Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 104: sunset red heart

After Fenghuo, Kakashi and the other six returned to Konoha Village, they immediately went to the Hokage Building to report to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and they happened to meet Kushina who lost his temper.

"Master Hokage is too much, Mikoto didn't allow me to visit for such a big production!"

Kushina's red hair fluttered around, staring viciously at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was smoking a pipe at the desk, the latter had a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Kushina, I'm afraid you'll disturb Mikoto Uchiha, after all, it was so late yesterday, and it's the same when I went to visit today, hehe."

Kushina started to smash the table when he got angry.

"Jiushinna, don't Xuegang tear down my office without moving your hands." Hiruza Sarutobi couldn't laugh or cry, and hurriedly ordered Fenghuo and others who had just entered to hold Jiushina.

Feng Huo was stunned at this moment.

Meiqin production?

Uchiha Itachi was born?

Feng Huo suddenly felt a strong wind and clouds flying in his heart. It seemed that the beginning of the plot was getting closer and closer.

After finally comforting Kushina, Hiruzaru Sarutobi hurriedly sent several Anbe ninjas to follow Kushina to Uchiha Fuyue's house to visit her best friend.

After that, Hiruzaru Sarutobi arranged the next work for Feng Huo and others.

"Sand Hidden Village has declared war. Next, our war with Sand Ninja will gradually escalate. The supply of war materials will become more and more important. The village will set up a supply team. The six of you will be members of this team from now on, responsible for delivering front-line supplies. , although you don’t need to go to the front line, don’t think that you can relax your vigilance, sand ninja may sneak into the land of fire and destroy supplies at any time, so you must pay attention to your own safety!”


The six people solemnly replied.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Asma, a little worry flashed in his eyes, and then he sighed: "The next batch of supplies will be assembled in three days, and the six of you will gather here. Now, let's disband."

Fenghuo and Kakashi left, but Asma stayed.

"Asuma, I still have work. Go home first, your mother is very worried about you." Hiruzaru Sarutobi took another puff of cigarette and said slowly.

"I see." Asma nodded and left.

Leaving Hokage, Ebisu was very knowledgeable: "Captain, I will ask you to take care of me from now on!"

Feng Huo glanced at him, not in a very good mood.

In the original book, the combination of Kai, Ebisu and Shiranui Genma was very unlucky to meet the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. Now he has replaced Shiranui Genma and is active in the supply force. This, this... the future is very worrying.

Fenghuo doesn't want to meet the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Mist, and he doesn't want Matt Dai to die for them!

But so far, he hasn't figured out a solution.

Fortunately, Mist Ninja hasn't declared war yet, so he still has time to think about countermeasures.

Everyone went back to each house, Fenghuo didn't find Yuhihong, and he didn't know if this girl was following Tsunade.

Thinking of this, Fenghuo frowned. With him and Asma around before, Kurenai Yuhi was unlikely to learn bad things, but now that Tsunade and Kurenai Yuhi are orphans and widows, it is easy to mislead Kurenai Yuhi.

It takes a lifetime to learn well, but only a few days to learn badly.

Feng Huo couldn't help flashing through the scene of Xi Rihong waving banknotes in the casino, yelling, and then beating grown men flying all over the sky with strange force, and the goose bumps rose.

"Let's go find her."

Leaving home, Fenghuo summoned the shadow clone, and the two set off to search separately.

At this time, in a field at the corner of Konoha, Yuhihong was running around a field non-stop. Under the scorching sun, her cheeks were already soaked with sweat.

Tsunade stood on the side with his chest folded, watching indifferently: "Although you are an illusion ninja, it is impossible to go to the battlefield with illusion alone. Without sufficient physical strength, let alone the battlefield, even the supply troops cannot enter. go!"

The plump cheeks of Yuhihong's baby were slightly thinner, and it was obvious that Tsunade had practiced them a lot these days.

Tsunade felt really bad too.

She has already received the preparation news from Hiruza Sarutobi, that Fenghuo and Asma will enter the supply unit until the end of the war!

Tsunade is a person who has experienced war. He knows that if the war goes wrong or the scale of the war expands, the supply troops will also enter the front line to fight!

According to the information Tsunade currently has, this war with sand ninja may last for several years. If other ninja villages jump out during this period, Fenghuo and Asma may really go to the front line to fight!

No matter how talented Feng Huo is, she still can't guarantee that he will come out of the battlefield alive!

But now, Kurenai Yuhi also wants to join the supply unit, which makes Tsunade angry and helpless, and can only make Kureni Yuhi give up this plan through rigorous training!

"Run, don't stop until I tell you to stop!"

"Yes!" Yuhi Hong was out of breath, her whole body was already drenched in sweat, her lips were pale, and there were already signs of dehydration.

But even so, she still gritted her teeth and persisted, her eyes exuded a persistent light.

‘Feng Huo, I must fight side by side with you. '

At this moment, Fenghuo had already noticed this from a distance.

"It's really cruel." The fire-sealing instant technique flashed behind Tsunade, just avoiding Kurenai Yuhi's sight.

"Little ghost, when did you come back?" Tsunade stood there calmly, as if Fenghuo hadn't appeared at all.

"I just came back, by the way, Master Tsunade, you are too strict. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Feng Huo looked at the sweat on Yuhihong's body, and felt very distressed, but he also knew that Tsunade was not Matt Dai, wouldn't use devil training to train Yuhihong for no reason.

"You don't seem to be very angry, kid?" Tsunade was very puzzled.

"I'm not a child, besides, as long as you don't give her gambling, strange power, and other messy things, you can talk about anything." Feng Huo laughed.

Tsunade's forehead revealed a well of anger: "Little devil, gambling is a sacred thing! There is also super ninjutsu developed by me, and it is impossible to pass it on to others easily!"

Feng Huo snorted, "It's best like this."

"Little devil, do you know that you are very annoying!!" Tsunade was so angry that he wanted to punch someone.

"Anyway, I'm just a shadow clone, Tsunade-sama, if you want to fight, just do it."

Tsunade followed good example, turned around and kicked the shadow clone of Feng Huo to pieces.

Yu Hihong turned her head when she heard the movement, but only saw a burst of smoke flashing by.

"What are you looking at! Keep running!" Tsunade roared.

"Yes." Xi Hihong panted heavily and continued to grit her teeth.

At the same time, Fenghuo at the other end also received the memories that came back after the shadow clone disappeared.

"Tsunate trains Kurenai Yuhi like this..."

The main body of Fenghuo has the memory of the previous life, so he quickly guessed Tsunade's intention.

It must be Kurenai Yuhi who wanted to join the supply unit with him, but Tsunade refused to let him, and deliberately used this method to make Kurenai Yuhi retreat.

'Forget it, let's not bother the two of them. '

Fenghuo thought for a while, then turned to look for Matt Dai.

At this time, the father and son, Matt Dai and Kai, had just finished crying in each other's arms, expressing their hearts to each other, and the scene was very warm.

After Fenghuo arrived, he wished he could stuff himself into the tree hole and never come out.

Oops, it's too hot for eyes!

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