Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 83: Do you dare to play 0? !

In Fengxue Casino, a group of people surrounded Tsunade and Fenghuo, with weird smiles on their faces and malicious eyes.

"Tsunade, hurry up, you can't afford to lose, right?"

"We can still lend you money if we lose all."

"Our interest is very cheap, don't worry."

"I believe your bad luck has come to an end, you will definitely win the next round, hehehe."

Tsunade likes to gamble. No matter where she goes, she carries a lot of money with her. This trip from Konoha to Snow Country took two full months. Her gambling addiction has already collapsed to the limit. Unable to restrain himself any longer, he fell into the gambling house and never got up again.

For more than half a month, she not only lost all her own money, but also lost all the money of Qiudao Dingzuo, Yuhihong, Asma and others, and also owed hundreds of thousands of taels to the gambling house. debt.

"Don't think about running away without paying back the money, our casino is covered by ninjas!" A small boss of the casino stood behind Tsunade and Fenghuo, warning coldly.

Tsunade squinted his eyes, and stuffed the money in his hand into Fenghuo's arms: "Little devil, I am optimistic about you!"

your sister!

Feng Huo had a bitter face, but luckily this kind of thing didn't happen once or twice, he was already used to it.

"Habits are really scary." Feng Huo muttered, then asked about the rules, and started placing bets.

It's still the old rule, ask Tsunade's intuition first, and then press on the opposite side, saving worry and effort.

But this time, something went wrong.

The man who opened the village narrowed his eyes, thinking that this brat was a bit interesting, and he won the bet, but, hehe.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he swayed his wrist slightly, but the results were quite different.

How many times in a row, no matter which side the fire is on, there is only one ending, and that is to lose!

Feng Huo had a feeling in his heart, looked to the side, and found that Tsunade's face was already ugly.

He leaned over and asked softly, "Hey, are they cheating?"

Tsunade nodded, then slapped the gambling table hard, and roared: "You dare to pay a thousand!"

"Bastard!" The man in the dealer roared angrily, "If you can't afford to lose, you dare to slander our gambling shop, Tsunade, don't you want to pay back the money!"

"Repay the money!"

"That's right, don't blame us for being rude if you can't pay back the money!"

"We have already sent people to monitor your companions, if you can't pay back the money, don't blame us for being rough, hehehe."

Furious, Tsunade slapped the gaming table hard again.


The strange force erupted, and the gambling table was immediately torn apart, and the broken wood and sawdust swept in all directions. At that time, a few unlucky ghosts were hit and bloody.

"Damn it, you dare to smash our gambling house, arrest it!"

"I'm hurt! I'm hurt! Damn it, kill them!"

When the other guests in the casino heard the movement, they all looked over curiously, with playful expressions on their faces.

"Someone is making trouble in the casino?"

"It's so naive, this is the ninja-sama's gambling shop, whoever makes trouble will die."

"Dare to come to the gambling house if you can't afford it, you deserve it, hehehe."

At this time, Tsunade, who wanted to criticize and educate them, saw the blood, and suddenly became phobic.

When the gamblers saw this scene, they thought she was frightened by the name of the ninja, and couldn't help laughing heartily.

The thugs in the casino have completely surrounded Tsunade and Fenghuo, all holding swords in their hands, with cruel sneers on their faces.

"Hey, what a mess." Feng Huo looked around, the big cat and the little fish didn't even have the desire to make a move, so he directly summoned shadow clones and asked him to get rid of these people.

"No, he's a ninja, hurry up and call Master Langya!"

Those thugs wanted to say something, but the shadow clone of Fenghuo had already started.

"Whirlwind of leaves!"



With one kick, he kicked three or five thugs into the air, and the shadow clone rushed up like a tiger into a flock of sheep, without any rest at all, and beat and sang all of them in three minutes.

Seeing this scene, those gamblers seemed to realize what was going to happen next, so they didn't dare to linger, and all ran out in a hurry.

"Let's go too."

Feng Huo and his shadow clone supported Tsunade and walked towards the casino.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a black gambling house that cheated me of so much money!" Although Tsunade was trembling, his mouth was still firm.

"I think they didn't pay you a thousand dollars when they won your money." Feng Huo added insult to injury.

"What do you mean, kid?!" Tsunade said angrily.

Feng Huo hurriedly shut up, not daring to tell the truth.

Leaving the casino, sealing the fire and putting away the shadow clone, Tsunade gradually returned to normal.

"Sure enough, I still can't swallow this breath!"

Tsunade suddenly turned around and walked to the door of the gambling house. Under the terrified eyes of the gamblers who ran out from all around, he raised his right foot slightly.

Feng Huo was startled and hurried away.

"Heaven guards the feet!"

Tsunade fell with one foot, and the ground under the gambling house was torn apart by strange force, revealing a huge crack. The gambling house above could not survive, split in two, and finally collapsed completely.

The pitiful howls of those unlucky ghosts came from the gambling house, and spread far and wide.

Those gamblers were too frightened to find North, and dispersed in droves.

Tsunade clapped his hands, showing joy, and turned to leave.

But a young Sao Nian suddenly fell from the sky and stopped in front of her.

"How dare you destroy my gambling house?!" That Sao was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with dark eyes, staring at Tsunade coldly, with a murderous intent.

"Are you the boss of this black gambling house?" Tsunade stretched out his hand, "Return the money I lied to before!"

Feng Huo also stepped forward, quietly looking at this young man.

He was very young, but he was full of arrogance, his eyes were evil, and there seemed to be ice crystals floating slowly around his body.

'Ice Shield? Snow Ninja? ! '

Fenghuo's heart skipped a beat.

In the big ninja world, apart from the Minazuki clan in Kirigakure Village, the only one who masters the ice shield is the Yukino of the Snow Country.

This kind of blood inheritance boundary is very powerful and weird, and Feng Huo dare not underestimate it.

Na Sao Nian's eyes swept back and forth between Tsunade and Fenghuo, especially the ninja forehead guards they wore, which was a little strange, and sneered, "You two are not from the Snow Country."

Tsunade said impatiently: "You still haven't paid back the money!"

Seal the fire and cover your head, dear mother, you said that if you don’t suffer from hemophobia, it’s fine to be so frightened, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com But…

"Stop the fire, teach me a lesson!"

Tsunade's words interrupted Fenghuo's complaints deep in his heart.

"Hey, hey." Feng Huo knew it was so, he sighed, went up to Xue Ren, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Spike Avalanche!" Na Sao Nian said in a low voice.

The name was familiar, and Fenghuo didn't care, and said: "Konoha, Uchiha Fenghuo!"

Langya Xuebing's eyes widened violently, but his pupils shrank rapidly.


Although the Snow Country is remote, the prestige of Uchiha and the power of Sharingan still spread here.

Spike Avalanche's expression was a bit unsightly.

‘Why did Konoha’s ninja appear here! ’(https://)

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