Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 131: Iwa Shinobi enters

With more and more deaths and injuries of sand ninjas and Konoha ninjas in the battlefield of the land of rain, Yan Yin Village finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to send rock ninjas into the land of rain in batches, and gradually devoured some important strategic terrain in the land of rain , the ambition is obvious!

Hanzo, the leader of Yuren Village, felt powerless after receiving the news, so he could only shrink his manpower to avoid being affected by the war of the three major powers as much as possible.

With the intervention of Yanyin Village, the sand ninjas and Konoha ninjas in the rain country also began to restrain themselves a little, and the situation on the battlefield was a little looser.

So the Akatsuki organization became active again. Xiaonan, Yahiko and others ran back and forth between Konoha Camp, Sand Ninja Camp, and Iwa Ninja Camp for the peace of the Rain Country, but with little success, but their deeds spread far and wide. , Attracting a large number of wandering ninjas from the Land of Rain to join.

Even Muye Village can receive messages from them from time to time.

Although Jiraiya has devoted himself to collecting materials at the women's bathhouse recently, he is also very concerned about the Akatsuki organization. Every time there is news of the three of Yahiko, he can make him happy for a while, and then go to the women's bathhouse...to collect materials?

In Konoha's Camp in the Land of Rain, Orochimaru looked at the information in his hand with a livid face.

Yan Yin Village intervened in the battlefield, and he immediately sent people to negotiate, hoping to form an alliance with Yan Ren. If it succeeds, the two ninja villages are fully capable of counterattacking the country of wind and grabbing the greatest benefits!

But unfortunately, Yan Ren rejected his request, and they actually had frequent contact with the ninjas in Sand Hidden Village, and they knew that their conscience was greatly broken at a glance!

"If sand ninja and iwa ninja form an alliance, it will be very bad for us."

Orochimaru looked at the colleagues in front of him and said solemnly, "We must find a way to destroy their alliance!"

"Master Orochimaru, it's better to send someone to assassinate Iwanin, and then blame Sand Ninja!" Yamanaka Kaiichi suggested.

Orochimaru shook his head: "This is a war that determines the interests of great powers. Even if the assassination succeeds, they will still choose an alliance in the face of national interests!"

"Why don't you unite with the Rain Ninja Village?" A ninja from the Nara family suggested, "Or contact the Akatsuki organization. Haven't they been working for the peace of the Rain Kingdom? We can agree to their peace request, provided they can Help us defeat Sand Ninja and Iwanin!"

Orochimaru was silent.

The three leaders of the Akatsuki organization, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato, he has seen all three guys, and even almost died in his hands, if it wasn't for that idiot Jiraiya's insistence.

"Hanzo has already shrunk all of Urenin, and obviously does not intend to participate in the war between us. The Akatsuki organization is just a product of children's playfulness, and it is not worth cooperating with!"

Orochimaru raised his head, and his golden vertical pupils looked coldly at everyone present, "If there is no better suggestion, then, get ready to face the two big ninja villages at the same time!"

The faces of Yamanaka Haiyi and the others became more serious.

At the same time, the news of Yan Ninja's entry into the Land of Rain also spread to most of the ninja world in the first place.

Yunyin Village in the Land of Thunder.

This ninja village is built on the top of the mountains, especially Raikage's office, which is even more amazing. It stands in the middle of several mountains, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a blessed land of immortals.

The third Raikage stood in the office and looked at the fairyland-like scenery in front of him, with a faint smile on his face: "That old man Onogi finally couldn't help it, hehehe."

"Father, I also want to go to the battlefield!" The future Raikage of the fourth generation, and the current Ai, have a militant look on their faces, "Kirabi and I will definitely defeat all the ninjas in Konoha!"

"Idiot!" Third Raikage turned around and punched him.

The huge thunder light wrapped around the fist, directly hitting Ai to the ceiling.

"Qirabi can't completely control the bull ghost yet, let him go to the battlefield? Are you planning to let him run away?"

Ai was embedded in the ceiling and couldn't fall off, showing a resigned expression upon hearing this.

"According to the current situation, Yanyin Village will soon declare war. The best time for us to enter the battlefield is when the three major powers are exhausted from fighting!" The third generation of Raikage's whole body was flickering with lightning, and he was about to move. Ai is even stronger, but he is Raikage, and he must consider the interests of the village and the country, otherwise, just because of the grievances with Yanyin Village during World War II, he would have rushed to the land of earth to find Onoki desperately.

"It's not good, Raikage-sama, Kirabi has gone berserk again!" A Raikage Anbu suddenly appeared in the office.

"Bastard!" The Third Raikage roared, directly smashed through the wall of the office, jumped down from a thousand meters high, and roared loudly, "Niu Gui, you bastard, I will beat you to the ground today!!"

In Wuyin Village, the country of water, the whole village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the water mist floats like silk, just like a fairyland on earth!

Since Momochi Zabuzhan graduated, the third generation of Mizukage has implemented a more stringent policy, while eradicating dissidents, while wooing the powerful blood-successor Genkai family to prepare for the war.

Among them, the most outstanding ones are the Kaguya clan with powerful bone veins, and the Minazuki clan with ice shields!

These two clans are already completely on his side, and they can send elites to attack the Fire Nation as long as he gives an order!

"Mizukage-sama, there are still many people in the country who reject such a harsh policy. If we fail to attack Konoha, I'm afraid..." Mizukage consultant Jing Lan said with some concern.

Three generations of Mizukage sneered: "I will never fail!"

Jing Lan showed a disturbed expression. It is good not to fail, but if it fails... I am afraid that the country will be divided immediately and fall into civil war. The three generations of Mizukage will definitely be killed as scapegoats, as well as the Kaguya clan and Minazuki One family and other blood descendants of the limited family are afraid that they will also be rejected by the angry Chinese.

But he didn't dare to say these things, because the situation in the ninja world at this time was developing towards the three generations of Mizukage's vision.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face had been tense for several days, and anyone who saw it would think that he owed him millions of dollars.

"That **** **** Onogi!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi suddenly let out an angry roar.

At this time, the director of Konoha Anbe, Hatake Sakumo suddenly appeared: "Master Hokage!"

"What's the matter?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at him solemnly.

"We found a large number of traces of Yunin lurking in the country of frost." Hatake Sakumo said in a low voice.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was startled and angry.

The Land of Frost is adjacent to the Land of Thunder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the Land of Fire is also separated by a land of soup. The third generation of Raikage dispatched a large number of cloud ninjas to the Land of Frost. The purpose is self-evident!

Behind Sand Hidden Village, Yan Hidden Village can't wait to jump out, and Yun Hidden Village is already ready to move. If the situation continues like this, Konoha will be attacked by the enemy and go to war with the three major powers at the same time!

Suddenly, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart skipped a beat: "Is there any news about Kirigakure?"

Hatake Sakumo shook his head: "Sorry, no!"

The land of water and the land of fire where Kirigakure is located is separated by half an ocean, and intelligence collection has always been extremely difficult, especially in times of war, and there are fewer and fewer ninjas that can be called.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi put his hand on his forehead, showing a tired expression.

After the war started, his pressure became more and more serious, and his energy became weaker and weaker. If the war did not go well, he already had a vague premonition of what would happen to him.

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