looked at Namikaze Minato's sky blue pupils, sighed and gave in.



As the smoke cleared, two little snow eagles jumped out screaming, stumbling towards...Namikaze Minato's embrace.


Turn around and stew you two!

Sealing the fire caused internal injuries.

"It's great, isn't it?" Namikaze Minato picked up the two little snow eagles and said with a smile, "Fenghuo, let's go."

At the same time, Yamanaka Kaiichi and Younv Zhiwei on the other side are still looking for... bugs all over the mountain.

"How could a mere snow eagle threaten Shuimen?"

This was a consensus reached by the two, so they didn't worry about the safety of the water gate and the fire seal at all.

"I found it!"

Younv Zhiwei was lying on a rock excitedly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The surface of this rock has been covered with a layer of hard ice, which is extremely cold to the touch, but on the surface of this layer of hard ice, there are tiny The hole, looking carefully, can see some mucus, which seems to be traces left by some kind of creature crawling.

Younv Zhiwei was so excited that she gently broke through the solid ice and saw that there were many bumps on the rock surface.

Next to him, Haiichi Yamanaka came up quietly, using sensory ninjutsu to inspect the inside of the rock, and found that most of the inside of the rock is hollow, and you can see densely packed countless small dots slowly moving and twisting inside.

This picture is so beautiful that Rao Yamanaka Kaiichi felt a little unbearable.

Finally, Younv Zhiwei used the secret technique of the Younv clan to seduce a few bugs.

The whole body of this little bug is white, it looks like snow stones if you don't look carefully, it is very inconspicuous.

Younu Zhiwei took out a few test tubes from the sealed scroll, and carefully filled them with these bugs. (https://)

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