Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 128: Fierce battle!

"Scorpion, where do you want to go!"

"How dare you betray the village, be prepared for death!"

"I have to admire your courage. After betraying the village, you dare to come back. You are so naive!"

There are eight sand ninja Anbu who chased and killed the red sand scorpion, each of them has the strength of jounin, and two of them are elite jounin. They are good at puppets or ninjutsu. Short board, even if the red sand scorpion encounters them, they have to avoid the edge temporarily.

After all, the only thing that can be used as the trump card in the hands of the Red Sand Scorpion at this time is a human puppet made of the third generation of Kazekage, who will definitely be beaten to death if caught in a siege.

As the wind blew, the red hair of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion fluttered like silk. Even though he was hunted down to this point, his eyes were still as plain as a clear spring.

The field of vision in the desert is very wide, he has already noticed that Namikaze Minato and others came running with Sand Ninja Anbe, naturally they wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Yunu Zhiwei wore sunglasses, and snorted, "The red-haired one is Sand Ninja Rebel, it should be Sand Ninja Anbu who is chasing him, Minato, what shall we do?"

Qiudao Dingza frowned: "The opponent has a lot of people, if they fight, they may attract a large army of Sand Ninja."

Feng Huo reminded: "Pay attention to the red-haired one in front, he is Chiyo's grandson, a genius puppet master!"

In particular, he also made the third Kazekage into a puppet!

Of course, there are probably only two people in the entire ninja world who know about this matter, one is him, and the other is naturally the Red Sand Scorpion himself.

Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "It seems that this genius puppet master wants to guide us to fight Sand Ninja Anbe."

Kakashi snorted, "Just kill them all!"

"Little ghost, it's really easy for you to say it." Feng Huo dismissed it.

"Asshole! You are not the same!" Kakashi said angrily.

"Stop arguing, they're here." Namakaze Minato slowly narrowed his eyes, the sky blue pupils reflected Sand Shinobu Anbe, and he was calculating the distance between them in his heart, thinking that if he used Flying Raijin, he would be able to reach him in an instant. Kill a few people.

Although Namikaze Minato has learned to fly Raijin at this time and has improved, but practice makes perfect. At this time, he has not yet reached the level of killing fifty jounin in an instant in the original book!

"Nani? This is Konoha Ninja!"

"Damn it! Has the **** Xie already joined Konoha?"

"There are only five of them, and two brats, kill them all!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Puppet secret technique!"

"Hand of sand!"

The moment Sand Ninja Anbe launched an offensive towards Namikaze Minato and the others, there was a slight change in the eyes of the red sand scorpion, it was a faint smile, and then his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"This cunning guy!" Kakashi was very nice, but facing the powerful offensive of Sand Ninja Anbe, he could only hide behind Namikaze Minato.

"Dayama spiral pill!" Namakaze Minato threw a huge spiral pill directly forward, smashing the giant hand formed by the sand and the big breakthrough!

At the same time, Yume Zhiwei called out a sea of ​​insects, which crazily spread towards Sand Ninja Anbe.

"Sand Flowing Sea!"

A Sand Ninja Anbe was imprinted on the ground, and the quicksand below suddenly swirled like a whirlpool, devouring the insects frantically.

Younuzhi sneered slightly: "Don't underestimate my bug."

In the next moment, a sea of ​​insects rose up from the sky, densely packed like yellow sand all over the sky, rushing towards the opposite side.

"Wind escape - wild wind dance!"

Countless gusts of wind visible to the naked eye danced like elves, gracefully crashing into the sea of ​​insects. In an instant, it was as if a piece of white chalk was drawing on the blackboard, leaving huge white marks horizontally and vertically. With the howling wind, the sea of ​​insects also destroyed in a very short time.

"Part of the multiplication technique!" Akimichi Dingza punched, and when he reached Sand Ninja, it was already the size of a small hill.


The yellow sand was like being hit by a meteorite, setting off a few feet high sand waves, and crazily lasing towards the surroundings.

But the Sand Ninja Anbe here are all elites, and they escaped this wave of offensives safely by all means.

"It seems that these Konoha ninjas are not simple."

"Catch them and torture them, maybe they are spies!"

"No, this guy Scorpion has run away!"

"Stop chasing, compared to a rebellious ninja, the Konoha ninja who is fighting us is the real enemy of our village!"

Sand Ninja Anbe quickly reached a consensus, gave up hunting down the traitorous Ninja Scorpion, and prepared to capture Namikaze Minato and others alive.

The faces of Namikaze Minato and the others became more and more gloomy.

On the opposite side are eight Junin, and there are only three of them on their side. Although Fenghuo has special Jnin fighting power, Kakashi...

no more.

"Fenghuo, Kakashi, take these two kunai, if you are in danger, call me!" Namikaze Minato took out two kunai engraved with the mark of the flying thunder **** and handed them to the two, with a serious expression on his face .

Younv Zhiwei released a large number of parasites again, lurking in the sand, and slowly spreading towards the surroundings.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo's face was a bit ugly. He used the secret medicine in Loulan before. The secret medicine of Qiu Dao's family is not to be taken casually. There is a time interval, otherwise the body will not be able to withstand the power of the medicine and explode.

In other words, at this time, he was no longer able to use his strongest combat power.

He looked at Namikaze Minato. In this battle, Namikaze Minato's pressure is probably the greatest!

"Do it!"

The leader of Sand Ninja Anbu gave an order, and everyone launched a powerful offensive again.

"Puppet Secret Technique - Eight Ghosts!"

"Sand time rain!"

In an instant, a large amount of quicksand rose into the sky, gathered into a ball in the air, and then turned into countless sand needles and shot down.

Younvzhi gritted her teeth slightly: "Secret technique-worm wall technique!"

A large number of parasites drilled out from under the quicksand, and rotated at high speed above several people, forming a black wall of insects!


Countless sand needles slammed into the worm wall, killing a large number of parasites instantly, but more and more parasites joined the worm wall, perfectly blocking the ninjutsu sand rain.

"Wind escape-wind cut!"

In the next moment, a Sand Ninja Anbe triggered Feng Dun, and the gale turned into a wind knife in the air and fell all over, splitting the insect wall in two!

"Damn it!" You Nu Zhi hated secretly.

"Partial doubling technique!" Qiu Dao Dingzuo stretched out his huge right hand, blocking all the sand needles shot from the middle of the worm wall.

Seal the fire and take the opportunity to seal and cast the fire escape-hao fireball from the side.

The huge high-temperature fireball roared towards the eight puppets that were getting closer.

These eight puppets are the proud work of the leaders of this group of Sand Ninja Anbe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In Sand Hidden Village, only Chiyo's secret technique "Kinmatsu Ten People" can stabilize him.


The eight strange puppets slammed into the fireball without dodging or evading. The high temperature and explosion could not affect their tough bodies at all!


At the same time, Anbu, a sand ninja, used ninjutsu again, and the sand under the feet of Namikaze Minato and others swallowed them like a living thing.

"Hey, I've caught you, brat! Puppetry-drilling-human sacrificial art!"

A sand ninja Anbu saw the opportunity, and instantly projected the chakra line on the panicked Kakashi, completely controlling him.

Under Kakashi's unbelievable gaze, "he" stabbed Fenghuo in the back of the heart from a very tricky angle!

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