Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 121: yellow hair boy

"It's all here."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a pipe, looking solemnly at the four people in front of him.

"I called you here because there is a task that you need to complete. This is the information."

Namikaze Minato stepped forward to take it, and everyone looked at it one by one.

"The dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom?" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo stroked his chin and frowned.

"I've heard that it seems to be a huge chakra, comparable to a tailed beast!" Namikaze Minato thought, "If the information is true, then An Lushan's conspiracy may not be small."

"That's right, the dragon's veins are of great importance. If the news spreads, other ninja villages will definitely not sit idly by, so this is a top-secret task, and it must not be leaked!" Sarutobi Hiruza said solemnly, "And the safety of Queen Loulan is in danger to you all. Make sure, too!"

Namikaze Minato asked if he could take Kakashi with him.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Feng Huo stood on the side without saying a word, feeling like walking into a TV to watch a movie.

"Yoxi, you should leave as soon as possible, remember not to be discovered by others." Hiruzaru Sarutobi chased them away.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, everyone naturally did not dare to delay, and quietly left the village that night, heading for the desert Loulan Kingdom.

"Mr. Minato, where is Loulan Kingdom?" Kakashi asked curiously on the way.

Namikaze Minato said solemnly: "Kingdom of Wind!"

"Nani?" Kakashi froze.

Even Feng Huo's eyes widened, he really didn't know about this.

Namikaze Minato explained: "Although Loulan is located in the Kingdom of Wind, it exists independently of Sand Hidden Village, so as long as we are careful, we can avoid Sand Ninja!"

"Now is the time of war." Feng Huo couldn't help complaining.

"It is precisely because we are in a time of war that we must deal with him immediately! If Sand Ninja reacts, the consequences will be serious!"

Indeed, if sand ninjas are allowed to participate, or even control the dragon veins, the balance of the war will instantly tilt!

However, in Feng Huo's impression, the dragon's veins seemed to be unable to move, but he couldn't be sure at this time.

Everyone ran all the way to the Land of Rain, there were Younv Zhiwei's bugs, and all the supply teams they encountered avoided in advance, like a ghost team advancing silently.

"Feng Huo, you seem to have something on your mind, are you worried about this mission?"

Entering the Land of Rain, Fenghuo's expression seemed unsightly, and Minato Namikaze was a little worried.

"It's nothing, I just feel that I might encounter something in this mission." Feng Huo's face was sullen, and he was really worried that if he met Naruto, he was not afraid that he would recognize him, but he was afraid that he would not recognize him.

If Naruto really doesn't know himself, doesn't that mean that he will die in a certain year in the future? !

A dead person will naturally have no future, and Naruto will naturally not know himself.

Just like Namikaze Minato, the father and son did not know each other, isn't it because he will die in the Nine Tails Rebellion a few years later?

Bypassing the sand ninja camp far away, Fenghuo and his party finally entered the land of wind smoothly.

There is yellow sand everywhere, stretching as far as the eye can see, the blue sky and the yellow desert merge into a faint black line in the endless distance, as if two worlds collide there.

It is easy to get lost in the desert, so they travel very slowly, and they have to take out the map from time to time to compare it carefully.

Therefore, after walking for more than a month, they finally came to the territory of Loulan Kingdom.

Although Loulan Kingdom is located in the desert, it is extremely prosperous. People come and go in the city, lights and festoons are decorated, and it seems that some kind of celebration is being prepared.

Fenghuo saw that he hadn't run away, and it is estimated that Naruto will cross over in a short time.

At this time, Namikaze Minato asked everyone to wear masks to hide their identities, and then divided into two groups to collect information about An Lushan.

Namakaze Minato, Yume Shiwei and Qiu Fatty are in a group, and Fenghuo and Kakashi are in a group.

It's called exercise!

Fenghuo was very speechless, but it was just a simple collection of information, and there was nothing to say. Immediately, he and Kakashi went to the street to inquire about the news.

From the mouths of the people here, Feng Huo knew that this place called Anlu Mountain suddenly appeared six years ago. At that time, Loulan was not as prosperous as it is now, but was very dilapidated. The people were short of supplies until Anlu Mountain came to assist Loulan. The queen built this country into such a prosperous appearance, so An Lushan has also become an important minister of this country.

Unfortunately, Queen Loulan died suddenly for unknown reasons some time ago, and her daughter will also become the new queen under the care of Minister Gu Ming, An Lushan!

After collecting this information, the sky had already darkened, and Fenghuo and Kakashi followed the trail left by Namikaze Minato.

The two teams met near the Loulan Palace, and after exchanging information, Minato Namikaze decided to enter the palace to find out the situation.

"I'll go in with you!" Feng Huo said suddenly, his heart pounding for no reason.

Namikaze Minato hesitated for a moment, he wanted to let Fenghuo and Kakashi stay outside, and let Zhiwei and Dingza go in with him, but it was not a big deal, so he nodded in agreement. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Go and come back quickly, we'll wait for you here." Younv Zhiwei carried a huge bottle on her back, looking like a charlatan.

Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato immediately jumped into the palace and sneaked in quietly.

The palace is very large, with the unique atmosphere and simple style of the desert. It is quiet and there is no patrol guard around, which is extremely weird.

Feng Huo's eyes are as bright as light bulbs. Although traveling to this world is already very miraculous, traveling through time still makes people excited and worried.

Feng Huo touched his face, he was still wearing a mask, if he met Naruto, would he take off the mask?

I'm so worried.

While thinking about it, there was a sudden sound of fighting in front of him, accompanied by a young man's "ahah", it sounded like a special secondary school feeling.

'Is it Naruto? ! '

Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo rushed there quickly.

I saw countless puppets swarming there to besiege a boy with yellow hair.

There were three slender beards on each side of the boy's cheeks, which looked like a fox.

At this time, the young man was already injured, and with more and more puppets gathering, he seemed to be unable to hold on in the bitter battle.

Namikaze Minato rushed over immediately.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Feng Huo also held his breath and made a seal: "Huo Dun - Hao Fireball Art!"

With the combination of wind and fire, the power of the two ninjutsu suddenly increased greatly, sweeping away all the puppets around the boy, but the puppets in the distance were still gathering here.

"You're injured, huh? You're Konoha's ninja too?" Namikaze Minato was startled when he saw the forehead guard on the forehead of the yellow-haired boy.

The Loulan Dragon Vein mission was kept secret by the Three Hokages. How could Konoha's ninja appear here?

And Feng Huo stood aside, his heart beating faster and faster.

Naruto, indeed Naruto!

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