Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Namikaze Minato's Worries

The country of rain, Konoha ninja camp.

Shikahisa Nara, Minakame Minato, and Kaiichi Yamanaka all gathered here, and even Fenghuo was called over.

Everyone's faces were very serious.

"Sand Hidden Village has declared war on us, and the reason should be the disappearance of Sandai Kazekage!" Nara Shikahisa said with a serious face.

"As long as we can find Sandai Kazekage, can the war be stopped?" Namikaze Minato asked with a frown.

Nara Shikahisa shook his head: "The disappearance of Sandai Kazekage is just an excuse for them to launch a war. Even if Sandai Kazekage is found, this war cannot be stopped."

He looked around and said in a concentrated voice: "After the hidden sand village declares war, it will inevitably send a large number of ninjas into the country of rain, and this place will become a real battlefield. Destroy the strategic plan of sand ninja!"

"Shayin Village claims to be second only to our Konoha, and their strength must be very strong. It is not easy to defeat them in a short time." Yamanaka Kaiyi sighed, "Kajiu, I think we have to prepare for a protracted war .”

"If the war falls into a stalemate..." Nara Shikahisa frowned: "I'm worried that people from Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village will take advantage of the fire to rob them!"

"If you are fighting in the Land of Rain, you must also pay attention to the attitude of Urenin Village. Hanzo is not easy to mess with." Namikaze Minato also said.

Feng Huo stood aside and watched them discuss, but he kept recalling the plot of the Third World War in his heart.

After Sand Hidden Village declared war, Yan Hidden Village, Wu Hidden Village, and Yun Hidden Village successively declared war on Konoha, but he didn't know the specific time and order of the declaration of war, because there was no explanation in the original book, even the author Kishimoto probably It is also adding a section of Kanna Kunqiao Battle today, a section of Kikyo Mountain Battle tomorrow, and a three-tailed raid plan the day after tomorrow. In the middle, there will be a section of Maite Dai vs. Mist Ninja Knife. Although the scenes of Uchiha Madara, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fugaku, Qing, Uchiha Shisui, Yakushidou and others seem to be more and more exciting, even Kishimoto himself can't figure out the intricate situation, so In the end, it is impossible to describe in detail the course of the Third World War.

All the rumors circulated on the Internet are guessed by netizens themselves. Even Kishimoto can't tell which one is right and which one is wrong after reading it.

Feng Huo recalled for a long time, but he could only think of those battles that determined the victory and defeat. As for what happened in it, he might have to go through it himself.

"Fenghuo, Fenghuo? Why are you distracted?" Namikaze Minato patted Fenghuo on the shoulder and smiled wryly.

"Oh, it's nothing, it just feels a bit unreal." Feng Huo opened his eyes and said nonsense, his eyes were full of jokes, "I was playing leisurely a while ago, but I didn't expect to be standing on the battlefield now, alas."

Others felt the same way.

"By the way, Fenghuo, what did Konan from the Akatsuki organization say when he left?" Nara Shikahisa asked suddenly.

"What else can I say, I was fooled by me for a while, cough! Well, I told her a lot of reasons, and she deeply realized her own shortcomings, so she was very silent when she left." Feng Huo said with a dry smile.

Shikahisa Nara smiled wryly and shook his head: "Urenin Village, Akatsuki Organization, this battlefield is not peaceful."

"Do you need to win over Urenin Village?" Kaiichi Yamanaka asked.

Nara Shikahisa shook his head directly: "Impossible, Hanzo will not favor any side, otherwise even if the war ends, the Kingdom of Rain will not return to its previous peaceful state."

Afterwards, Nara Shikahisa murmured: "Haiichi, now you are in charge of perceiving the ninja class, and you must ensure that the camp is not infiltrated by sand ninjas. Minato, you are in charge of the mobile team, sweeping the sand ninjas near the camp, and collecting sand ninjas at the same time. The camp information, others are temporarily waiting in the camp."

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo was dissatisfied: "Lu Jiu, let's fight directly, those sand ninjas are not our opponents at all!"

Nara Shikahisa smiled bitterly: "Although we want to defeat them in a short period of time, war is not a child's play. We don't have any information about the Sand Ninja camp, and we don't know how many Jōnin and Zhongnin are there among the reinforcements sent by Sand Hidden Village. If we attack, it is easy to fall into an ambush."

"That's it." Qiu Dao Ding Zuo couldn't help lowering his chubby head when he heard this.

At this moment, the supplies escorted by Kakashi finally arrived at the camp.

Kakashi, Asma, and Shiranui Genma encountered a few groups of unsightly bandits on the road, delayed for a few days, and finally arrived here today.

Kai and Ebisu rushed out to welcome them out. After Hidden Sand Village declared war, they had been worried that Kakashi and others would be attacked by sand ninjas. Now that they arrived safely, they were finally relieved.

"Nani? Has Hidden Sand Village declared war?" Kakashi and the others were shocked from ear to ear when they heard the latest information.

Ebisu put his hands on his hips, and said with a cool face: "That's right, that's right, the information has arrived just before you, and I'm afraid the entire ninja world knows about it now."

Shiranuo Xuanjian held a thousand copies in his mouth, and asked: "Then what about us? Should we continue to **** supplies or go directly to the front line to participate in the battle?"

Yebisu was taken aback ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shouted: "Are you kidding me? How could we be eligible to enter the front line to participate in the war!"

"That's not necessarily true." Fenghuo's voice came from behind Ebisu, "I see that your bones are amazing, your face is thick, and you will become a great weapon in the future. The difficult task of saving Konoha can only fall on you , go to fight, Sao Nian!"

Ebisu trembling with fright: "Captain, don't scare me."

On the contrary, Kai looked at Feng Huo eagerly: "Feng Huo, are you telling the truth?"

Kakashi covered his head: "You two idiots, of course he is lying to you."

Feng Huo nodded, and then said solemnly: "However, if the battle is urgent, let alone us, I am afraid that even the students of the Ninja Academy will go to the battlefield!"

The few friends couldn't help but feel tense when they heard this.

"We won't let this happen!" Namikaze Minato's voice suddenly came out, and then the golden light flickered, and his figure appeared next to him, "Kakashi, you are a day late."

"I'm sorry Minato-sensei, I made you worry." Kakashi did not explain the bandit.

"The war has broken out, the demand for supplies will become greater and greater, and your tasks will become more difficult. Now, you go back to the village and pay attention to safety on the road." Bo Fengshuimen said.

Everyone nodded, then turned and left.

Shikahisa Nara walked out from the side and asked, "Are you worried about them?"

Namikaze Minato nodded: "The war has broken out, and the sand ninja will resort to various methods to cut off our supplies. It is normal. I am really worried about the situation in the village."

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama will take care of the village's problems. As for Sand Ninja, with us here, how could they pass us and enter the Land of Fire so easily?"

"I hope so."

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