Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 77: kill snow leopard


The cold wind flows back and forth between the snow-capped mountains like a layer of pure white veil, whistling like thunder.

In such a cold wind, even the two Chao Lunwu brothers couldn't hold it back, they huddled tightly in Fenghuo's arms, shivering.

"Their eagle feathers can't withstand such a cold wind." Yamanaka Kaiichi said, "If they don't grow up as soon as possible, they won't be able to survive here."



Brother Chao Lunwu chirped and chirped, as if to refute his words.

Namikaze Minato laughed and said, "They are becoming more and more intelligent!"


Hearing Namikaze Minato's praise, they shouted even more happily.

"Zhiwei, let's try your new bug, it's not the way to find it." Next to him, Nara Shikahisa said lazily.

"it is good!"

Younv Zhiwei's words are like gold, with a light tap of her fingertips, a few small insects like snow stones rushed out, crawling on the snow at an extremely fast speed.

Along the way, Younv Zhiwei has been studying these snow worms, and probably already understands their temperament.

Snow worms are omnivorous insects. They are not taboo on meat and vegetables. They can eat anything. At the same time, they secrete some mucus, which is corrosive to a certain extent. The environment, if brought to the land of fire, I am afraid that it will be 'heated to death' very soon.

Because of this, he couldn't wait to find the 'big bug' living here.

As for Feng Huo, he put all his attention on the two little snow eagles.

If she can't adapt to the environment here, Little Snow Eagle's future will be worrying.

"Come, fly one!" Feng Huo encouraged them violently.

In the third form of Chaolun Dance, er, it may be the second form. It spread its wings tremblingly, and a gust of cold wind blew in, almost freezing the eagle feathers on its wings.

Frightened, Feng Huo hurriedly hugged it, warming it with his body.


Little Snow Eagle called pitifully.

"Haha, it seems that you have developed a deep relationship." Nara Shikahisa suddenly came over, "If they can really survive here, maybe they can really breed a big family of snow eagles."

Feng Huo glanced at him vigilantly. This guy has a high IQ, and his strategy and judgment are even higher than his son, Nara Shikamaru, one of the future Twelve Little Powers.

I always feel like he's thinking of something bad.

Feng Huo snorted and said, "Speak up if you have something to say."

Nara Lujiu is kind and kind: "I'm thinking, if possible, I hope my future children can also have a snow eagle psychic beast."

Namikaze Minato smiled, if it weren't for Mt. Myogi, he might have this idea.

"Haha, it's easy to talk about." Feng Huo laughed, thinking why, "However, these two guys are eagles, and I don't know if they can find the female eagle..."

If you can't find it, the two brothers won't be gay, right?

"Don't worry, I've already asked, there are many snow eagles in the Snow Country, and they won't be able to find a mate. The only thing to worry about is whether their 'bloodline' can continue smoothly."

Indeed, if their offspring follow their mother, they are ordinary Snow Eagles, and the benefits of signing the blood contract outweigh the losses.

Hey, wait, thinking about it this way, Feng Huo suddenly felt as if he had been cheated by Namikaze Minato and turned into a guinea pig.

He looked at Namikaze Minato resentfully.

Namakaze Minato looked over with a smile, his sky blue pupils were filled with sincere feelings, as if he was saying that friendship lasts forever.

Ahhh, it's really annoying.

Feng Huo felt his body being hollowed out.


At this moment, a little snow eagle spread its wings again and took off against the cold wind.

The immature eagle feathers shivered in the cold wind, and finally declared failure.

Feng Huo hurriedly hugged it, using his own body temperature to keep it warm.


Snow Eagle called out aggrievedly.


At this moment, among the snow peaks in the distance, a huge snow eagle disappeared in a flash, leaving only the ear-piercing cry of the eagle resounding through the world.

"There are snow eagles living here." Kaiichi Yamanaka couldn't help being surprised.

"In this case, we won't have to worry about the two brothers not being able to find a partner in the future." Nara Shikahisa said with a smile.

"That's what I said, but..." Feng Huo looked at Namikaze Minato, who just happened to be looking at him solemnly.

Both of them witnessed the cruelty of the Snow Eagle's mother, and even their own children could be abandoned as soon as they said it.

Can the third and second forms of Chaolun Dance really survive here?

"Kakashi be careful!" Minato Namikaze frowned suddenly.

Kakashi was startled, as if he didn't react.


"The Art of Turning Hearts!"

Fortunately, Hai Yamanaka formed a seal in an instant, and an invisible spirit directly entered Kakashi's body, occupied his body, and controlled his body to dodge.


A gust of wind flashed over Kakashi's head.

"Shadow imitation technique!"

Nara Shikahisa also reacted quickly, a strange black shadow sprang out from his shadow, caught the shadow of the 'assailant' in an instant, restraining its actions.

Only then did everyone see clearly that it was a huge snow leopard, 1.5 meters tall and more than 3 meters long. At this time, it was caught by Nara Shikaku's secret technique and remained motionless.

Kakashi realized it later, and his face turned pale with horror.

Namikaze Minato frowned: "Kakashi, what's wrong with you? Do you have something on your mind?"

Namikaze Minato was a little scared. He reminded Kakashi just now that he could definitely dodge the snow leopard's attack based on his knowledge of Kakashi, but in the end he almost had an accident.

He blamed himself a little.

Kakashi bowed his head: "Minato-sensei, I'm fine."

Namakaze Minato nodded slightly, but thought in his heart that he had to find some time to have a good chat with him.

"So, what should we do with this snow leopard?" While Shikahisa Nara was speaking, he could see the mouth of the snow leopard bound by the shadow imitation technique open and close, which looked very interesting.


Brother Chao Lunwu suddenly jumped out and roared sharply at the snow leopard, then flew over tremblingly with flapping wings, and pecked fiercely at the snow leopard's eyes with the eagle's beak.


The snow leopard wailed, but was restrained by the shadow imitation technique, unable to escape even if it wanted to.

Brother Chaolunwu pecked the snow leopard's eyes blind, and then pinched its head with eagle claws. The place was soon bloody, but Brother Chaolunwu became more and more vigorous. The eagle feathers were stained with the blood of the snow leopard, and it seemed to be reborn from the blood. No longer afraid of the cold wind.

"It seems that the snow leopard and the snow eagle are natural enemies. This snow leopard must have smelled the snow eagle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so it launched an attack." Nara Shikahisa calmly analyzed.

The dying snow leopard also opened and closed its mouth, which was very strange.

Finally, the Chaolunwu brothers killed the snow leopard and flew towards Fenghuo excitedly.

Fenghuo looked at their eagle claws, beaks, and shadow feathers covered with blood, and flickered in disgust.

Brother Xueying was wronged, Jiujiujiu flew to Namikaze Minato to complain.

"Haha, seal the fire, this is not acceptable, they will be sad." Namikaze Minato laughed.

Feng Huo scratched his head in embarrassment, then called the two snow eagles to come over, washed the blood off them with snow, and hugged them again.

But the two brothers killed the snow leopard together, as if they had completed some solemn and sacred growth ceremony, they struggled to fly out of Fenghuo's arms, facing the cold wind, roaring into the sky!

…Then it was so cold that it flew back and dived into the fire seal, making a pitiful and childish voice. (https://)

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