Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 80: night attack


As if realizing that his whereabouts had been discovered, two huge snow wolves slowly approached from a distance.

They are huge in stature, but they are covered with silver-white hair. Under the moonlight, they blend perfectly with the surrounding snow-capped mountains, and you can't find them unless you look carefully.


The two snow wolves approached slowly, one from the left and the other from the right, making low-pitched roars.

The sharp wolf teeth in their mouths are like two interlaced sawtooths, reflecting a gloomy cold light under the moonlight.

Kakashi drew out the white blade behind his backhand, and stared at a huge snow wolf facing him tightly with both hands, with sweat stains appearing faintly on his forehead.

He spent most of the night with the shadow clone just now, and his chakra and physical strength were exhausted, so he was not very optimistic about any snow wolf.

Beside him, Feng Huo stood calmly, watching with great interest, even his shadow clone remained motionless, still sitting there reading the sealed book.

Kakashi saw it out of the corner of his eye and couldn't help being surprised.

Is it arrogance, or self-confidence?


The moment Kakashi was distracted, two snow wolves attacked at the same time.

Feng Huo danced with his hands like elves, creating layers of phantoms under the moonlight.


"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

At this time, Fenghuo's sealing speed was already 0.3 seconds, and Hao Huoqiu's sealing gesture was completed in less than two seconds.


A huge fireball spewed out from the fire-sealing nozzle, rose against the wind, and slammed into the huge snow wolf like a tsunami accompanied by a violent high temperature.


Snow Wolf roared, and hastily dodged aside.

Most of the creatures living here are afraid of flames, especially the huge fireballs used by Fenghuo, which are simply means of aliens to them.


The Hao fireball exploded in the distance, and the terrifying flames and high temperature spread like ripples for more than ten meters. The hard snow was blown apart and then melted, but was frozen again immediately.

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

Fenghuo continued to dance with both hands, spewing out flames of impatiens, like a celestial maiden scattering flowers, overwhelming the snow wolf.

Snow Wolf didn't dare to take it head-on, relying on the flexibility of his body to dodge crazily.

On the other side, Kakashi finally fought Snow Wolf, but Pu was at a disadvantage as soon as he fought.

The snow wolf is three meters tall and about seven meters long. It has a flexible figure, great strength, a copper head and iron bones, a pair of wolf claws that are extremely sharp, and wolf teeth. Once you get close, it is absolutely perfect for a pure ninjutsu ninja. It was a nightmare, but fortunately, Kakashi had learned Hatake's swordsmanship from his father, so he could barely support one or two.


Kakashi's white blade slashed fiercely on White Wolf's claws, and then a huge force came and directly overturned him.


Kakashi saw the battle situation on Fenghuo's side, and immediately put away his white blade and formed seals with both hands.


Before he could finish, Snow Wolf had already rushed in front of him.

His sealing speed is nearly twice as slow as that of sealing the fire. Although this time may only take two or three seconds, it is enough to determine the victory or defeat, even life and death, on the battlefield.

Kakashi was shocked, and rolled on the spot to escape from the wolf's claws.


Kakashi realized that his seal speed couldn't keep up with the snow wolf's speed, so he could only draw out the white blade again. At the same time, he adjusted his emotions and gradually calmed down.


The snow wolf roared triumphantly, approached frantically, opened its mouth and bit Kakashi's head fiercely.


As a result, the mouthfeel made it very confusing, with a smell of sawdust.


Snow Wolf spat out what was in his mouth, and it turned out to be a big piece of wood.

Extremely puzzled, a sharp stabbing pain suddenly came from his neck.

It was Kakashi who successfully launched a counterattack with a stand-in technique and stabbed Snow Wolf in the neck.

It's a pity that the snow wolf's whole body is covered with thick wolf fur, layer upon layer. These wolf fur not only keep warm, but also are extremely tough. It is the "armor" of the snow wolf.


The snow wolf roared, as if irritated, its thick tail was like a huge whisk, and it swept towards Kakashi viciously.

Kakashi kept his balance in the air, and immediately escaped with a teleportation technique.

The snow wolf's nose twitched, and immediately chased it up. Its huge figure jumped high and slammed down ferociously.

Kakashi dodged again, trying to repeat the old plan, but Snow Wolf was already on guard, and the tail behind his **** swept wildly like a radar, preventing Kakashi from getting close at all.

"Hoo hoo!"

Kakashi was panting, and his physical strength was already a little behind.

He glanced to the side, Fenghuo's shadow clone was still sitting by the fire, and he saw that Fenghuo himself was teasing the snow wolf, yes, teasing!

"Fire Escape - The Art of the Impatiens Flower!"

The sealing speed of the sealing fire was so fast that Kakashi couldn't see it clearly, and then he saw flames falling like impatiens. The snow wolf twisted its figure in the snow to avoid these flames. The posture is quite awkward, and if you look closely, it looks like it is dancing, like a clown.

The snow wolf was furious, and took the opportunity to madly kill Fenghuo, but the latter did not dodge or dodge, exuding a powerful aura around him, and the skin on his body gave off a strange color as if he had been steamed, and then he crashed into the air, like a wolf The butterflies danced in the air, and the snow wolf was nimble, but he couldn't fly into the sky. Under Fenghuo's violent air attack, he was beaten up and screamed, and soon his nose was blue and his eyes were swollen, and the wolf's head was swollen.

Kakashi couldn't help being discouraged for a while: too powerful.


Kakashi was distracted again, the snow wolf opposite him seized the opportunity and rushed towards him frantically.

Kakashi's face changed, and it was too late to seal the seal.

At the very moment, the shadow clone sitting next to him and reading a book finally moved.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Fenghuo's shadow clone formed seals as fast as the main body, and in less than two seconds, a huge fireball spewed out, slamming into Snow Wolf's waist fiercely, blowing it up.

Sparks flashed in the air, flames gushed out, and the howling of the snow wolf resounded through the silent world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Inside the tent, Namikaze Minato and the others yawned and lay down again.

"I didn't expect Fenghuo to have grown to this extent." Yamanaka Haiyi chirped in amazement.

Shikahisa Nara pondered and said, "He already has the strength of an elite Chunin, what a genius."

But soon, he felt something was wrong again, because sealing the fire and sharing sharing eyes were useless. If adding writing sharingan, the strength should be two points stronger. From this point of view, it should be at the level of a special ninja .

Namikaze Minato put his hands behind his head, thinking about the Heliwan and Chidori developed by Fenghuo, he couldn't help laughing and said: "This fellow Fenghuo's future achievements are limitless, I'm looking forward to it!"

"Minato, Kakashi's state seems to be a bit wrong, you have to pay attention." Nara Shikahisa said suddenly.

"Ah, I've talked to him before, I believe he can adjust himself!" Namikaze Minato showed a bright smile, "Because, he is a genius!https://)

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