Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 107: flying thor

"Minato-sama, we are surrounded!"

Perceive the report with a solemn face from the ninja.

"Break out to the east!" Namikaze Minato made a decisive decision and took the lead to kill to the east.

"Puppet secret technique!"

The sand ninja in the eastern direction launched an attack immediately.

More than a dozen puppets with a strange luster came from tricky angles.

"Damn it, the puppet is poisonous!"

A Konoha ninja was accidentally scratched by a puppet, and the wound instantly turned black and purple.

"Medical Ninja!" Namikaze Minato yelled, and replaced the ninja against the poisonous puppet in front of him.


As the puppet approached, a poisoned Kunai burst out from the shoulder armor, and shot towards Namikaze Minato at a terrifying speed.

"Successful!" The sand ninja who manipulated the puppet looked happy. He didn't know Namikaze Minato, but from Konoha Ninja's position, it can be seen that this person's status must be noble. Killing him is definitely a great achievement!

But in the next moment, he seemed to see a flash of golden light, and then his eyes suddenly went black.

"How, how... is it possible..." Na Sha endured the trembling of his eyelids, and died in disbelief.

"kill him!"

Sand Shinobi next to him also saw that Minato Namikaze was the captain of this ninja unit, and immediately manipulated the puppets to flock to Minato Namikaze. These puppets were all contaminated with poison, and ordinary ninjas would be seriously injured if they touched them!

"It's a puppet army."

Namikaze Minato signaled his companions behind him to back off, so as not to be poisoned by these puppets.

At this time, these puppets had also formed a siege, suppressing Namikaze Minato in a narrow terrain less than five meters wide.

"In such a small place, no matter how good your teleportation technique is, you won't be able to escape!"

"Haha, what a stupid Konoha ninja, Kumusi can't kill our puppets!"



Namikaze Minato Fei Leishen's fully opened figure flickered beside the poisonous puppet, and his terrifying nerve reflex speed did not allow anyone to resist. In just three breaths, all the puppets in the battlefield were smashed by him.

Afterwards, Minato Namikaze confronts the sand ninjas who have lost their puppets.

"Wait a minute!" Those sand ninjas always felt that the script was wrong and couldn't help but want to call timeout.

But, it's too late.

"Wind escape-helix pill!!"

With the addition of spiral pills with changing wind attributes, the degree of terrifying destruction is completely comparable to S-level ninjutsu!


Numerous blasting hurricanes crazily swept all around, and those sand ninjas lost their puppets, completely unable to stop such violent hurricanes, and were thrown hundreds of meters into the air in an instant.

"Hurry up, I'm coming to the queen!"

Namikaze Minato saw sand ninjas chasing him from the left, right, and even behind, with a serious expression on his face.

"Mizumon-sama, let's go first, let's come to the rear!" Several Konoha ninjas gritted their teeth.

"This is an order, hurry up!" Namikaze Minato said solemnly.

He usually looks gentle, but when he is serious, he has a heart-wrenching aura. Those Konoha ninjas did not dare to hesitate, and they were quick and thorough.

Seeing more and more sand ninjas chasing near, Namikaze Minato threw more than a dozen special kunai towards the front. These kunai were engraved with the flying thunder **** mark, and he could appear beside any kumai instantly. Coupled with the Helix Pill that can be activated without a seal, and his terrifying nerve reflex speed, the more sand ninjas come, the faster they die!

"Do you dare to stop us alone? Konoha's ninja is so naive!"

Sand Shinobu finally caught up to him and looked at Minato with a sneer, ignoring the special Kunai on the ground and rushing towards him.

"kill him!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Puppet secret technique!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

A small smile appeared on the corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth.

"Flying Thunder God - Consecutive Spiral Balls!"

Namikaze Minato completely let go, and frantically shuttled back and forth between more than a dozen of Kuwujian. Because the speed was too fast, more than a dozen afterimages were formed directly. The afterimages could not distinguish faces, but the golden hair seemed to be Twinkle like stars.

Then, the golden light was replaced by blood.

More than 20 sand ninjas who entered the kunai formation were directly killed without any resistance, and the place instantly became a river of blood and became a hell!

"how is this possible!"

"The devil, it's the devil!"

"How did he do it, the speed is amazing!"

The surviving sand ninja backed away faster, with horror in their eyes.

Namikaze Minato showed his figure in a chic way, looking at the dozens of sand ninjas on the opposite side, to be honest, he didn't even think that the combination of Hiraishen and Whirlmaru could produce such a powerful damage.

At this moment, he even felt that he could forcibly kill all the sand ninjas here alone!

However, a powerful momentum suddenly shot up from behind Sand Ninja.

Namikaze Minato was startled, and immediately recovered the special Kunai on the ground as quickly as possible, and then ran away without looking back.

He was never an impulsive ninja.

Dozens of sand ninjas on the opposite side were frightened by Namikaze Minato's aura, let alone chasing them down!

"It's terrible, this ninja is terrible!"

"Who is he? Konoha White Fang?"

"Are you kidding, Konoha Baiya is a middle-aged man, this person, this person..."

Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Konoha Baiya is a middle-aged man, no matter how strong he is, his strength has come to an end, but the young man just now is so young, if he is given a few more years to grow up, is there anyone in Hidden Sand Village who can compete?

Not long after Namikaze Minato left, Chiyo appeared here with her younger brother Ebizo.

"Konoha White Fang?!"

When Chiyo saw the **** scene in front of him, an uncontrollable violent murderous intent suddenly appeared on his face!

She never forgot the hatred of her son and daughter-in-law.

"Master Chiyo, this, this is not made by Konoha Baiga, but a young Konoha ninja with golden hair." A sand ninja said.

"Are you kidding!" Ebizo next to him was furious, "A young Konoha kid killed you with such virtue! You just graduated from ninja school!"

Those sand ninjas lowered their heads not daring to look at each other.

"Brother, don't talk about it." Chiyo suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and said coldly, "No matter who it is, you have to pay the price!"


The heavy rain became more and more powerful and endless. Many terrains in the Land of Rain were filled with rainwater, forming lakes. Some lakes were filled with blood. The war has become more and more fierce.

When Fenghuo, Kai, and Ebisu's supply team had delivered supplies several times, and they were almost numb, an astonishing piece of information suddenly came from Kirigakure.

A ninja school student named Momochi Zabuza killed everyone in his class in the graduation test and graduated with the first and only grade!

Shocked the entire ninja world.

"It's really cruel, to kill your own companion!" Ebisu and Kai shared the same hatred, and they were very contemptuous of this guy named Momochi Zabuzai.

"This kind of person doesn't deserve to be a ninja at all!" Kai asked.

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, this is really a familiar name.

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