Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Linen fall~~~

"Konoha's ninjas are really infuriating, what do you think this is?!"

The sound of wolf teeth avalanche came from behind, and he actually sat on the back of an ice wolf, laughing wildly.

Blocked by Crane Wing Fuxue and Winter Bear Freezing Rain, Langya Avalanche's ice shield ninjutsu named after himself finally caught up.

The violent snow and the ice wolf merged together and crushed down frantically.

"Go to hell, hahahaha!"

"It's too early to be happy." Nara Shikahisa looked back at him contemptuously.

At this time, Tsunade, who was running at the forefront, had already stopped, put down Kurenai Yuhi and Lin, and turned around to run back.

"Tsunade-sensei." Kurenu Yuhi jumped in shock.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Younv Zhiwei caught up with them, grabbed them and continued running.

"Strange power! Tianshou feet!!"

Tsunade's roar instantly overwhelmed the sound of Xuebengshan's whistling tsunami.


With Tsunade as the center, a huge glacier fissure cracked open, splitting towards both sides at an extremely fast speed, and the earth sank like tofu.


Spike Avalanche was startled, and hurriedly manipulated the ice wolf to dodge to the side, but it was too late, the speed of Xue Beng was too fast, and there were too many ice wolves around, it was impossible to escape.

Spike Avalanche can only bite the bullet and control the ice wolf to leap high.


Countless piles of snow poured directly into the cracks, and it took a while to fill up the cracks, but in this way, the power of the avalanche finally subsided, and only the dozens of huge ice wolves crossed the cracks and continued to charge.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

Fenghuo dropped a small fireball in the air, which instantly burned into a sea of ​​flames, encircling the ice wolves. Under the high temperature, the ice wolves began to melt without any suspense.

"Damn it!" He Yi Chuixue rushed to rescue Spike Avalanche who was caught in the flames, "Ice Shield-Ice and Snow!"

Countless ice crystals poured into the sea of ​​fire in all directions, slowly suppressing the sea of ​​fire.

In the middle of the sea of ​​flames, Spike Fang Xuebing stuffed himself into the body of the ice wolf at the moment of the fire, and finally escaped.


After breaking through the ice wolf that had already melted into disfigurement, Langya Xuebing's face was already very pale.

The ninjutsu that he was proud of was broken, and he didn't have an advantage in numbers, so he already had the intention of retreating.

In the air, Fenghuo landed slowly, closed the eight doors of the armor, and his body convulsed.

Using Bamen Dunjia continuously today, my body can't take it anymore.

But fortunately, he has nothing to do here.

Namikaze Minato, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Yume Shiwei also stopped and put Obito and the others down.

When they got together, Langya Xuebeng and the others turned paler.

It was nothing to look at from a distance before, but looking up close, these one and two are full of Jonin aura.

Jonin is definitely a super powerful existence in the Snow Country, and the three of them may not be able to beat one of them together.

"Hehe, Master Konoha, this is actually a misunderstanding." Crane Wing Fubuki rubbed her long pink hair, and walked over quite charmingly, but the smile on her face was a little stiff.

Facing Jonin and losing their geographical advantage, they have no chance at all.

If you should admit it, you have to admit it.

Dongxiong Dongyu immediately blamed him: "Spike Avalanche, this guy forced me to come, Master Konoha, please let me go!"

Langya Xuebeng's face turned into a pig's liver, and he stared at them angrily.

"You two guys!"

At this moment, the three of them suddenly activated the ninjutsu they had secretly prepared.

"Ice Shield - Moby Dick!"

"Ice Shield - The Art of Ice Prison!"

"Ice Shield - Yan Chuixue!"

At the same time, the three of them controlled Bingxue to turn into an ice wolf, and ran back after riding on it.

"Dayu Kuangfeng Spiral Pill!" Namikaze Minato stepped forward, and the huge Fudun Spiral Pill rushed away violently, directly colliding with the huge ice whale, ice spear, and iceberg.



Countless violent airflows swept out from the center of the explosion, even creating cracks in the snow, as if cutting with a sword.

The three members of Langya Avalanche also lost their balance in the strong wind and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Shadow imitation technique!"

Shikahisa Nara used a secret technique to instantly control the three of them.

"Asma, Obito, tie them up!"


"Leave it to us, haha!"

Asma and Obito ran over and **** the immobile three with cowhide bands.

Yamanaka Hai showed a grotesque smile, and Fenghuo in the distance saw goose bumps.

"Damn it, let us go, you guys want to start a war!" Crane Wing Chuuxue stared, defiantly.

"The ninjas of Xueren Village will not let you intruders go!" Dong Xiong Dongyu threatened in a low voice, "I advise you to run for your lives!"

Only Spike Avalanche looked at them with a tense face.

"Haiichi, I'll leave the rest to you." Nara Shikahisa stood aside with his arms crossed, and said with a smile, "I hope to get precious information about the Snow Country from them."

Yamanaka Kaiichi was not polite, and directly probed Tsurue Fubuki's brain with the mysterious technique, and searched for memories about the Snow Country and Xueren Village.

Seeing Wolf Fang Avalanche and Winter Bear Freezing Rain, his hair stood up and his whole body trembled.

Directly search the memory in the brain? Then all their secrets are not going to be exposed directly? It was horrible, completely beyond their imagination.

Half the salary, Yamanaka Kaiichi opened his eyes, with a smile on his face: "It's really an interesting Ninja Village, haha."

Then he came to Dongxiong Dongyu.

Dongxiong Dongyu hurriedly turned his head to look at Crane Wing Chuuxue, seeing her eyes rolled white and mouth foaming, she was frightened, her teeth chattered and couldn't fit together.

"Devil, stop, don't, flax falls~~~"

Dongxiong Dongyu's screams did not arouse Yamanaka Kaiichi's sympathy, and soon his memory was also searched.

In the end, only Spike Avalanche remained.

"Kill me, or you will regret it, I swear, I swear!!"

Spike Avalanche's eyes are red~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The cold eyes moved away from Haiyi Yamanaka, Namikaze Minato, Yume Shiwei, Nara Shikahisa, Tsunade, and then Fenghuo, Kakashi, one by one Looking down, full of killing intent.

"Don't worry, it's just to check your memory, it's not a big deal." Haiyi Yamanaka squatted down with a smile, and used the spirit magic on him.

Feng Huo walked to Namikaze Minato and asked, "So, what are you going to do with them?"

Namakaze Minato said with a smile: "There is no need to form a deadly enmity with Xue Nin Village in the Snow Country because of some misunderstandings. This is not Konoha's style."

"Let them go?" Feng Huo understood.

Namikaze Minato looked at Kaiichi Yamanaka and said, "It depends on the results of the memory search, if they are not heinous villains."

It's really full of morals.

Feng Huo looked down, and felt that his moral integrity must have fallen all over the floor. (https://)

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