Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 133: slaughter

It was night, and the fire was sealed off until two or three o'clock in the morning, and Zilai was long overdue.

Seeing the joyful expression on the face of this old pervert, Feng Huo knew that this guy must have gone to a women's bathhouse to collect information.

"Haha, brat, isn't this village nice?" Jiraiya winked as soon as he came up, expressing his passion to the fullest.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Feng Huo distanced himself from him solemnly.

Jilai was also unhappy: "Do you know what the soup in Tangnin Village represents? It means hot water, hot spring, and bath. Hehe, here, there are hot spring baths that are unmatched by the five major countries!"

The corners of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, Jiraiya was really hopeless.

Feng Huo hurriedly changed the subject: "Senior Jiraiya, how is the war with Sand Ninja going?"

Ji Lai was also taken aback, with a constipated expression on his face, as if he suddenly saw a worm appearing in the rice bowl when he was eating delicious food, and he showed disgust without any concealment.

"Hey, isn't it good to talk about war in such a peaceful ninja village?" Jiraiya snorted, "I'm here to collect information, not to discuss war with you."

'This guy! '

Fenghuo was speechless. He had left the village for about a month. During this time, he was lurking in Tangren Village. In order to prevent exposure, he did not dare to inquire about the war between Shayin Village and Konoha. He did not expect to meet Jilai Also, you were treated unfairly for this, God, how unfair you are!

Feng Huo opened his dull eyes, his thoughts drifted further and further away.

Zilai also saw that he was distracted, and he was not polite, walked around the rented house in Fenghuo, got some food, and then jumped out of the window and left.

When Fenghuo came back to his senses, there was no sign of Jiraiya in the room.

"This old pervert..."

Fenghuo was very helpless, but he had no choice but to go to bed.

After Jiraiya left, he headed straight for the Land of Frost.

He didn't really come here for fun.

In fact, the situation in the Land of Rain is very bad now. There are more and more ninjas in Yanyin Village, and the declaration of war is not far away. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen must 100% confirm the movements of the cloud ninjas on the border.

Jiraiya was sent by Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

Entering the Land of Frost, Jiraiya performed the Shadow Clone Technique, running fast in the Land of Frost under the cover of night, and the dense forest couldn't stop him at all.

The area of ​​the Land of Frost is not large, and at about midnight, Zilai had passed through most of the Land of Frost.

"It seems that Yunin will not attack Konoha for the time being."

Ji Lai also frowned. This is good news, but it is also bad news.

Yunin has been lurking all the time, and Konoha will always send ninjas to monitor, which will consume a lot of power in the village, and Yunin has always liked to add insult to injury. If they declare war, then Konoha's situation must be very bad.

Jiraiya and his shadow clone have been lurking into the border of the Land of Thunder, and finally stopped when they found the large army of Yun Nin.

With his strength, unless there is a Raikage-level existence, it will be difficult to be discovered.

"Oh, there are quite a few."

Jiraiya shuttled back and forth, as far as he could see, there were already more than 300 ninjas, of which nearly 30 were jounin!

This ratio is already very high, and Yunin is good at physical skills and thunder escape, which is very lethal. If they break into the country of fire, it will cause huge damage to Konoha.

Jiraiya left quietly and continued to wander around the border. A few days later, he found another ninja army of about 300 people.

"This is not good."

Looking at it now, it is almost 100% certain that Yunyin Village will participate in the war in the future, and the situation of Konoha is getting more and more serious.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

In the dense forest of Tangren Village, Fei Duan's wild laughter rose into the sky like a night owl, accompanied by sharp screams, and the smell of blood quickly permeated like the fragrance of roses.

"Fu Duan, what are you doing, you bastard?!"

"How can you kill your own companion!"

"Stop it, stop it!"

Fei Duan held a huge red three-segment sickle in his hand, wantonly massacring the cultists here.

"As a cultist of the evil god, it's natural to sacrifice your life to serve the god. What are you screaming for?" Fei Duan stared at these people with evil eyes, "If you really believe in the evil god, Just be obedient and grab it."

"Bastard, I shouldn't have accepted you back then, I should have killed you directly!"

Fei Duan sneered: "I am a missionary chosen by the evil god, with an immortal body, how could you mortals kill me!"

A huge **** sickle flew, and more and more people died.

A cultist sneaked behind Fei Duan, took out a kunai and stabbed him in the back.

"Successful!" The cultist stirred the knife excitedly, three times to the left and three times to the right, back and forth three times, and smoothly opened a big blood hole in Fei Duan's back heart.

But soon, the believer realized something was wrong, because Fei Duan turned his head and looked at him coldly.

"It hurts, bastard!" Fei Duan turned around slowly, not caring that there was still a handful of kunai stuck in his back hole.

"you you…"

When other cultists saw this scene, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com showed a look of fear and excitement in their eyes.

"Successful, the evil god's experiment was successful!"

"Damn, this guy has been blessed by the evil god, he has an immortal body, he is already a monster!"

Hearing this, Fei Duan was unhappy, and after brutally murdering the cultist who assassinated him, he walked over arrogantly with a three-segment sickle on his shoulders, and screamed strangely: "Monster? I am a cultist of the great cult, and the only one Is it inappropriate to call me that, you bastard!"


Fei Duan raised his sickle and cut him in half, the blood spattered on his face, adding a bit of evil.

A few minutes later, Fei Duan completely leveled the place!

"In this case, I will be the only cultist in this world, huh? Wait, in this case, the heavy responsibility of spreading the teachings of the evil gods will not fall on me, ah, what a happy trouble, hahahaha..."

Fei Duan came to the river next to the dense forest, wiped off the blood on his body, and then dragged the three-section sickle towards Tang Ren Village.

On Rose Street in Tangren Village, Fenghuo works as an important salesperson in one of the rose shops. He sweeps the floor and waters the flowers every day, welcomes and sends them off, and is extremely busy. One of the borderlines is watching, and if they see a large army of cloud ninjas passing by, they will disband and spread the news.

After living here for nearly two months, Fenghuo was almost purified here, and I forgot the war in the Land of Rain.

‘I’m not going to stay here until the cloud ninja goes to war, am I? Although it's safe, if you don't get exercise, your strength won't improve. '

While Feng Huo was feeling sad, he suddenly saw a tall figure passing by in front of the store.

Feng Huo was startled, and wiped his eyes.

'I must be dazzled. '

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