Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 120: Loulan mission?

In the Hokage office building, Hiruzaru Sarutobi received a strange piece of information from a distant desert country.

"Anlu Mountain... Dragon Veins..."

"You can't sit idly by."

Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered, although Loulan Kingdom is far away from the battlefield, as far as he knows, An Lushan is very ambitious. If he is allowed to master the energy of the dragon veins, it is very possible to enter the battlefield of the Land of Rain!

Of course, if the news leaks out and Sand Ninja knows, the battlefield may be moved directly from the Kingdom of Rain to the Kingdom of Loulan!

Therefore, the ninja sent to carry out the Loulan mission is debatable.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi knocked on the table, first of all, he had to hide from Danzo, the Uchiha clan and other forces, and secondly, the ninja who went to perform the mission must have sufficient strength and loyalty!

"Shuimen went to Mount Miaomu to recuperate, and he should have recovered. He will lead this mission! Well, call Fenghuo, this brat just happens to be tired of the battlefield, and it would be nice to go to other places to relax, hehehe."

After Fenghuo completed the **** mission, he didn't want to come back, so he deliberately wandered outside for a few days before returning to the village leisurely.

At this time, Kakashi, Asma, and Kai from the supply unit happened to be in the village. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they made an appointment to eat barbecue together, but they didn't expect to be in the village for a while. A new ramen shop was opened, and the aroma of ramen wafted far away, attracting an unknown number of people, coupled with the half-price sale, resulting in overcrowding in the shop, and people who lined up had already reached the street.

"Yi Le Ramen?!"

Feng Huo looked at the name of this ramen shop, blinked his eyes twice, and unconsciously heard a domineering sentence in his mind: the wheels of history are rolling, and the two hands of the mantis cannot stop it.

"Stop eating barbecue today, let's eat ramen!"

Fenghuo suddenly changed his mind. How delicious Yile Ramen is, as can be seen from the appearance rate in the original book. Fenghuo has been waiting for a long time!

"But didn't we say delicious barbecue?" Asma frowned, "And Kakashi is late again, if we change the location, he won't be able to find us."

"Don't worry, that guy recently signed a few ninja dogs as psychic beasts, and it's easy to find us. Well, it's such a happy decision!"

Fenghuo went up to line up without saying a word. Asma and Kai looked at each other and could only keep up.

"Hi, Asma, Kai." A crisp voice suddenly came from behind.

Feng Huo looked back subconsciously, and saw a cute little loli about his age.

"Jingyin, it's you, let's eat ramen together." Seeing that he was a classmate of the same period, Kai invited him.

"Mute?" Feng Huo was startled, isn't this Tsunade's assistant? When did she come out?

Seeing Fenghuo's expression, Kai explained in a low voice that Jingyin was in the same class as them, but they were not in the same class, and Fenghuo graduated early, so he had no chance to know her.

After some conversation, Feng Huo found out that Jing Yin graduated from the ninja school last year, and now he is doing D-level missions with the group. Today, he took a break to go shopping, and happened to meet them.

For some reason, Fenghuo always felt that something was weird.

At this moment, he heard a familiar obscene laughter from the side, he looked sideways, and it was that old **** Jiraiya!

The last time the women's bathhouse was sold twice by this fellow, not only was she misunderstood, she was also beaten up by Tsunade, and after returning home, she was flooded with tears from Yuhihong's eyes. When the enemy met at this time, she was naturally extremely jealous.

He rushed over without saying a word, and when he got closer, he heard that Zilai was actually boasting that he had learned the spiral pill in a very short time.

This stinky and shameless energy, uh, wait, no, spiral pill?

Isn't this a ninjutsu developed by myself?

Wasn't it included in the book of seals by Hiruzaru Sarutobi? !

Isn't it forbidden for ordinary people to cultivate? !

How could Jiraiya, an old pervert, learn so easily? !

Sannin is amazing, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi's apprentice is awesome!

Wow, it's awesome to think about it.

The grievance of sealing the fire.

There is a sense of déjà vu that the child I stole through so much hard work ends up being called someone else's father when he grows up.

Zilai also saw Fenghuo, his eyes lit up like light bulbs: "Little ghost, it's great to see you're fine, hehe, I found a good place recently, shall we go collect materials tonight?"

Namikaze Minato had a strange expression on his face, obviously aware of the stinking behavior of his teacher Jiraiya, but when is the fire sealed off?

"Don't look at me with that look!" Feng Huo couldn't take it anymore, it was such a misstep that caused eternal hatred, the yellow mud falling off his crotch was either **** or shit!

"Okay, haha." Namikaze Minato laughed, "It's such a coincidence to meet here, Fenghuo, you are also here to eat Ichiraku ramen."

"That's right." Feng Huo said dryly, staring fiercely at Jiraiya, hoping that he would get pregnant.

At this time, Kakashi suddenly appeared, and there was a ninja dog in front of him.

"Really, I don't say anything in advance when I change places." Kakashi lazily channeled Ninja Dog back, but when he looked up, he saw Namikaze Minato~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hurriedly ran over.

"Master Minato!"

"Yo, Kakashi, you're back too." Namikaze Minato greeted with a smile.

"Minato-sensei, I..." Kakashi glanced at Fenghuo, and continued, "I want to quit the supply force temporarily, and go out to the village to strengthen my strength!"

Namikaze Minato smiled and looked at Fenghuo.

Fenghuo curled his lips, Kakashi was clearly imitating him.

It's just... why does it feel weird?

Sealing the fire is puzzling.

At some point, Zilai had already fled, and Feng Huo speculated with his greatest malice that he probably went to step on the spot!

After waiting for more than an hour, Fenghuo and his party entered Yile Ramen.

It's so familiar, it's 60% or 70% similar to the original book, especially the boss, Uncle Yile, who is simply the same as when he was young... Uh, he was originally the Uncle Yile when he was young.

"Thank you for coming to my ramen shop." Uncle Yile was very kind, and all the ramen for everyone was a large bowl, with ample amount and seasoning, which made everyone sweat profusely.

At this time, Feng Huo was taken aback, and he finally remembered why he felt weird.

What happened outside before is not the scene before the Loulan mission!

Loulan mission?

Naruto who travels through time?

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, he is an 'outsider', and his sudden appearance here has disrupted some of the plots. Ten or twenty years later, the plots are probably turned upside down, and even he can't predict what it will be like at that time!

If Naruto crosses over, can I know something from his mouth?

After eating, Fenghuo was indeed summoned by Sarutobi Hiruzen. In the office, he also saw Namakaze Minato, Yume Shiwei, and Akimichi Dingzao.

This configuration is indeed a Loulan mission!

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