Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 135: reaction

The news of the tragic death of the flower shop owner in the alley spread quickly, and the residents of Rose Street were all in danger, for fear that the big traitor would come back to find fault with the flower shop, so they all avoided it far away, so that the fire was sealed off. Those who can successfully occupy the magpie's nest and take the flower shop as their own!

Of course, if Feng Huo didn't use the Sangouyu Sharingan to properly guide him, he wouldn't be able to inherit it smoothly.

But these are subsections!

'I didn't expect to become a boss after working part-time for a month. Thinking about it, I really feel sorry for the dead flower shop owner. '

Feng Huo happily watered the roses, not caring about Fei Duan at all.

After all, as the news of the death of the flower shop owner spread, Tang Ren had come to ask him about Fei Duan more than once. Within a few days, Fei Duan was wanted by Tang Ren and became a glorious traitor. His name spread throughout most of the ninja world.

Feng Huo didn't know if Fei Duan had done the so-called evil **** experiment at this time, but even if he had done it, it was unlikely that he could fight against the entire Tangren Village by himself, so the chance of Fei Duan appearing here again was infinitely small, and even What's more, Fei Duan won't care about every detail with a brat like him.

Afterwards, Feng Huo ran a flower shop that was "hard to get", and the shadow clone went back and forth between the two routes to "wait for the rabbit".

The business of the flower shop is mediocre. After all, there are a lot of roses sold on Rose Street. His flower shop does not have any advantage, so the flow of people is small.

Feng Huo sat on the counter and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was dozing off, but he was actually concentrating his chakra.

Although he was 'exiled' here, he couldn't really be in a daze. He tried to use every minute and every second, and the condensed Chakra accumulated less and more, strengthening his strength all the time.

At the same time, although his shadow clone is waiting on the sidelines, it is also working hard to practice the seal gesture.

Now his seal speed has reached four per second, even the Sharingan of Lianggouyu can't keep up with his seal speed!

Of course, Fenghuo is not satisfied with this hand speed. It must be known that Itachi's handspeed can reach six per second, and he can seal with one hand, so Fenghuo naturally dare not neglect.

When the speed of forming seals could not be improved in a short time, Feng Huo also started to practice one-handed seals. Although it was extremely difficult, practice made perfect, and the iron pestle could be ground into needles. Feng Huo believed that as long as he continued to grind like this, he would surely succeed!

On this day, Feng Huo took a nap in the flower shop as usual, when suddenly a message spread from the street of Rose Street to the end of the street:

Yanyin Village has declared war on Konoha!

But it is worth pondering that Yanyin Village and Shayin Village did not declare the alliance between the two.

In other words, they all fight Konoha, but each fights in its own way and is not related to each other.

But Orochimaru did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and immediately decided to open up a second battlefield to separate Sand Yin Village and Yan Yin Village.

Orochimaru is still in charge of Sand Hidden Village, while Nara Shikahisa is sent to take charge of Iwa Hidden Village.

Because he wanted to fight against the two hidden villages at the same time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi gritted his teeth and squeezed out his supporters again, sending thousands of ninjas into the battlefield.

At this time, Danzo, the Uchiha clan, and even the Hyuga clan in the village are a little bit ready to move!

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been able to sit on the position of Hokage for so many years, not only because of his amazing strength, but also because he has many supporters in his lineage, so many that he can fight against the wars of Sand Hidden Village and Rock Hidden Village at the same time!

But now?

"This is an opportunity for our Uchiha clan!"

In the old house of the Uchiha clan, the patriarch Uchiha Qianxia looked at the elders below with burning eyes, "Sand Hidden Village and Iwa Hidden Village have declared war one after another. Declare war, and we can use war to force Hiruzaru Sarutobi to abdicate!"

"The patriarch, Danzo and the Hyuga clan are probably also planning to do so. Competing for the position of Hokage is no small matter." An elder said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, even if we don't win the position of Hokage, we still have to have a greater voice in the village!" Uchiha Chinatsu snapped, "Otherwise, the village will never want any ninja from our clan to stand on the battlefield!"

An elder retorted lightly: "No, there is a kid with the surname of Uchiha active on the battlefield right now!"

"You mean the Uchiha seal fire! This guy betrayed the glory of the Uchiha clan, and even stood on Sarutobi Hiruzen's side. Hmph, don't worry everyone, he will never survive this war!"

After the meeting, Uchiha Chinatsu left Uchiha Fugaku.

"Fuyue, I heard that your child Itachi can already talk?"

Uchiha Fugaku showed an excited smile: "Patriarch, Itachi is indeed very smart, I think his talent is no worse than Shisui!"

"Great, if this is really the case, then our Uchiha clan will definitely be happy!" Uchiha Chinatsu asked again, "By the way, how has Shisui's strength improved?"

"After actual combat, he already has the strength of the Chunin, especially in illusion and instant body skills. I'm afraid Uchiha Fenghuo can't compare with him!" Fuyue said excitedly, "In less than five years, I believe He can definitely replace Uchiha Fenghuo and become the super genius of my Uchiha clan!"

Although Fenghuo and Uchiha are drifting away, his genius name has been shrouded in the head of the Uchiha clan like a shadow. Now there is Uchiha Shisui, and his son Uchiha Itachi, Fenghuo's genius aura It's finally going to be replaced.

"Ahem!" Uchiha Chinatsu coughed for a while, with a sickly rosy face.

"Patriarch, you?" Fu Yue was surprised.

"It's an old injury from before." Uchiha Chinatsu said, "Fuyue, I feel that my energy is getting worse and worse. In the past two years, I will probably go to the elders' group."

Fu Yue's eyes widened suddenly, and he instantly understood that his era was coming: "I know."

"You have to work hard." Uchiha Chinatsu showed a smile, "Your talent and stamina are the top of our clan, plus Shisui, ahem, and your son Itachi, we must treat our Uchiha clan Take it to the top!"

Fuyue nodded solemnly!

In the headquarters, Danzo collects information from all parties, and the expression on his face is always a bit gloomy.

"Is the organization called Akatsuki ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ still active?" Danzo asked.

In the empty underground secret room, came a cold voice: "Yes, Danzo-sama! Ever since Iwanin entered the Land of Rain, this organization has been running around."

"What about Hanzo? How could that guy tolerate such an organization?" Although Danzo was not familiar with Hanzo, he could still grasp the character of this ninja demigod through intelligence analysis. He did not believe that Hanzo would tolerate Akatsuki's existence.

The root ninja replied: "Hanzo has shrunk his ninja village to avoid participating in the war."

"That's right."

Danzo pondered.

If you want to win the position of Hokage, you must let the war continue. The Akatsuki organization jumping up and down to call for peace has obviously touched Danzo's bottom line.

"This organization has to find a way to obliterate it!"

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