Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 79: vigil


Fresh firewood was thrown into the fire, and dazzling sparks erupted immediately, making the fire brighter.

Feng Huo sat by the fire and looked up at the sky.

Beside the hazy moonlight, there are twinkling stars. This kind of starry sky has long been invisible in the previous life.

"It's so beautiful."

Next to Fenghuo is his shadow clone, who is studying the sealed book that Namikaze Minato sent.

He didn't delay in watching the beautiful scenery and studying, but he made Kakashi so anxious.

"Is this... useful?" Kakashi couldn't help asking.

"Ah? Are you talking about the shadow clone?" Feng Huo yawned and said, "The experience accumulated in the shadow clone will be passed on to the main body when it disappears, so learning and practicing with the shadow clone can save a lot of time."

When Kakashi heard it made sense, he thought to himself, no wonder it only took him a few years to counterattack. It turned out that he used this method.

Then he decided to study this way too.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Kakashi naturally also learned this trick and summoned it immediately.

Feng Huo took a look, then continued to look up at the starry sky.

Kakashi observed Fenghuo's expression, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Do you not mind?"

Fenghuo just wanted to laugh, because Kakashi taught Naruto the shadow clone move in the original book. From this point of view, it should be him who "stealed" from Kakashi.

"I don't mind, of course I don't mind, I'm a very generous person!" Feng Huo desperately pasted US dollars on his face.

Kakashi felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't detect it after careful consideration.

So he stopped thinking about it and started experimenting with new cultivation methods.

He first let his shadow clone practice seal gestures, and then let his shadow clone practice ninjutsu, and then fought with the shadow clone to increase actual combat experience, and he never tired of it.

After tossing around for most of the night, Kakashi's shadow clone disappeared. At the same time, a lot of experience was transmitted back to the main body.


'It really works! '

Kakashi's eyes lit up three ticks!

Using this method to practice in the future will definitely greatly increase his cultivation speed!

'Minister Minato, you arranged me to watch the night with him so that I could learn from him! '

Kakashi seemed to appreciate Namikaze Minato's good intentions and was very moved.

When he returned to the fire, he saw Fenghuo's shadow avatar was still reading a book, while his body was still looking at the starry sky. He couldn't help asking: "What book are you reading?"

"The sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan." Feng Huo answered every question.

"What? How is it possible?" Kakashi heard from his father that the Uzumaki Clan's sealing technique is very powerful. It is well-known in the entire ninja world, and it can even seal the terrifying existence of the Tailed Beast!

Kakashi was envious, jealous, and a little suspicious.

"But, isn't the Uzumaki clan already exterminated? Why do you have their clan's sealing technique?" Kakashi asked hesitantly.

"Hey, don't you know?" Feng Huo asked back.

"what do you know?"

"Your teacher's female ticket is from the Uzumaki clan." After a long night, Feng Huo couldn't help but yawned again.

Yawning is contagious, and Kakashi couldn't help but yawn twice.

Then his eyes widened suddenly: "What? Teacher Minato's female ticket...what does female ticket mean?"

"Girlfriend means."

"Oh, so that's the case." Kakashi blinked his eyes twice and understood.

In other words, the book in Fenghuo's hand, which records the powerful sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, was given to him by Teacher Minato's girlfriend.

'Then, can I also learn the sealing technique above? '

Kakashi shuddered.

But what if Minato-sensei's girlfriend doesn't agree?

Kakashi was feeling up and down in his heart.

Feng Huo took a sneak peek at him, and secretly smiled in his heart. This expression was also drunk, and he couldn't believe that Kakashi, who was so calm in future generations no matter what danger he encountered, would have such a tangled and anxious side.

But having said that, Fenghuo has been learning the sealing technique for almost two years. He has already understood most of the contents of this book. not caught.

'But with Namikaze Minato's temperament, he will definitely teach Kakashi some sealing techniques, so I won't worry about that. '

Fenghuo was in a happy mood and couldn't help blowing his whistle.


As a result, the whistle woke up the Chao Rondo Sanshi who fell asleep beside him... well, it might be the second style, er, anyway, they look the same.

Snow Eagle flapped its wings twice, flew to Fenghuo's left shoulder, and rubbed his head affectionately on his cheek.

Feng Huo reached out his hand to touch its feathers, and found that it was a little harder.

Constantly experiencing killings, Brother Chao Lunwu grew rapidly, and the eagle claws and beak became hard and sharp, and even the eagle feathers became more and more rigid.

Kakashi saw it, and inexplicably cast a psychic spell.


The smoke dissipated, and a ninja dog appeared there. The next moment, the ninja dog was frozen into a sieve, trembling all over, and couldn't even close its mouth.

"Ka, Kaka Kaka Kashixixi..." The ninja dog wanted to speak, but the snow-capped mountains in the middle of the night were unbearably cold, and the ninja dog came here suddenly, and couldn't even speak clearly.

Kakashi quickly dismissed the psychic arts and let Ninja Dog go back.

Feng Huo was about to make fun of it, when suddenly he saw a few green lights looming in the distance, swaying back and forth like ghosts.

This is?

Feng Huo's eyes froze, and the Sharingan instantly appeared, and the three hook jades slowly rotated, and his field of vision was instantly enhanced.

At the same time, the snow eagle on his shoulder also let out a sharp cry and spread its wings to fly high.


Soon, another snow eagle was also awakened, flapping its wings and flying into the sky.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi was startled when he saw the sharing eyes of Fenghuo.

"There are snow wolves!"

Under the pale moonlight, in the white snow-capped mountains, the figures of two snow wolves were reflected in his three-curved jade writing wheel.

The figures of these two snow wolves are extremely huge, probably more than three meters high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ more than seven meters long!

"Should we inform Sensei and them?" Kakashi immediately stood up, pulling out his Kunai guard.

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and said with a light smile, "You can wake up someone who is asleep, but you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. I'm afraid we will have to deal with these two snow wolves."

Kakashi didn't quite understand what he heard, but Namikaze Minato and the others in the tent looked at each other in blank dismay.

As Jonin, they had already noticed it when Snow Wolf first appeared, but they didn't show up to remind them.

"What Fenghuo said is really philosophical!" Nara Shikahisa had the highest IQ and the deepest feeling, and couldn't help but be amazed.

Yamanaka Haiichi said softly: "Are we really not going to make a move?"

Namikaze Minato was full of confidence: "Don't worry, Fenghuo is very strong, and Kakashi is not weak, plus the Chao Rondo brothers, I believe they can settle these two snow wolves."

"Let's wait and see." Nara Shikahisa smiled. (https://)

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