Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 76: boiled eagle

The **** mission of Snow Country was officially completed, but the group did not return immediately.

One is that Younv Zhiwei is thinking about the cold worms in the snowy mountains in the north of the Snow Country, and the other is the group of Chaolunwu brothers who sealed the fire.

Snow Eagles are cold-loving, so it is obviously impossible to bring them back to the Nation of Fire to raise them, so we can only choose a suitable place here to let them grow up safely.

And the snow mountain behind this town is obviously not suitable, the mother of the two little Snow Eagles is still there, if it finds out that the child it abandoned is still alive, God knows what the Snow Eagle mother will do.

After bidding farewell to the enthusiastic Long Chuanyi, Feng Huo and the others went straight to the north of Snow Country.

The further north, the colder the weather. Both Yuhihong and Lin's faces were flushed from the cold, and Asma and the others couldn't help adding clothes to keep out the cold. I am so happy.

Fenghuo has not been idle along the way. Since even Yamanaka Haiyi said that they have great potential, Fenghuo must work hard to make miracles, and serve them with big fish and meat every day. Unfortunately, these two guys are very arrogant. With Hong and Lin as the backing, they ate as much as they wanted barbecue meat, and their faces were shaken as usual.



The two little guys are hungry again.

Yuhihong and Lin immediately ran to find Fenghuo.

Feng Huo felt that it was impossible to go on like this. He had to confirm who was the owner before they grew up, otherwise they would have to pay for it in the future?

"Hong, Lin, I'll take care of them from now on." Feng Huo said solemnly.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

Brother Chao Lunwu screamed anxiously and squeezed into the arms of the two girls desperately.

Next to him, Yamanaka Kaiichi and Namikaze Minato looked at each other, and said with a smile: "The thinking and analysis abilities of these two guys are improving every day, and they are no different from five or six-year-old children."

Bofeng Shuimen said: "When they grow up and have their own offspring, as long as their blood is pure, their offspring will be born to be high-level psychic beasts, and the village will also have a kind of heritage."

Although the psychic beast is not as terrifying as the tailed beast, its combat power can also greatly enhance the foundation of a village. The key is that it can be passed on, just like Jiraiya, after he signed the blood contract with the toad from Mount Miaomu , his disciple Namikaze Minato, and Naruto, all have a relationship with Miaogishan, and even learned the sage mode!

"Although this mission is not easy, the rewards are still huge." Yamanaka Hai said with a smile.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Qiu Dao Dingzuo squeezed over, and said with a bitter face, "I'm tired, everyone find a place to rest, let's close the fire and barbecue, I'm going to be hungry soon."

Yamanaka Haiyi looked depressed: "What does it mean to be hungry soon?"

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo said with a sullen face, "I'm already hungry now."

On the other side, after some difficult negotiations, Fenghuo successfully obtained the 'custody rights' of Brother Chaolunwu.


The two little snow hawks cried out aggrievedly, listlessly, not in the mood to eat barbecue.

For several days in a row, the Chao Lunwu brothers remained the same towards Fenghuo, they were very indifferent, and the roasted meat had to be taken by others before they would eat it.

Fenghuo's first thought was to boil the eagle.

Although I haven't survived an eagle in my previous life, have I never seen a pig run if I haven't eaten pork?

Although the conditions are simple, but Fenghuo doesn't care about anything, just carry them directly, and don't let them sleep, and don't give them food!

If it is an adult snow eagle, it might not be able to endure the fire, but who made these two snow eagles still young? For the first two days, they were pitifully tweeting at Minami Kazunami, Yuhihong, and Lin. I hope they can come to help, but unfortunately, Feng Huo has already informed, even if they feel distressed, they will not intervene.

Another day passed, and the two Chaolunwu brothers were not only sleepy, but also dizzy from hunger, and finally couldn't bear the defeat. Jiujiu screamed and subdued, and affectionately rubbed his head on Fenghuo's cheek.

With dark circles under his eyes, Feng Huo laughed triumphantly, then couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.

Tsunade, Inokacho, Namikaze Minato and others witnessed the whole process, and couldn't help but look at each other at this time.

"Fenghuo is really a genius, to think of such a way to tame Snow Eagle." Namikaze Minato exclaimed.

"Boil the eagle?" Yamanaka Hai's eyes flickered, and he was very interested in this method. "It didn't use any intimidation methods, and it didn't hurt Xue Ying, but it was very effective in making Xue Ying surrender."

The Yamanaka family is proficient in mysticism, so they are also frequent visitors to the Torture Department of Konoha Anbu, and they often have to torture the information on the ninjas of the enemy country.

And the method of boiling the eagle vaguely opened a whole new door for him.

"If Snow Eagle is replaced by a ninja..." Yamanaka Kai's eyes began to glow.

"Hmph, play smart!" Tsunade snorted disdainfully.

After Fenghuo woke up, Brother Chao Lunwu lost his temper, not only started to eat the food that Fenghuo fed, but also no longer rejected him as before.

Fenghuo was very happy, so he took advantage of the heat to strike the iron and began to train them.

At the same time, referring to the map of the Snow Country presented by Long Chuanyi, they hurriedly rushed for about ten days and finally arrived at the north of the Snow Country.

Fengxue Town, this is the northernmost village in the Snow Country, and there are no people living further north.

They inquired in Fengxue Town, and learned that the snow-capped mountains in the north are not only magnificent, but also one after another, rolling up and down, and there is no end in sight when looking around, and the climate is extremely cold, even people from the Snow Country They dare not enter easily.

Kurenai Yuhi, Lin, and Asma Obito only have the strength of Genin, and it is too dangerous to enter there, so they are asked to stay in Fengxue Town, while Akimichi Dingza and Tsunade stay to look after them.

Yume Shiwei, Namikaze Minato, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, Fuho and Kakashi set off lightly and simply on the next day towards the snow-capped mountains.

After walking for a hundred miles, they saw the majestic snow-capped mountains in front of them!

The howling cold wind is like a substance on the snow mountain, wandering wantonly.

Just looking at it is 'refreshing'!

Chao Lunwu brothers stood on both sides of Fenghuo's shoulders, UUreading www.uukanshu.comThe white eagle feathers trembled from time to time, and the sharp eagle eyes looked left and right, very curious about the environment here .

As soon as Feng Huo raised his hand, the Chao Lun Wu brothers on his shoulders immediately spread their wings and flew. Although the flight was not high and stable and turned around when a gust of wind blew, Feng Huo was very satisfied.

After days of getting along, these two guys have finally been trained to look good, even though they occasionally lose their temper.

Yamanaka Haiyi looked at the snow-capped mountains in front of him and exclaimed, "It's really spectacular."

"The bugs bred in such an environment must be amazing!" Younu Zhiwei trembled slightly, it was excited.


The third form of Chaolun Dance flew higher and higher in the cold wind, and couldn't help screaming. Although it was immature, it already had some momentum.

Chao Rondo II also flapped its wings desperately, wanting to fly up to be its companion.

"Let's go into the mountains!" Said Yamanaka Kaiichi. (https://)

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