Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 132: Tang Ninja Village

Not long after the ninjas of Iwagakushi Village entered the Land of Rain, Hiruzaru Sarutobi dispatched Shikaku Nara, who had recuperated from his injuries, to the front line again, and cooperated with Orochimaru to take charge of the Land of Rain battlefield.

As for Namikaze Minato, after returning from the dragon vein mission, he will enter the mode of cultivating sages in Mt. Miaomu again.

After Fenghuo completed two tasks, he was forcibly recruited by Hiruzaru Sarutobi and sent to the border of Tang Country to monitor the actions of Yunyin Village.

Feng Huo didn't resist, and went happily.

As long as you don't go to Orochimaru's territory, you can talk about anything!

"Fenghuo, your age is your best camouflage. When you arrive in Tang Country, be careful." Hatake Sakumo personally sent Fenghuo away, "Although Tangguo has Tangren Village, I like it very much. Peaceful village, remember not to cause trouble."

"Senior Hatake, I understand!" Feng Huo nodded in response, he hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Senior Hatake, how many ninjas did Yunin send into Tang Country?"

Hatake Sakumo said: "Currently, Yunin is secretly concentrated on the border between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Frost. No one knows when they will suddenly invade us, so your mission is very important!"

"Us?" Feng Huo was taken aback, "Does that mean I still have companions?"

Hatake Sakumo nodded, but shook his head immediately, and said with a smile: "This task is very important. Of course, Master Hokage will not send you alone, but in order to prevent you from being taken over by Yun Nin, so your identities are kept secret. They don't even know the identity of the other party."

Feng Huo nodded: "In this way, even if one of us is arrested, others will not be involved."

"That's right, so you have arrived in Tang Country, so don't expose it easily." Hatake Sakumo smiled.

Afterwards, Feng Huo went on the road alone, and flew towards Tang Country.

In a remote dense forest in the depths of the Tang Kingdom, there is a strange building complex. The people living here have strange expressions on their faces, and their eyes are full of killing desire when looking at others, completely contrary to the peace-loving rumors from the outside world.

After all, where there is light, there is darkness!

The Country of Tang is indeed a peace-loving country. Most of the people in the country, including the ninjas in Tangren Village, are like this, but the people living in this dense forest are just the opposite.

They believe in evil gods, are extremely keen on killing, and yearn for longevity. They frantically capture passers-by to do various perverted experiments. At this time, in their laboratory, a handsome ninja wearing a Tang Nin forehead is lying quietly There, let these cultists do what they want.

"This guy's vitality is really tenacious, so he didn't die."

"Doesn't this just show that our experiment is correct!"

"That's right, Lord Cthulhu really exists, this has been confirmed by us, hahaha!"

The handsome ninja lying there listened to their words, his eyes sparkled with excitement, he licked his lips, and said excitedly: "Can I join you? It sounds very good!"

"Huh? You guys said that to save your life!" A cult member sneered.

"Hey, what are you kidding, I am very serious, I have great admiration for evil gods!"

"What's your name?"

"Fei Duan, haha, my name is Fei Duan, let me join your **** religion, I will definitely cooperate with your experiments!" Fei Duan yelled frantically.

The few cultists surrounding you looked at me and I looked at you, all with strange expressions on their faces.

"In this case, then we agree, but in exchange, we have to do many experiments on you!"

"That's right, if the experiment is successful, you will get immortality!"

Although the success rate of this kind of experiment is zero percent so far, who cares about the life and death of this soup ninja?

Fei Duan was fearless, and his face was full of mad excitement: "Come on, just come on, I am willing to give everything I have for the evil god, hahaha!"

In Tangren Village, Fenghuo walks in the most famous street here - Rose Street.

This is an alley, and people in the alley plant a lot of roses, red, pink, and white, and the strong fragrance of roses fills the entire alley!

Feng Huo walked in it, the fragrance of roses was like a hot spring enveloping him, every time he took a breath, the fragrance of flowers permeated his heart, and his whole body exuded a sense of comfort from the inside out.

He walked back and forth here a few times, and then rented a small bungalow in Tangren Village to live in, and publicized that he had escaped.

Now that Shayin Village and Muye Village are at war, there are not a few civilians like Fenghuo who have fled to a peaceful country like Tango Country.

After living here for a few days, Fenghuo quickly became acquainted with the people around him, and even found a temporary job to earn money to support himself. Of course, these were all for others to see, and it was only his shadow clone who went to work. As for his body, he left Tang Ninja Village and went to the border between the Land of Tang and the Land of Frost.

The Kingdom of Frost is located between the Kingdom of Tang and the Kingdom of Thunder. It is a small country that doesn't even have its own Ninja Village, but Fenghuo dare not enter easily.

Now Yun Ren is lurking on the border between the Kingdom of Frost and the Kingdom of Thunder. God knows when they will go south in a big way. If they accidentally bump into ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he will die without knowing how.

‘The cloud ninja invaded Konoha, there must be a lot of people. If you want to pass through the country of Tang without a sound, you must have a secret shortcut, so you just need to find this shortcut! '

His abacus is very loud, that is to find a shortcut, and then wait for the rabbit.

Even if this method fails in the end, aren't there other companions?

So there is no pressure at all to seal the fire.

Next, he started running back and forth on the border between the Land of Tang and the Land of Frost, looking for places suitable for a large number of ninjas to pass without attracting attention from others.

But to Fenghuo's dismay, he found eight terrains that agreed with his conditions during these few trips.

‘This is not possible, I am not Naruto, there is no way to separate the eight shadow clones, some must be eliminated. '

Then he had to enter the Frost Country to check the terrain of the Frost Country. Sure enough, the terrain in the Tang Country was suitable for a large number of ninjas to pass through, but the terrain in the Frost Country connected to it was very dangerous. After half a month, he passed smoothly. Six locations were excluded.

There are still two places left, and there is no way to eliminate them by sealing the fire. We can only guard here today with shadow clones, and guard there tomorrow.

As for using the main body to monitor, hehe, what a joke, if it is really unfortunate to encounter a large army of cloud ninjas, it is not as simple as being blind.

On this day, Feng Huo was walking on Rose Street again, but unexpectedly ran into an old acquaintance, no, it was an old pervert.

'Silai also? ! '

At the critical moment, he held back the words that came to his mouth.

Zilai was also not surprised to see Fenghuo, obviously he knew his mission long ago, the two passed by each other, but Fenghuo knew that this old pervert would definitely come to him at night!

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