Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 108: dangerous task

If the peach land is not cut again, isn't it the first mountain after the plot of the original work begins?

Although he is a villain, Bai beside him is super popular and has attracted countless fans, but it is a pity that he died in the land of waves.

"Hey, Fenghuo, Fenghuo?" Kai looked at Fenghuo strangely, and lost his mind for no reason. This is a battlefield, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life!

"Ah, I'm sorry." Feng Huo came back to his senses.

"Captain, you won't be intimidated by that kid named Momochi Zabuchan, right?" Ebisu winked at the side.

"Are you kidding me!" Kai yelled immediately, "As my lifelong enemy, how could Fenghuo be frightened by a kid who just graduated!"

"Kai, I think Kakashi is more suitable for you." Fenghuo begged, "Just let me go."

"That can't be done, whether it's Kakashi or you, I won't let it go!" Kai shouted excitedly, two thick and long eyebrows touched together resolutely, and at that time sealed the fire. Burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, don't want it.

In particular, what do you mean by not letting go of both? Do you think you have a harem? !

No, thinking about it this way makes Feng Turkey's goosebumps rise!

‘In the original book, Kai didn’t seem to get married in the end...Hiss! The amount of information is really big. '

Entering the frontline camp again, Fenghuo found that there were more and more ninjas around, some of them were dusty, some were wounded, and some were missing arms and legs and fell into a coma. The war had become more and more tragic.

After handing in the supplies, Fenghuo asked Kai and Ebisu to find a place to rest, while he went to find Minato Namikaze to understand the situation.

Seeing Namikaze Minato again, Fenghuo was surprised to find that he was injured, and his upper body was about to be wrapped into rice dumplings.

"Brother Minato, there is someone who can hurt you? How is it possible?"

With Flying Thunder God and Spiral Pill, coupled with his terrifying nerve reflex speed, it is really hard for Feng Huo to believe what he sees.

"It's Chiyo and Ebino, advisors of Hidden Sand Village!" Minato Namikaze smiled calmly, "Flying Thunder God is not invincible either."

Since he killed so many sand ninjas last time, Chiyo and Ebizo have been eyeing him. During one operation, Namikaze Minato accidentally fell into a trap and was bombarded by thousands of detonating symbols. If it wasn't for Fei Leishen, he might have been killed by the bomb!

"By the way, some supply troops have been attacked by sand ninjas, and there have been casualties. After that, you have to be more careful. If you lose, you can give up the supplies." Namikaze Minato said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I really cherish my life." Feng Huo smiled and took out a sealing scroll, and took out some clothes from it, "By the way, this is what Jiu Xinnai asked me to bring to you. Ugly, oh no, fancy, right?"

These few clothes were all made by Jiu Xinnai herself. Girls naturally like bright colors, so the clothes they make are the same.

Namikaze Minato could only smile wryly after seeing it: "It is not allowed to wear such clothes on the battlefield."

"Anyway, I delivered it." Feng Huo said with a smile, "Whether you wear it or not is up to you."

Namikaze Minato shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Have you heard about Wu Yin?" Feng Huo asked suddenly.

"Do you mean that the peach land will not be cut again?" Namikaze Minato frowned, "This student is really cruel, Kirigakure's education has failed too much."

However, Feng Huo pointedly said: "The story of Momoji not being cut can spread throughout the ninja world. I am afraid that it has been set by Kirigakure as an example. Their policies may also be changed accordingly in the future."

Namikaze Minato frowned: "What do you mean?"

Feng Huo said in a low and horrified tone: "Kirigakure was a bit closed to the country at first, and he didn't even participate in the last ninja world war, but this time he is so fanatical that he will never kill Momochi again. Invade our country!"

Namikaze Minato was silent.

Although he has a good relationship with Fenghuo, it is impossible to think that Kirigakure will invade Konoha based on these few words, which is not reasonable at all, and there is no logic at all.

"I'll just say that, don't take it seriously." Feng Huo said with a smile, he didn't expect Namikaze Minato to believe it all at once, and changed the topic to talk about the current war.

Namikaze Minato is on the front line and is still a mobile unit. He often fights with sand ninja, so he has the most say on this.

"Sand Ninja's puppet troops are the most difficult to deal with. Once they are pulled away from them, they will fall into an endless sea of ​​puppets. These puppets are all poisonous, and a slight scratch will lead to a sharp drop in combat power."

"So far, Sand Ninja's assassination team has not yet appeared. I heard that this team was personally trained by the third generation of Kazekage. It is very powerful, no worse than our Konoha's Anbe. If I encounter this team, I am not sure that I will be safe. Leave, I am afraid that only senior Shuo Mao can deal with this team in person."

Feng Huo said with a smile: "You want to challenge Anbu of Shayin Village by yourself, you are courting death."

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "The combination of Fenghuo, Flying Thunder God and Helixwan is far more powerful than your imagination. I believe I can do it one day!"

"Even if you can, that's the future, you should take it easy now, otherwise Jiu Xinnai will be a widow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Huo snorted.

Speaking of Jiu Xinnai, Feng Huo showed a gentle smile and said, "By the way, don't mention my injury when you go back, I don't want her to worry."

"Of course." Feng Huo felt sorry for her. If Jiu Xinnai knew it, she wouldn't go crazy in a hurry. At that time, the Nine-Tails in her belly would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. Feng Huo dared to bet fifty cents!

In the afternoon, Feng Huo and others were about to go back, but when they were about to leave the camp, they received another task, which was issued by Nara Shikohisa himself.

"In these scrolls are the ninjas who died before. There are a total of 23 high ninjas, 74 middle ninjas, and 302 low ninjas. Seal the fire, bring it back to the village, and hand it over to Hokage-sama."

Nara Shikahisa's complexion is not very good. The ninjas in Hidden Sand Village are really too cruel. Even with his strategy, so many ninjas still died. Although the other party died more, it is not what he wants to see. .

Feng Huo took the box solemnly. Inside the box was a stack of scrolls. He hesitated for a while and asked: "These ninjas are heroes and martyrs who sacrificed for the village. It is worth sending ninja escorts. Why would they Let me deliver it?"

Shikahisa Nara said solemnly: "The combat power on the front line is a bit tight, and the goal of the Jonin is too big, so I can only leave it to you. Of course, I also believe that you can complete this task!"

Feng Huo felt heavy in his heart, really heavy.

There are so many ninja corpses, and I don’t know how much information they contain. The senior management of Hidden Sand Village would definitely have dreamed of getting them.

However, Fenghuo did not refuse.

"Okay, I'll accept this task."

There is no reason, no excuses, they died for the village, and they should be sent back to the village for burial. Even if the road ahead is difficult, there is no fear in sealing the fire!

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