Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 101: cause of war

The news that Hidden Sand Village declared war on Konoha spread throughout most of the ninja world in just half a day.

Wuyin Village, Yunyin Village, and Yanyin Village were all alarmed, and the third Mizukage, the third Raikage, and the third Tsuchikage sent ninjas to the Land of Rain to investigate specific information almost immediately.

Konoha Village Hokage Office, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Danzo, Koharu Mito, and Menyan Mito have held a high-level meeting to gather all the elders in the village to discuss the war in Hidden Sand Village.

"Since the Three Kazekages choose to wage war, we have no choice!"

"The war with Hidden Sand Village must end in the shortest possible time. Hidden Cloud Village has always liked to take advantage of the fire to rob. If we are in a stalemate with Hidden Sand Village, they will definitely attack us!"

"Yanyin Village and Wuyin Village should also be on guard!"

"Wuyin Village and us are separated by an ocean, I don't think there is any need to guard against them!"

"It is still necessary to send envoys to negotiate with Sha Yin Village to find out why they declared war!"

"Isn't this obvious? They are just jealous of our Konoha's strength, and want to defeat us and become the strongest one among the five great ninja villages!"

"Just kill as many sand ninjas as you want, hum!"

Looking at the group of elders who were discussing hotly below, Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt a little powerless for the first time.

‘War, has it come to Konoha again? '

He turned his head to look at Danzo next to him. He lowered his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and remained strangely silent. As a representative of the village hawk faction, his silence made Hiruzaru Sarutobi feel a little uncomfortable.

"Danzo, what do you think of the declaration of war in Hidden Sand Village this time?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked directly.

Danzo raised his eyelids and said in a low voice: "Among the five major countries, Hidden Sand Village is second only to us, but in terms of strength, there is still a gap with us. Dealing with Hidden Sand Village will not impose too heavy a burden on us. , so Ri Zhan, feel free to fight!"

After finishing speaking, Danzo narrowed his eyes again, but bad water surged in his stomach.

"Originally I wanted to kill Uchiha Fuho and take his eyes away when he returned to the village, but now that the war is coming, then, my chance has come, killing Fenghuo now, I have the greatest suspicion, and I am fighting for Hokage The position is unfavorable! '

‘If you want to draw a clear line with the Uchiha clan, you must not have too in-depth communication with them! '

'When Sand Yin Village declares war, it will inevitably be overwhelmed by a large army. It is impossible for the war to be resolved in a short time. Once it falls into a stalemate, Yun Yin Village will definitely take advantage of the fire and rob it! Although Kirigakure has not experienced the Second Ninja World War, it does not mean that Mizukage Mizukage has no ambitions! Tsuchikage Onoki of Yanyin Village is not a kind old man either, hehe, Hirizhan, how will you deal with all this, I am looking forward to it! '

Obviously, for the position of Hokage, Danzo has decided to stand by in this war. His roots will never appear on the battlefield!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought for a while, and soon heard Danzo's implication, feeling a little cold in his heart.

He looked down, and the elders were still discussing.

"For the war with Hidden Sand Village, you must not send people from the Uchiha and Hyuga clans!"

"That's right, after the decline of the Senshou Clan, their two clans are already the most powerful clan in Konoha. If they are allowed to make military exploits again, should they give up the position of Hokage?"

"People from the Uchiha clan still need to be treated with caution!"

"But these two clans have sharingan and supercilious eyes, especially the latter. There is no doubt about their role on the battlefield. If they are left idle in the village, it would be too arbitrary."

"It is appropriate to ask those who are separated from the Hinata family to go to the battlefield!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun leaned next to Sarutobi Hiruzen and said in a low voice: "Hizuki, what's wrong with you, are you not in good spirits?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi came back to his senses, took a deep breath on his cigarette, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just got absorbed in thinking about things."

Turning to bed Xiaochun said: "Don't worry, Shayin Village cannot shake the foundation of the village!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded: "I am very relieved that Shikahisa and Minato are in the Land of Rain."

What he is worried about are other ninja villages!

The five major countries check and balance each other. Once a war breaks out, it will definitely affect other countries. This is true of World War I and World War II!

When the war started, would Konoha still be able to stand still and sit firmly at the head of the five major powers?

Sand Hidden Village in the Land of Wind.

Advisor Chiyo stands on the sand building, and below are thousands of sand ninjas.

"As you can see, we have declared war on the most powerful Konoha. You are about to step on the battlefield and fight against the powerful Konoha ninja until you die. You must really want to know the reason, and I want Kazekage-sama to give you a satisfactory answer. explanation of why such an unwarranted war was waged."

Chiyo looked at Sand Shinobi below, and she saw such doubts on their faces.

"Yes, we want to know what this war is for?"

"Where's Fengying-sama?"

"Since the war has already started, why is there no Kazekage-sama?"

"That's right, we want an explanation, please come out, Kazekage-sama!"

"My father died in the last war. I didn't expect that I would also set foot on the battlefield!"

"Why doesn't Master Kazekage come out?"

The sand ninjas below are chattering, UU reading www. In an instant, uukanshu.com's chaotic voices formed a wave and swept towards Chiyo.

She seemed to feel the dissatisfaction, suspicion, and anxiety in their hearts, and she said solemnly: "Unfortunately, Master Kazekage is no longer able to give such an explanation!"


"Has something happened to Mr. Kazekage?"

"Could it be that Master Kazekage..."

"Impossible, Kazekage-sama is the strongest Kazekage who has mastered magnetic escape!"

Many sand ninjas showed uneasy expressions and looked at the Chiyo advisor on the sand building.

Chiyo stretched out his hand, signaled them to be quiet, and then said slowly, "Master Kazekage has disappeared!"

"What, missing? Could it be Konoha's ninja doing it?"

"That's right, it must be Konoha, only Konoha has the strength to kidnap our Kazekage-sama!"

"Damn it, war, only through war can Konoha know that our village is not easy to mess with!"

"Let them hand over Kazekage-sama!"

In an instant, Sand Shinobi was excited and furious!

"Military spirit is available!"

Under the Shalou, a group of people stood in a shadowy corner. They were all senior officials of Shayin Village, holding most of the interests of the village.

"This war, our hidden sand village will win!"

"The richness of the Land of Fire has been known for a long time, it's time to take a look."

For these people, the disappearance of the third Kazekage is just an excuse for them to launch a war. After all, there are so many ninjas in Hidden Sand Village, one of the third Kazekage is missing, and it is enough to recommend a fourth Kazekage, but war can Let them get greater benefits!

On this day, after declaring war, Hidden Sand Village sent more ninjas to the battlefield of the Land of Rain!

At the same time, the news of Sandai Kazekage's disappearance spread throughout the ninja world as soon as possible.

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