Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 105: day tiger

"Fenghuo, you're here too, that's great, I'm relieved to see that you are all safe!" Matt Dai seemed excited again.

"Uncle Dai, long time no see, uh, please control your emotions a little bit?" Feng Huo laughed awkwardly.

The two sides chatted about the past, and immediately chatted about business.

"Fenghuo, last time you broke through the limit in the **** mission of the Snow Country, you used the Eight Gates Dunjia and the third gate to use Lilianhua. After that, I tried many times, but unfortunately it still didn't work." Matt Dai was a little disappointed.

Feng Huo recalled: "Uncle Dai, I remember that when I made the breakthrough, I broke through the limit with the belief of going all out!"

"Faith?" Matt put his hands on his chest, "If this is the case, maybe Kay is stronger than me!"

Kai immediately clenched his fists and shouted: "Father, your belief is definitely stronger than mine!"

Matt Dai laughed: "Kai, don't underestimate your beliefs, you will be able to successfully use Lilianhua! Start experimenting now!"

"Okay, open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth, open!"


Kai's blood boiled for no reason, and he went on a rampage when he opened the three doors. From a distance, he looked like a fish that was about to be cooked in an iron pot.

Feng Huo felt that if he continued to experiment indiscriminately like this, he would never be able to enter Li Lianhua's state.

He couldn't help but stepped forward to guide him, let him feel the resistance of the air, and break through and surpass this resistance with strong belief!

Kai is definitely at the tail end level in ninjutsu and illusion, but he is a genius in physical arts. Under Fenghuo's guidance, he quickly figured out the mystery, and his every move seemed to grasp the layer of resistance in the air .



Kai frantically punched the air, and the fist rubbed against the air, producing a loud howl.

Then he used himself as a giant 'fist' to sprint, his speed increased suddenly, and he seemed to be flying towards the air in a vague way, but the next moment he fell directly from the air, falling and rolling on the grass in a state of embarrassment. There are countless dead flowers and plants.

"Fenghuo, I feel it, I feel it!"

Kai stood up excitedly and shouted, his face was already scratched with blood by blades of grass, but he didn't notice it, and continued to experiment, sprinting again and again, trying to completely break through the air resistance and rush into the sky.

Matt Dai looked at him with glowing eyes and tears in his eyes: "Kay, you will definitely surpass me, absolutely, absolutely!"

Then, he walked over to discuss with Fenghuo the moves after Bamen Dunjia.

From Biaolianhua to Lilianhua, they are all used in the early stage of Bamen Dunjia. Although they are powerful, they are not invincible. After opening the six gates, the morning peacock, the day tiger of the seven gates, the evening elephant and Ye Kai of the eight gates, It is definitely a trick that will scare anyone!

The six-door facing peacock was used by Matt Dai unintentionally, so it is not too difficult for him. In the past period of time, he has already successfully developed it secretly by himself.

What he was discussing with Feng Huo was the Day Tiger of the Seven Sects.

"After the eight gates are opened to the seven gates, the speed reaches a certain level. One punch can definitely explode the air. In my imagination, the day tiger punches the air with an extremely high-speed positive punch to form a very high pressure, and then compresses it into a Attacking the enemy in a tiger shape produces a large-scale shock wave. This kind of attack, not to mention ninjutsu, is extremely difficult to defend against even forbidden techniques!" Fenghuo said according to the memory of his previous life.

Matt Dai was fascinated when he heard it. For him at this time, opening the seven gates was a very serious burden, but in order to develop the 'Day Tiger', he had to risk entering the state of the seven gates.

Only when the development is successful, can he pass on the specific essence of this move to Kai and Fenghuo. From now on, they can use this move as long as they reach the seven-door state. Otherwise, what's the use of talking about "day tiger" and "evening phenomenon"? Just like Li Lianhua, Matt Dai and Kai have not been able to use it in the state of opening the three doors.

Chatting here, Kai on the other side was exhausted, and his muscles were tearing like pain, so he had to stop, but his tired face was full of excitement, because he had already grasped the trick, as long as he tried more , will definitely be able to successfully display Li Lianhua.

"It's getting late, let's call it a day." Matt Dai said with a smile.

"Well, Uncle Dai, Kai, then I'll go home too."

At this time, Tsunade also stopped training Kurenai Yuhi.

"Tsunade-sensei, I can still hold on!" Yuhihong's pale face was full of stubbornness.

"Huh? Really?" Tsunade looked down at her condescendingly, "The brat Fenghuo has returned, are you sure you want to continue training?"

"What? Really? Is he back?"

Yuhihong instantly forgot all her tiredness, and was about to go home when she was bouncing around, but her feet were weak and she almost fell down.

Tsunade looked at the little girl quite distressed: "Forget it, let me take you back."

After returning home, Yuhihong wrapped up Fenghuo and chattered non-stop.

Tsunade stood and watched, with a strange expression on his face, as if he was nostalgic, but also sad.

Probably thinking of her brother again.

Feng Huo chatted with Xi Rihong for a while, she finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell asleep tiredly.

"What are your plans for entering the supply force?" Tsunade suddenly said, "Don't think that the supply force is safe. If you think so, then you are not far from death."

Feng Huo carried Xi Rihong into her room, covered her with a quilt, and said softly: "Of course I know, but since war is inevitable, only soldiers will cover it up."

Tsunade looked at him with great interest: "Soldiers coming to cover up the water and earth? It sounds a bit negative."

"Please, if this is all negative for me, what about you?" Feng Huo glanced at her, he knew all about the fear of blood.

Tsunade turned from embarrassment into anger, and when he came up, he was beaten violently.

"Little ghost~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can't survive on the battlefield if you don't respect the old and love the young!"

"Is this your experience?" Feng Huo rubbed his head and said depressedly.

Tsunade looked at Kurenai Yuhi's room, and asked, "There's also Koren, how are you going to persuade her?"

"Why do you want to persuade her?" Feng Huo was puzzled.

"Are you really planning to let her go to the battlefield?" Tsunade said angrily.

So what if you don't want to seal the fire? There are constant wars in this world. Even after the third ninja war, there will be an even more terrifying fourth ninja war. Besides, ninja missions are full of danger. Instead of worrying about this and that, it's better Let Yuhihong grow up as soon as possible!

As soon as Feng Huo said his thoughts, Tsunade was immediately 'shocked to heaven'!

"Little ghost, your thinking is too mature!" Tsunade looked him up and down, sometimes she really suspected that there was an old soul living in this young body!

Feng Huo felt uncomfortable being stared at by her, so he immediately put down his face and chased him away.

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