Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 87: Konan

The result of the search is naturally love and peace. After all, the Snow Country is too remote, and because of the unique climate, there are very few outsiders here. This aspect makes Xue Ren's status extremely respectable. When ordinary people see them, they either flatter or Pick up the soap, so they haven't done particularly nasty deeds.

Of course, they also killed many people, but that was a hired task, and in Yamanaka Kaiichi's view, it was not enough to sentence them to death.

"So, did you really let them go?" Feng Huo was a little displeased.

"Let's go and seal the fire, there's no need to destroy the relationship between Konoha and Snow Country just because of these small characters." Namikaze Minato said.

"But they were going to kill us just now." Feng Huo couldn't get over this hurdle.

Obito, Asma, Kakashi and others are on his side. They are all 'novices' who have not been educated in the ninja world. Faith, naturally he doesn't want to let these three villains go just like that!

However, in the end even Tsunade stood up, focusing on the overall situation, thinking that the three of them should be let go.

Feng Huo and the others had no choice but to give up.

Then, Feng Huo's eyes suddenly lit up.

As the saying goes, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped. If you can't kill them, you can always leave some marks.

Fenghuo immediately sealed the chakra in their bodies with the five-element sealing technique of 'gold, wood, water, fire, and earth'!

Because it is the first "human experiment" in the true sense, Fenghuo is a little nervous. After seven or eight experiments on Langya Xuebing, he finally succeeded in sealing all the chakra in his whole body in an acupuncture point very close to his lower body. .

That's right, that's how willful it is!

If Langya Avalanche unblocks rashly, the end will be extremely beautiful!

Then he sealed the Chakra of Winter Bear Freezing Rain in the same acupuncture point with the Five Elements Sealing Technique.

The last one remaining, Crane Wing Chuuxue, is a woman with no lower body, but this is not a problem for Feng Huo, the one sealed on the right.

Thinking about it is really a little exciting.

Then Fenghuo discovered that Namikaze Minato, Tsunade and others looked at him very strangely.

"Cough! Don't look at me like that, I'll be embarrassed."

"Little devil, I can't see that you are quite ruthless!" Tsunade punched him on the head bluntly.

Nara Shikahisa smiled wryly, "It seems that I can't offend you in the future."

They are all jounin, although the fire sealing is done covertly, but they can't escape their perception.

Younv Zhiwei even tightened her legs slightly without showing any signs.

Yu Hihong and Lin looked at it ignorantly, knowing nothing.

"Who told them to chase us down?" Feng Huo argued, "And you all agreed."

"Then, let's leave the Snow Country as well." Nara Shikahisa said with a wry smile.

Everyone set off again, and then found that something was wrong.

"Why does it feel like there is one person missing?" Tsunade folded his hands on his chest, looking thoughtful.

Feng Huo hurriedly reminded: "Fatty Qiu was kicked by you and hasn't come back yet!"

The corners of Tsunade's eyes twitched, a little bit embarrassed.

Half an hour after sealing the fire and they left, a group of carriages passed by and found the three of them.

"My lord, it's Spike Avalanche, Crane Wing Fuxue, and Winter Bear Freezing Rain in Snow Ninja!"

In the carriage, a man dressed in a gorgeous robe came out, with an aristocratic look on his face, full of domineering aura.

"Xue Ren? Hehe, take them away." The man smiled lowly, "The Chakra armor I developed just needs someone to test it!"

After Feng Huo and the others successfully found Qiudao Dingzuo, they stopped staying and quickly left the Snow Country, then returned along the way they came from.

Without the convoy to be guarded, a group of people crossed mountains and ridges, crossed rivers and lakes, completely ignoring the terrain, all the way east.

The country of ghosts, the country of bears, the country of birds, and finally came to the country of rain!


Wandering, heavy rain covers the sky and the sun, and it is a world of water as far as the eye can see.

After sealing the fire, they slowed down their journey when they entered here.

There is an old pervert in the Land of Rain, known as the ninja demigod Sansho Hanzo, they dare not run amok.

A few days later, they arrived outside a town in the Land of Rain.

"Zhiwei, go and collect information." Nara Shikahisa said, "Be careful."

"I see."

After leaving the Snow Country, Younv Zhiwei's worms were revived with full blood, living and multiplying crazily in his body, and the snow worms brought out from the Snow Country, without accident, all died of heat.

He drove a few compound-eyed insects to fly towards the town, while he followed leisurely and cautiously.

"It's been three months since I left the village, and I don't know what's going on now." Nara Shikahisa frowned, even with his IQ, he didn't dare to guess at this time.

After careful calculation by Feng Huo, it has been 42 years since Konoha, and the third war in the ninja world is imminent!

The real test of life and death is about to come.

"Huh? Who is it?!"

Namikaze Minato frowned, and suddenly ran towards the dense forest on the left.

"Screw pill!"

"Paper shield!" A clearing voice came from the dense forest.

Then the dense pieces of paper gathered there and turned into a shield, which collided head-on with the spiral pill.


Confetti flew around, and the Helix Pill continued unabated, bombarding the people in the shadows.


Countless pieces of paper were flying there, but no one was there.

"Paper shield? What a strange ninjutsu." Nara Shikahisa looked there with his arms crossed, his eyes flashed with thought.

At this moment, Fenghuo was stunned.

Rain Country, Paper Shield...

Is it Xiaonan?

I'll go, future boss!

Feng Huo's heart was pounding.

The big boss in the future is of course just a small role now.

Xiaonan's strength at this time was completely unable to compete with Namikaze Minato, and he was forced out of the dense forest by him after a while, showing a tall figure.

"Who are you?" Xiao Nan, with purple hair, remained calm in the face of danger, with a few pieces of paper floating around him, extremely cautious.

"Before asking someone else's background, it's better to talk about your own." Nara Shikahisa said lazily.

Xiao Nan frowned slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes swept towards Feng Huo and the others, and when he saw their forehead guards, he couldn't help staring: "Konoha's ninja?"

Nara Shikahisa looked Xiao Nan up and down, but did not find any useful information on her. He was about to test her out, but saw Xiao Nan coming over with an excited expression on his face.

"I'm Xiao Nan, how is Teacher Jiraiya?" Xiao Nan asked excitedly.

"Nani?" Namikaze Minato was the most surprised, "Do you know Jiraiya-sensei?"

Xiao Nan nodded repeatedly: "I am his student! I have practiced with him for three years!"

Nara Shikahisa looked at Minakaze Minato: "Minato, is it true?"

Namikaze Minato hesitated and shook his head: "I haven't heard from Jiraiya-sensei."

"You are also called Teacher Zi Lai Ye? Are you also his student?" Xiao Nan was very excited.

At this time, Tsunade on one side finally showed a strange expression: "You...you were an orphan on the battlefield?!https://)

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