Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 82: 1 **** debt

After climbing over one snow mountain after another, after seven days, Feng Huo and the others still found nothing.

Younv Zhiwei's face was not very good-looking: "Is that kind of bug really just a rumor?"

After a rough calculation, they have been away from the village for nearly three months, and it is almost time to return to the village.

"Zhiwei, don't be too sad, you should understand that even if we find that kind of bug, it is impossible to bring it back to the village." Namikaze Minato persuaded, "They can't adapt to the climate of the Land of Fire."

Shikahisa Nara put his hands on the back of his head and sighed weakly: "So what have we been doing these days?"

"Don't forget there are Chao Rondo Brothers, we need to find a home for them." Namikaze Minato pointed at the two snow eagles flying in the air.

Nara Shikahisa said: "They are still too young to make their home deep in the snow mountain. I think the outermost snow mountain is good. Let's clean up the powerful creatures nearby."

"Zhiwei." Everyone looked at Zhiwei, a silent oil girl.

"If I can't find it, it just means that that kind of bug is not destined for me. Let's go." Younu Zhiwei said in a low voice.

Feng Huo looked up to the north, showing regret: "I still want to go further north."

He really wanted to know if there was a North Pole in the Naruto World. If the Naruto World was on the same planet, then behind the North Pole was the Land of Water where Mist Yin was located?

Yamanakahi smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's an endless snow mountain, there's nothing to see."

Feng Huo glanced at him with a bit of distaste: Xia Chong is beyond words.

A group of people turned around and rushed back, and successfully arrived at the outermost snow mountain.

"This will be your home from now on!"

Fenghuo built a 'bird's nest' for them on the top of this snow peak, put a lot of hay and roasted dried meat in it, and then told them carefully, when hunting, they should pick soft persimmons and pinch them. Run when you can't beat it, don't rush forward foolishly.

After talking a lot, Feng Huo realized that he was really reluctant to part with them.

Namikaze Minato and the others raided around Xuefeng, and killed all those who threatened the Xueying brothers. As for the little snow leopards and little snow bears, they would stay and wait for the Xueying brothers to grow up and hunt them down.

After tossing for a long time, they finally finished and were ready to leave.



The two snow eagles also seemed to know that parting was imminent, hovering low above their heads, screaming sadly.

"Okay, let's go to the new home." Feng Huo shouted.

Namakaze Minato waved his hand and said, "Chao Rondo 3rd Form and 2nd Form, come on!"



Two snow eagles fluttered their wings and flew high, and the cries of the eagles resounded through the sky.

"Then, it's time for us to return to the village!" Nara Shikahisa said.

"Maybe Tsunade-sama can't wait any longer?" Yamanaka Kai said with a smile.

Feng Huo frowned, and said anxiously: "Do you have any money with you?"

"Ah? Money? Indeed, but not much, Feng Huo, are you short of money?" Namikaze Minato asked in surprise.

Feng Huo said: "No, it's not me, but a certain legendary fat sheep."

They entered the snow mountain for half a month, how could Tsunade wait for them quietly in Fengxue Town? If you don't gamble, you will definitely not give up.

Big Sheep?

Could it be? !

Namikaze Minato and the others had obviously heard of Tsunade's nickname, they looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Don't look at me, I only bring bugs with me when I go out." Younu Zhiwei was the first to shake her head.

Yamanaka Hai said, "Me too."

"You brought bugs too?" You Nu Zhi made up his mind.

"I mean I didn't bring any money!" Kaiichi Yamanaka explained.

Nara Shika nodded hurriedly: "Me too."

"Why does Tsunade-sama have such a hobby?" Namikaze Minato showed distress.

I really don't understand.

"It should be learned from her grandfather." Nara Shikahisa showed a thoughtful look.

"Her grandfather? Could it be that the first generation of adults also..." Namikaze Minato asked in surprise.

Nara Shikahisa nodded: "That's right, the first-generation adults also like this...sport very much."

"So it's genetic." Minato Namikaze nodded.

Beside him, Kakashi looked confused: "Minato-sensei, Nara-senpai, what are you talking about?"

They looked at each other, not knowing what to say to him.

A few days later, they returned to Fengxue Town, found Qiudao Dingzuo at the hotel, and found that he had lost a lot of weight.

Fatty Qiu burst into tears when he saw them come back: "Whoa, Lujiu, Haiyi, Minato, Zhiwei, you are finally back, I'm starving to death!"

"So, it really happened?" Nara Shikajiu clutched his forehead.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo nodded aggrievedly, expressing that his money was taken away by Tsunade. The money for living and food these days was all on credit, and he already owed a whole lot of debt. Fatty Qiu also solemnly stated that he had spent several I haven't eaten delicious meat in days.

Then when he saw Feng Huo, he rushed forward: "Fu Feng, give me a barbecue, I'm hungry, I'm hungry."

At this time, Obito, Kureni Yuhi, Lin, and Asma who heard the movement also came out.

"Fenghuo, you're back." Xi Hihong happily ran over and circled around Fenghuo.

Obito ran to Namikaze Minato and complained: "Minato-sensei, Tsunade-senpai really went too far, and lost all our money."

"Hey, we've already guessed, where is she now?" Namikaze Minato touched his pocket, he didn't have much money, he was worried.

"At Fengxue Casino." Obito yelled, "Minister Minato, go and stop her."

Feng Huo snorted, "I think we'd better take advantage of her not coming back and run away."

"I can't pretend I didn't hear that!" Tsunade's cold voice suddenly rushed in from outside the hotel along with the wind and snow.

But Tsunade, who lost everything again, came back early.

"Haha, Tsunade-senpai, I'm just joking."

"Hey, Minato, Shikaku, Haiichi, Zhiwei, and you brat, take out all your money, I want to win back all the money I lose!" Tsunade became addicted to gambling, and put everything else aside.

"Tsunate-senpai, it's time for us to go back to the village." Nara Shikahisa said awkwardly, "And I didn't bring any money when I went out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yamanaka Hai hurriedly said: "Tsunate-senpai, I didn't bring any money either. "

Younvzhi shrugged slightly: "No money."

Tsunade stared at Minato Namikaze angrily.

The latter hesitantly took out a handful of money from his pocket: "This is all I have left, Gang..."

Before he finished speaking, Tsunade had already snatched the money, grabbed Fenghuo, and ran away to the casino.

"Tsunade-sensei, seal the fire." Kureni Yuhi panicked.

"Damn it, my barbecue!" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo also yelled anxiously.

"So, what should we do now?" Kaiichi Yamanaka spread his hands, rather helpless.

"Let's pay back the money owed first." Nara Shikahisa looked at Namikaze Minato, "It should be enough to sell that wolf skin. As for the gambling shop, there is a fire seal, so it shouldn't be a big problem. So, Leave a mark and we'll wait for them outside of town." (https://)

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