Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 81: impart 0 bird

Outside the tent, Fenghuo had already taken over the battle. The body technique of the main body and the fire escape ninjutsu of the shadow clone oppressed the two snow wolves back again and again, completely powerless for a fight.

Kakashi on one side was shocked by the skillful control shown by Fenghuo. He is also a Chunin, why is there such a big gap?

"Whirlwind of leaves!"


Kicking the snow wolf away again, Feng Huo also felt a little tired, after all, the eight-door dunjia is a forbidden technique, even if it is only opened to three doors, it will cause a great burden on the body after a long time.

"Then it's over!"

chirp chirp chirp chirp!

The seal was sealed instantly after the fire was sealed, and a large amount of Chakra in the body poured into the right hand, emitting endless thunder light, and the thunder light burst, as if thousands of birds were chirping, piercing and eye-catching.

"Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Fenghuo tapped his toes, his figure turned into an afterimage, piercing the air, and Chidori in his right hand sang wildly, exuding a sense of rage.


The snow wolf had already been beaten out of its psychological shadow. Seeing Fenghuo's posture, it dared not linger. It turned around and wanted to run, but its speed at this time could not be compared with Fenghuo's activating Chidori.

In the next moment, the thunder light pierced the snow wolf's tough hair without hindrance, and then a large amount of lightning rushed into its body, wantonly destroying its internal organs. In just a few breaths, it closed its eyes and died completely.


Seeing this scene, the other snow wolf's eyes turned red, and it frantically launched an offensive towards Fenghuo's shadow clone.

"Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Fenghuo's shadow clone also activated Chidori, piercing it completely!

It's not the first time Kakashi saw Fenghuo use Thunder Dun-Chidori, but for some reason, every time he sees this ninjutsu, he always has a strange feeling in his heart, that is, he thinks that Chidori is destined for him, but thinking carefully But it didn't make any sense, after all, he had never seen this thunder escape ninjutsu before.

At this time, the two snow wolves had been completely killed. Hot blood flowed from their wounds, but when they touched the icy and snowy ground outside, they were quickly frozen and turned into blood crystals, shining coquettishly under the moonlight.

The shadow clone of Fenghuo calmly returned to the fire and continued to learn the sealing technique.

Feng Huo took out a knife and gestured to peel off the skins of the two snow wolves.



Brother Chao Lunwu hovered and landed from the sky, but they didn't dare to land on the snow wolves, even if they were dead, their prestige would still be there.

"Fenghuo, thank you." Kakashi came over to thank him, because he had the chicken soup poured by Namikaze Minato, so he was in good condition, at least he was not beaten so hard that he couldn't hold his head up.

"Don't stand still, quickly help me peel off the wolf skin." Feng Huo said.

It's too cold here, once the snow wolf dies, its body temperature will drop extremely quickly, and its flesh and blood will be frozen into 'ice cubes' in a short time, so it must be skinned before its body cools down!

Kakashi was taken aback, then smiled and came over to help.

The two of them, each with a head, quickly peeled off the wolf's skin.

The cold wind howled, blowing away the smell of blood here, and completely froze the two snow wolves, connecting them with the snow.

"What a big wolf skin." Feng Huo squeaked in amazement, then washed the wolf skin up and down with snow to remove the smell, and then cut off a piece of wolf skin to make a simple 'coat'.

It is said to be a coat, but it is actually similar to a blanket. When it is draped over the body, the hands and feet can be wrapped in it, and only one head is exposed.

With the coat on, the cold outside seemed to be fading away, and a warmth gushed out from the depths of his body.


Feng Huo took a deep breath, feeling warm all over.

Kakashi watched from the side, and then made a 'coat' to put on his body in a decent manner.

"This snow wolf fur is really warm." Kakashi exclaimed.

Feng Huo said: "Let them do the rest by themselves tomorrow."

As he spoke, he walked up to the snow wolf's corpse, intending to cut a piece of wolf meat and roast it to fill his stomach, but unfortunately it was completely frozen, and he slapped it with the back of the knife, making a hard echo.


The wolf corpse was frozen, and the Chaolun Wu Xueying brothers landed on it with pride, Gu Panjian was very proud.

"Fenghuo, did Minato-sensei teach you the Raidun Ninjutsu just now?" Kakashi struggled a lot, and finally couldn't help asking.

Feng Huo showed a strange expression: "Chidori? No, this is my own Lightning Ninjutsu."

If Kakashi has also read the original, I am afraid he will have to vomit blood.

Feng Huo looked at him with a smile: "I remember that there is thunder in your chakra attribute, do you want to learn it?"

"What did you say? You..." Kakashi's eyes widened. A ninjutsu like Chidori is very powerful. Generally, ninjas who develop such ninjutsu must treasure it, and even if they want to pass it on, they will only pass it on to themselves. Disciples or relatives, how can they pass it on to others so generously?

"Are you really willing to teach me?" Kakashi gasped for breath.

Feng Huo showed a slight smile, he didn't intend to cherish his broom, after all, Chidori belonged to Kakashi, and to upgrade Chidori to Raikiri, he still needed to borrow Kakashi's 'genius'.

"Of course, although I have developed Chidori, this technique also has many shortcomings. If you can improve it, remember to let me learn it."

Kakashi didn't know the way to seal the fire. When he heard such a good thing, he nodded at that time: "I promise you!"

Feng Huo immediately taught Chidori by precept and example.

Kakashi is worthy of the name of a genius, it only took less than half an hour to master Chidori, and he was able to use Chidori proficiently after an hour!

"Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Kakashi excitedly ran back and forth in the snow valley, poking a dozen holes in the two frozen wolf corpses!

At this time, the sky gradually brightened.

Namikaze Minato and the others finally got out of the tent, one or two of them had dark circles under their eyes.

Obviously, the battle last night and the noise made by Kakashi practicing Chidori made them not sleep well.

"Good job, fire off, Kakashi." Namikaze Minato yawned, wiped the corners of his eyes, and was still a little sleepy.

Then they saw the frozen wolf corpse, they were not surprised at all, what surprised them was the wolf fur coat on Fenghuo and Kakashi, the fluffy snow wolf fur~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just looking at it gives me warmth.

"Fenghuo, you are a real guy, why don't you make one for each of us." Nara Shikahisa was very distressed. Making this kind of coat is actually very simple, but who made him lazy.

Feng Huo had a sad expression on his face: "The vigil is already very hard, and you have to hunt snow wolves again. You still want to exploit me like this. I'm still a child!"

Shikahisa Nara and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking it made sense, but were speechless for a moment.

"In fact, last night was a test for you. The path of the ninja is very dangerous. In the future, you will encounter countless nights like this, and even more dangerous. So, don't blame us." Namakaze Minato smiled gently.

"Minato-sensei, we won't blame you!" Kakashi said, although he had been tossing all night, his eyes were bright and he didn't feel tired at all.

Namikaze Minato smiled and resorted to head-touching kills.

Fenghuo taught Chidori, and they naturally know that Namikaze Minato, as Fenghuo's friend and Kakashi's guide Jonin, is naturally very pleased to see such a picture. (https://)

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