Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 122: Doomed ending?

There were more and more puppets around, and they were so loud that the Younv Zhiwei and Qiudao Dingzuo outside were startled and rushed in.

"Destroy them first!" Namikaze Minato ordered.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo rushed forward immediately, clenched his fist with his right hand and it became bigger and bigger: "Partial multiplication technique!"


A large number of puppets were blown to pieces, and sawdust flew up.

At the same time, Younv Zhiwei also made a decisive move: "Secret technique-Chongyu!"

A large number of parasites rise up like smoke, covering the puppet in front of it in an instant, swallowing the chakra line that controls the puppet, and the efficiency is three points higher than that of Qiu Daodingzuo.

"Fire escape - the art of fireball!" Fenghuo added insult to injury, burning all these puppets to ashes.

After a while, all the puppets were reduced to ashes.

"It's amazing!" Naruto exclaimed beside him, but looked at the four masked ninjas in front of him, but he was a little wary.

"The chrysanthemum technique is the secret technique of the Shino family, part of the multiplication technique is from the Choji family, Go Fireball... Could it be that this brat belongs to the Sasuke family?" '

Naruto was observing Feng Huo and the others, and Feng Huo and the others were also observing him.

Looking at Naruto, who was tall and burly, about seventeen or eighteen years old, Feng Huo couldn't help but feel the power of the dragon veins, and he was able to bring people here decades later.

But at this time, Fenghuo obviously couldn't communicate with Naruto.

Namikaze Minato did his part to stand up and communicate with him.

The two sides chatted briefly, and Namikaze Minato asked Naruto to leave first, so as not to hinder their mission.

At this time, he certainly didn't realize that the boy in front of him was his future son.

When Naruto left, Namikaze Minato turned around and asked Fenghuo strangely: "Do you know him?"

"Ah? Why do you ask that?" Feng Huo was surprised.

"I noticed your gaze." Namikaze Minato asked with a smile, "It gave me a strange feeling, um, you should know him, right?"

"Yeah, I have this feeling too." Qiu Dao Ding Zuo stretched out his head and looked at him curiously.

The taciturn Younv Zhiwei also nodded slightly.

Feng Huo was in a cold sweat, did he act so obviously?

He shook his head hastily, and spoke nonsense with righteous words: "Are you kidding me! There are so many ninjas in the village, how can I know them all, even Hokage-sama can't do this!"

"Really?" Namikaze Minato narrowed his eyes slightly, sky blue eyes full of suspicion.

"Okay, don't talk about this, let's go find that Minister Gu Ming, An Lushan." Feng Huo hurriedly changed the subject.

Regarding Naruto, he really didn't dare to say more. After all, at the end of Loulan's mission, Namikaze Minato had already realized that Naruto was his future son. In this case, if he showed that he was familiar with Naruto...

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Fortunately, they didn't take it seriously, and were quickly diverted by the fire.

"Anlushan is most likely hiding in the dark. Let's find Queen Loulan first, and then you and Kakashi will protect her. Zhiwei, Dingza, and I will deal with Anlushan!" Namikaze Minato said in a calm voice.

"Queen Loulan?" Feng Huo's heart moved, and he suddenly turned his head to look outside, "Brother Shuimen, you said it's so lively outside, but the palace is dead. Is it because the queen is holding a celebration outside?"

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, there is a possibility!

He used sensory ninjutsu to sense the palace before, but he didn't find anyone with a particularly queen-like temperament.

"Then let's go outside to find it!"

On the other side, after Naruto ran out of the palace, he found that a celebration was being held outside, with a large number of people rubbing shoulders, and it was extremely lively. He looked up and saw a beautiful woman standing on a tower not far away, and the people nearby They were all screaming at her.

Naruto saw that this was the beautiful singing girl he saw before. When he was hesitating whether to go up, he saw that beautiful girl suddenly fell from the tower, and Naruto subconsciously rushed up to catch her.


As a result, in a hurry, Naruto misplaced his hand a little bit, and was slapped wildly by the beautiful woman at that time, making him stunned for a while.

"Hey, why did you hit me!" Naruto was inexplicably annoyed, "I saved you with good intentions!"

The beauty was taken aback for a moment before she realized what she was doing, and hurriedly apologized to Naruto, and then thanked him.

After a brief conversation between the two parties, Naruto knew that the beautiful woman in front of her was the queen of this country, Sara.

"Sara, you definitely didn't fall down by accident just now, someone is trying to harm you!" Naruto yelled to remind her.

Sara was taken aback, as if she didn't quite believe Naruto.

At this time, Namikaze Minato and others also rushed here.

Naruto looked at it and wondered if they were going to assassinate Loulan's Queen Sara?

"We meet again." Namikaze Minato saw Naruto, subconsciously glanced at Fenghuo, then looked at Queen Sarah behind Naruto, and asked, "Are you Sarah?"

Naruto stared: "Sure enough, you are here to kill her!"

Namikaze Minato was stunned, and explained with a wry smile: "No, we were ordered to protect Queen Loulan."

Naruto is skeptical.

Namikaze Minato said: "Next we will protect Sara~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naruto immediately shouted to follow them, and looked suspiciously at them.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo leaned his head to the side of the fire, and asked softly: "He doesn't seem to know you."

Feng Huo pushed his lungs with his elbow: "So, didn't I say I didn't know him?"

"But..." Qiudao Dingzuo wanted to say something, but Fenghuo interrupted him wittily.

"I just think this guy's hair and eyes look familiar."

"Eh? What you said...is really familiar." Akidou Dingza blinked his eyes twice, and his eyes inadvertently swept back and forth on Namakaze Minato and Naruto.

"Could it be that this guy is a member of Minato's clan?"

At some point, Younv Zhiwei quietly moved her head over.

Feng Huo was taken aback, thinking he wouldn't play big, right?

A few people on their side gathered together and muttered, their eyes were furtive, Naruto looked at it, and couldn't help but be more vigilant!

So he strongly asked Feng Huo and others to take off their masks.

Namikaze Minato shrugged and immediately took off his mask.

When Naruto saw it, his eyes widened.

This look, how does it feel...

Naruto couldn't help recalling the fourth face on Hokage Rock in his mind.

At the moment of Naruto's astonishment, Fenghuo also suddenly stood up.

That’s right, Naruto didn’t recognize Namikaze Minato in the original book because Namikaze Minato died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and now that he has joined, the plot has inevitably changed, but Naruto still didn’t recognize Namikaze Minato Door!

In other words, the ending of Namakaze Minato has not changed, he will still die in the Nine Tails Rebellion!

Even with him as a time traveler, it seems that the ending has not been changed!

Feng Huo's whole body trembled, and he couldn't speak.

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