Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 129: decline

Feng Huo's eyelids twitched when he heard the sound of Kunai stabbing at him behind him.

"Kakashi, you pig teammate!!"

Although Kakashi's body was out of control, his mouth was sharp: "Uchiha Fuu, you idiot, get out of here!"

As soon as Fenghuo took a step, the quicksand under his feet trapped him in place like a swamp. The kunai in Kakashi's hand was already stuck to Fenghuo's clothes, and it was about to pierce in the next moment.

"Flying Thunder God!"

At the critical moment, Namikaze Minato teleported between the two of them. He grabbed Kakashi's arm holding Kunai with one hand, changed its attack direction, and took out the Chakra Knife with the other hand, and pulled out the Chakra knife wrapped around Kakashi's body. Cut all the lines!

"I'm saved." Kakashi felt a burst of freedom in his body, and quickly threw away the kunai in his hand.

Feng Huo was still in shock, but it didn't affect his seal: "Lei Dun - go!"

Thunder Dun restrained Earth Dun, and as a large amount of lightning blasted into the quicksand, the terrifying stickiness of the quicksand gradually dissipated, and he jumped away immediately.

But at the same time, the Hakki puppet, the leader of Sand Ninja Anbe, is also close at hand!

These eight puppets have strange shapes, like devils, with two horns on their heads, ferocious faces, tall hands and feet, sharp bone spurs on every joint, glowing purple-black luster, full of poison!

The eight puppets came in a row, like a mighty army, Feng Huo dared to take it hard, and retreated too late.

"Be careful not to be approached by them!" Namikaze Minato saw that the poison on these puppets came from Chiyo, and hurriedly reminded him.

"Secret technique-Chongyu!" After Yume Zhiwei and Akido Dingzuo jointly blocked Sand Ninja's ninja, they summoned a large number of parasitic insects again, surrounded the eight puppets, and frantically absorbed the chakra on them.

The puppet is controlled by ninjas with chakra wires. Once the chakra is absorbed by parasites, the puppet will become wood.

"Wind escape-big breakthrough!" An Anbu sand ninja spewed out a gust of wind, blowing away all the bugs on the puppet.

"Shuriken-Shadow Cloning Technique!" Namikaze Minato threw three shurikens, but in the air, these three shurikens instantly turned into tens of thousands, and crazily shot towards the opposite side.

At the same time, he also threw out the characteristic Kunai engraved with the mark of Flying Thunder God.

"Dance of the eight ghosts!" The eight puppets under the control of the leader of Sand Ninja Anbu turned into butterflies and danced gracefully, but under their hideous faces, only nausea and nausea remained.

Countless shurikens were blocked by eight puppets, and even Kunai with Namakaze Minato's characteristics was knocked into the air.

"Why are there only seven people left?" Kakashi suddenly exclaimed.

Eight sand ninja Anbe, but only seven can be seen at this time, where did the remaining one go?

Feng Huo suddenly looked at the quicksand under his feet: "Pay attention to the bottom!"


The quicksand under Kakashi's feet suddenly burst, and a figure assassinated Kakashi at an extremely fast speed.

Namikaze Minato subconsciously teleported through Flying Thunder God.

"Spiral pill...wrong!"

The spiral pill hit him, but it disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"This is the sand clone!"


The real assassination came from behind Fenghuo.

"Damn it!" Feng Huo didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately opened the eight-door Dunjia.

"Open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth, open!"

"Konoha Goriki Whirlwind!"

With a whirling kick, the violent wind turned into a semicircle and collided heavily with Sand Shinobi behind him.


Feng Huo bounced back with great force, rolled twice in the quicksand and stood up in embarrassment.

"Little ghost, not bad, you can escape my assassination, hehehehe." Nasa Ninja Anbu shot again while sneering.


creak creak...

At the same time, Feng Huo opened the Sangouyu Shulunyan again, and the blood-colored pupils full of blood and ominous aura stared at the sand ninja Anbu.

"Nani? You are from the Uchiha clan..."

"This brat has already opened the three-gouyu Sharingan, haha, this is really a surprise, these eyes, we Shayin Village accepted!"

Feng Huo sneered: "That depends on your abilities."


He stepped down, and his whole body crashed into the air in an instant, and a series of phantoms were brought up at a terrifying speed, like a greedy snake, meandering, frantically wandering around beside that Sand Ninja Anbe.

The chidori in his hand screamed frantically.

Chidori is not Raiqie, the turning process will bring him huge pressure, but going straight obviously can't bring the slightest threat to these sand ninjas.

‘Even if I open the Eight Door Dunjia, I can’t hold on for too long! '

Fenghuo's right hand seemed to be showing signs of convulsions.

But fortunately, under the eyes of Sangouyu Shulun, his vision is not affected at all, and he can clearly see every move of the sand ninja in front of him.

It's now!


Chidori stabbed out, and the thunder light burst instantly, dazzling.

The eyes of Sand Ninja Anbe were temporarily blinded by the lightning, but his hands kept moving, forming sand clones with one hand, and piercing Kunai with the other.

But his movement was still a step slower, and Chidori who was blocked by the fire was the first to stab into the body.


Thunder and lightning blasted into his body along the wound in an instant, crazily destroying it!

"Damn it!" Sand Ninja Anbe staggered and almost knelt down. His eyes were red and he was about to go crazy when he was kicked by the sealing fire in the abdomen, and his whole body flew into the air.

"Li Lianhua!!"

Fenghuo stepped into the air, and directly hit this sand ninja Anbu ten times in the air, and kicked him **** the head with the last kick, directly kicking him to death in the air!

There was a rain of blood in an instant, red and white.

"The guy Fenghuo obviously only has the strength of a special jounin, but he can burst out the strength to kill a jounin. It's really surprising." Qiudao Dingzuo looked back at the blood rain behind his eyes, squeaking in amazement.

"Now is not the time to be surprised." Sweat stains loomed on Younu Zhiwei's forehead.

There are seven Sand Ninja Anbe on the opposite side. If he hadn't restrained him with bugs, Fenghuo would have no chance to kill that Sand Ninja alone.

But in this way, his consumption is also increasing, and more than half of the chakra in his body has been consumed!

"Damn it, I can't help at all!" Kakashi gritted his teeth, Chidori would do it too, but he couldn't make a turn, and couldn't do any damage to these Sand Ninja Anbu at all.

"Kakashi, don't worry, I'm here!" Namikaze Minato's eyes became brighter and brighter, and as the eight puppets of the leader of Sand Ninja Anbu got closer, his battle plan was about to begin.

"Dance of Ghost Tooth!"

The poisoned bone spurs at the joints of the eight puppets were like arrows flying from the string in an instant, shooting towards Namikaze Minato and the others crazily, and these bone spurs continued to shoot out from the joints, like machine guns endlessly!

"Secret Technique - Insect Wall!"

A large number of parasites turned into a black insect wall ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to block all poisonous bone spurs.

But Younv Zhiwei's cheeks were already soaked with sweat. His parasites' reproduction speed could no longer keep up with the speed of being destroyed. Coupled with the intense consumption of Chakra, after a while, I'm afraid he could lose even a single worm. Can't call out.

"It's now!"

Namikaze Minato once again sprinkled a piece of kunai.

"Aren't you willing to use such a small skill to make a fool of yourself?"

"Konoha's ninja is really disappointing."

Sand Ninja Anbu laughed at using Kunai to fend off these grotesque traits Kunai.

Step by step continue to approach.

But at this moment, a golden flash instantly penetrated the entire battlefield!

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