Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 123: An Lushan appeared

"Hey, and you!"

Naruto stared straight at Feng Huo and the others.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo didn't hesitate, and took off his mask directly.

Naruto was shocked again: This fat big brother also looks very familiar!

Younv Zhiwei also took off her mask, but immediately put it back on.

People of the oil girl clan like to wear high-necked clothing to cover their faces. Even the appearance of the oil girl Shino is a little blurry for Naruto, let alone his father, the oil girl Shiwei.

Finally, Naruto frowned and looked at Feng Huo.

Facing Naruto's piercing gaze, Feng Huo felt a little guilty for no reason.

"Hey, kid, you look suspicious!" Naruto yelled.

Feng Huo was taken aback.


That's right, how old I am at this time, even if Naruto sees my appearance, I will definitely not think of anything.

Thinking of this, Feng Huo felt relieved and took off his mask.

Naruto looked at Fenghuo and tilted his head: Why did he feel like he had seen it before, ahhh!

Naruto scratched his head, his head exploded.

"Okay, let me analyze the current situation..."

Seeing that Naruto and Fenghuo really didn't know each other, Namikaze Minato did not suspect him, so he began to analyze the current situation, and then told Queen Sara that their mission was to prevent An Lushan from using the power of dragon veins to develop puppets!

Once the puppet grows stronger, it will definitely affect the war between Konoha and Hidden Sand Village!

Although Loulan Kingdom is located in the Kingdom of Wind, it is independent from Shayin Village, otherwise Namikaze Minato would not dare to say these words.

Queen Sarah could not accept what he said.

An Lushan, who has assisted their mother and daughter for many years, is an ambitious man?

All he did was for his own personal ambition?

What are you kidding?

Of course Sarah didn't want to believe it, but she felt a little worried in her heart, and immediately ran back to the palace to confront An Lushan.

"Naruto, the task of protecting Sarah is entrusted to you!" Namikaze Mizumon said.

"Wait a minute!" Naruto hesitated a bit, Namikaze Minato's appearance was too similar to the one on Hokage Rock.

"Time is running out, Naruto, don't waste time." Namikaze Minato said calmly.

Naruto hesitated for a moment, seeing Sarah running farther and farther, worried that she would be killed by An Lushan, so he could only catch up first.

"Then, it's time for us to go!" Bo Feng Shuimen said.

"Wait a minute." Feng Huo stopped him, and said with a smile, "I don't know if you have noticed that the queen fell from the building here, but look around."

A few people were taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the nearby people, but saw that their faces were full of celebration joy, as if they were completely blind to everything that happened here.

The expressions of Namikaze Minato and the others changed suddenly.

"No, it's a puppet!" Namikaze Minato used sensory ninjutsu to check, and was shocked.

The cheering people on this huge street are all puppets, and they are controlled by countless chakra lines to walk on the street. It is fake, all of this, including the celebration, is fake.

Sara was completely hoodwinked!

"It's Mount Anlu!" Namikaze Minato gasped, "He enslaved all the people in this country, and then used puppets to deceive Mother Sara and her daughter instead!"

"We must find An Lushan as soon as possible and stop him!" Younv Zhiwei swarmed towards the palace with bugs all over her body.

Namikaze Minato and the others quickly followed.

When entering the palace, I saw Kakashi standing there bored.

"Master Minato!"

"Kakashi, follow us!" Namikaze Minato didn't dare to keep Kakashi here anymore, if the puppet people outside launched an attack, Kakashi would never be able to resist it alone.

At this time, Sarah also saw the puppet queen 'Sara' on the tower, and finally believed Naruto's words, and realized that the situation was serious, she immediately ran towards the power tower where all the pipelines were concentrated.

Naruto followed.

The two came to the bottom of the power tower and saw a large number of people enslaved by An Lushan!

When Sarah saw her people laboring in this dark place, her heart ached so much that she burst into tears.

At this time, the people who had been enslaved for an unknown period of time were all indifferent when they saw Sarah, as if they were dead, and their hearts were already dead.

At this time, An Lushan finally appeared as a victor.

"Hundred feet, **** it, it really is you!" Seeing An Lushan's appearance, Naruto felt great hatred in his heart.

As the winner, An Lushan had to let the young couple in front of him know the ins and outs, so he told everything he had done since he came to this country, and at the same time he despised Sara and her daughter as nothing more than him. Puppet puppet in hand.

After Sarah heard this, her whole body became numb, as if she was more sad than heartbroken.

Naruto couldn't stand it any longer, took a spiral pill and rushed forward.

An Lushan waved his hand, and the huge puppet army immediately swarmed up.

At the same time, An Lushan used the power of the dragon veins to resurrect the puppets crazily. No matter how much Naruto destroyed, the puppets never decreased. uukanshu. Com turned into a huge puppet, frantically absorbing the nine-tailed chakra in his body.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, An Lushan came to the bottom of the tower slowly, with a smile that was not a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Hundred feet, your enemy is me!" Naruto yelled in the giant puppet, trying to attract An Lushan's attention, and at the same time kept encouraging Sarah, hoping that he would cheer up.

But Sarah had been beaten to pieces, and she sat down on the ground decadently, covering her face and weeping.

An Lushan silently raised his hand, and used the chakra line to control a Kunai to shoot at Sara.

Naruto was in a hurry, desperately agitating the Nine-Tails Chakra, and knocked Kunai away.

Then Naruto went all out, desperately agitating the Nine-Tails Chakra, trying to break through the puppet.

When An Lushan saw it, his face changed greatly: "This huge chakra is..."

Naruto is worthy of being a strong mouth escaper, and he still does not forget to cheer Sarah up in such a situation.

When An Lushan saw it, he became angry, and immediately manipulated the right hand of the huge puppet to block Naruto's mouth.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief: "What can you do now? You are simply helpless."

Naruto was in the belly of the giant puppet, and the Nine-Tails Chakra went berserk completely, and actually exploded the giant puppet directly.

Naruto yelled and flew over, punching An Lushan to the ground with one fist.

Sarah finally looked up.

But in the next moment, An Lushan climbed up from the ground, and the injury on his face recovered in an instant. He sneered and said, "In Loulan, my strength is unlimited!"

He stretched out his ten fingers, and the chakra line instantly locked on the puppets in the distance, manipulating them to rush towards Naruto.

At the same time, he transformed into a huge and ferocious spider puppet, with a bit of An Lushan's shadow on his head, making a terrifying and dull sound.

"Hahaha, this is my ultimate body!"

When Naruto saw it, his face changed drastically.

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