Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 78: psychological counseling


Fenghuo exhaled lightly, and the white smoke condensed into ice in an instant, falling like stars one by one.

The temperature in the depths of the snow-capped mountains is even colder than outside, ordinary people cannot survive in such an environment, and there are many ferocious beasts living here.

Snow leopards, snow eagles, snow bears, and many other strange and ferocious creatures.

Walking along the way is really eye-opening.

The two little snow eagles are also growing up desperately. With the help of everyone, they have already killed three snow leopards and a huge snow bear. When they saw blood, their eyes were quite sharp, with a wildness and evil spirit. Already has a bit of the demeanor of the Lord of the Sky.


Chao Lunwu Sanshi stood on Fenghuo's shoulders, flapped its wings, loosened its eagle claws, and rose into the air against the cold wind.

Not to be outdone, the second chaotic round dance also flew into the sky.

Everyone couldn't help but look up.

Two snow eagles were flying in the air, flying higher and higher, facing the cold wind that was as cold as ice knives, they spread their wings and soared.

"Their growth rate is too fast, it should be affected by the contract of blood." Yamanaka Kai said with a smile.

Feng Huo actually didn't know what was going on with the blood contract of spiritism, and he didn't want to figure it out, just like one plus one equals two, why is it equal to two? There is absolutely no need to dwell on this issue.

"But the environment here is still too harsh for them. Once we leave, they won't be able to hunt those large beasts." Namikaze Minato worried.

"But we can't stay here for too long." Nara Shikahisa said.

A group of people were discussing the Chaolun Wu Brothers there, and Younu Zhiwei became unhappy: "Hey, we're here to find bugs!"

"Hey, but we haven't found it after searching for days, isn't it?" Shikahisa Nara shrugged, quite helplessly, "Zhiwei, we've been searching for days, does that kind of bug really exist?"

"As long as you look carefully, you will definitely find it!" Younu Zhiwei was very confident.

As the sky gradually darkened, everyone found a snow valley, took out some items from the sealed scroll, and started camping.

Feng Huo consciously acted as the chef, using the snow bear's paw as the main ingredient to start grilling.

On the other side, Namikaze Minato called Kakashi for psychological counseling.

"Kakashi, you've been silent these past few days, and your condition is not very good. Do you have something on your mind?" Namikaze Minato asked softly.

Kakashi shook his head slightly, then nodded again, seemingly struggling.

Finally he said, "Master Minato, I'm fine."

Namikaze Minato smiled and resorted to head-touching, and said, "If I'm not wrong, is it because of the fire?"

Kakashi was taken aback.

"I remember he once challenged you and failed miserably, but now..."

"Now I can beat him too!" Kakashi clenched his fists and interrupted him excitedly.

Namikaze Minato smiled: It really is because of this.

Kakashi, who was known as a genius since he was a child, must have been full of confusion when he watched himself being counterattacked by the tail of the crane.

What's more, Kakashi is a proud person.

Facing Namikaze Minato's silence, Kakashi quickly lost the battle: "Minato-sensei, I'm sorry, I let you down."

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "Disappointed? Kakashi, Fenghuo challenged you beyond his control and became the laughing stock of the school. Countless people were disappointed with him, laughed at him, and satirized him, but in the end? He fought more and more bravely, step by step. Improve your strength, even develop your own powerful ninjutsu. Until now, we Jnin have felt a little pressure! So, Kakashi, it doesn’t matter whether others are disappointed in you. The important thing is, don’t feel bad about yourself. disappointment!"

Kakashi was taken aback.

Namikaze Minato said again: "Fenghuo has always believed in himself, whether it is a genius or a crane tail, as long as you have full confidence in yourself and work hard, miracles will surely happen! By the way, Kakashi, you know Kai, right? .”

Kakashi's mind suddenly appeared in the green tights, with outrageously thick eyebrows, he nodded stiffly: "I used to be a classmate."

"Kai's father is Wannian Xiaren, and he himself is also the tail of the crane. Countless people are disappointed in him, but he did not give up on himself, and he practiced desperately every day. Moreover, he often challenged Fenghuo. The two of them competed together, Communication, progress, Kakashi, if you can’t pull yourself together, you will soon be overtaken by Kai.” Namikaze Minato said seriously, “The only way to be a ninja is to move forward bravely, and don’t hesitate and be confused because of other people’s disappointment or suspicion. state of mind!"

Kakashi froze there, greatly shocked in his heart.

For a long time, he didn't pay attention to Kai. Every time he saw him jumping up and down to challenge this challenge, he felt bored. His first reaction was to hide away and not to associate with this kind of person.

‘Could it be that I will really be surpassed by Kai? '

Then, he suddenly remembered that his father, Sakumo Hatake, had said the same thing to him, and his back was dripping with cold sweat.

"Kakashi, you have to believe in yourself!" Namikaze Minato solemnly said.

Kakashi clenched his hands into fists, his face flushed slightly: "Minato-sensei, I understand, I will definitely pull myself together!"

After all, he is an 8-year-old child with insufficient life experience, and he was brought out of the rhythm by Namikaze Minato in a few sentences, looking like a hot-blooded young man.

‘Compared to this, Feng Huo is really mature. ’ Namikaze Minato smiled and resorted to head-to-head killing again.

"Hey, Minato, it's time to eat barbecue." Nara Shikahisa waved beside him.

"Yoshi, Kakashi, let's try the skill of sealing fire." Namikaze Minato laughed.

"Hmm!" Kakashi put away the emotions on his face, but there was a flame burning in his heart.

"Hey, what are you whispering?" Feng Huo handed the freshly baked bear paw to Minato Namikaze, winking at him.

"Ah, it's nothing, just chatting about the weather." Namikaze Minato took the bear's paw with a smile, and handed it to Kakashi.

Full of love.

Feng Huo looked suspiciously at them back and forth, and muttered softly: "Because Jiu Xinnai is not around, did you attack the children around you?"

Namikaze Minato twitched his eyes, turned around and pretended not to hear the words.



The Chaolunwu brothers also flapped their wings and flew down, landing on both shoulders of Fenghuo, staring at the roasted bear's paw with glowing eyes.

After a full meal, the sky has completely darkened, only the fire here is still emitting a warm light.

The temperature here is too low, if you don't pay attention, the fire will be blown out, so someone must be on duty at night to watch the fire, and at the same time be on guard against wild beasts.

"Then let Fenghuo and Kakashi watch the night tonight." Namikaze Minato suddenly suggested.

Shikahisa Nara glanced at him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and nodded in agreement without saying anything.

The rest of the people have no opinion.

"Hey, is it really okay for you to let minors do this kind of work?" Someone made a serious protest, naturally it was Feng Huo himself, "We are still growing up, sleep is very important!"


Two snow eagles also cheered.

"Kakashi thinks so too?" Namikaze Minato looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi shook his head decisively.

"When did you rebel?" Feng Huo asked him.

Kakashi snorted, "I've always been on Minato-sensei's side."

"Alright, alright, turn off the fire, be careful at night, then, let's go to bed first." Nara Shikahisa yawned, and made a decision to settle the matter. (https://)

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