Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 136: to the land of rain

Hoo hoo...

Feng Huo sat in the flower shop to condense chakra, but accidentally became too focused and fell asleep.

Boom boom boom!

The vicissitudes of the middle-aged uncle knocked on the table with dissatisfaction: "Hey, I want to buy flowers."

Feng Huo woke up with a start, and when he saw this uncle, he was still a little unresponsive.

The vicissitudes of the middle-aged uncle stretched out his two hands in dissatisfaction, and made a few secret handprints.

After sealing the fire, it turned out that it belonged to a village.

As the saying goes, when a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, there are tears in his eyes. If you don’t cheat all the money in your trouser pocket today, how can you be worthy of my carefully raised roses?

Then he shook his head and threw out this absurd idea. His role was too strong, and he almost forgot what he was here for.

Afterwards, the vicissitudes of the middle-aged uncle threw a small note to him, turned and left, still not forgetting to scold Fenghuo's roses for being expensive.

Feng Huo quickly picked up the note and spread it out to see that it was a group of confusing numbers. Most people would not realize anything even if they saw it, but it was indeed the code for Konoha to send messages. Feng Huo took out a small In the book, find out the transmitted words one by one according to the numbers, and connect them together.

Well, it really came from Sarutobi Hiruzen, ordering him to return to the village immediately.

Reminiscent of the news about Yanyin Village declaring war a few days ago, Fenghuo realized something.

'It seems that we still have to go to the battlefield. '

It's just that it was used as a logistics in the past. As for now, it's hard to say.

Fenghuo destroyed the note and wiped out all traces of the body, with a serious expression on his face.

Sand Hidden Village and Yan Hidden Village, Konoha has to face the war between the two hidden villages at the same time, coupled with the unpredictable constraints of Danzo and the Uchiha Clan, the manpower in the village may be stretched. He is big, but he already has special Jnin combat power. If he is recruited back, he will obviously not be allowed to stay in the supply unit.

There is no need to report the two lines of guarding the shadow clone. As for the flower shop, it doesn't matter. After he leaves, whoever wants to run it will run it.

On the same day, Feng Huo simply packed up and left in a hurry.

Returning to Konoha again, Fenghuo found that the atmosphere in the village had finally become dignified, and the faces of the villagers who came and went were somewhat depressed and uneasy, and all of this was caused by the declaration of war in Yanyin Village.

After completing the registration at the door, Feng Huo saw two members of the police force wearing Uchiha uniforms not long after entering.

"Hehe, isn't this the genius of our Uchiha clan? It looks a bit embarrassing."

"I heard that he is about to go to the battlefield. I really feel sad for him, hahaha."

"Nonsense! Going to the battlefield is a matter of glory. It's not like us. We can only patrol the village and do nothing all day long. We don't have to worry about being attacked by the enemy or being killed. Oh, what a worry."

Feng Huo looked at these two dudes, he didn't bother to start a conversation, he was about to pass by them as soon as he took a step.

But the two had a perfect understanding, and they walked at the same time to block the way of sealing the fire.

In the next moment, Feng Huo opened the Three Gouyu Sharingan, and the three Gouyu twirled wildly, directly hypnotizing the two dudes!

When they came back to their senses, Feng Huo had already left.

"Damn, this guy is so arrogant!"

"Using the sharingan illusion on the same family, **** it, sooner or later his eyes will be recovered!"

When he came to Hokage's office building, Feng Huo successfully met Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who was addicted to pipe smoking.

"Ahem, I'm back!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi is old and under a lot of pressure, plus he smokes so much every day, his physical condition will inevitably decline.

"Master Hokage."

Seal the fire and salute.

"You already know about the declaration of war in Yanyin Village, right?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi took another puff of his cigarette, heaved the smoke, blurred his eyes, and said slowly, "Oshemaru has successfully opened up the second battlefield, let Shikajiu lead a team A group of ninjas are fighting against Yannin, but at the same time fighting two hidden villages, the frontline manpower is not enough, Fenghuo, you are not old, but you already have enough strength to fight on the frontal battlefield."

Having said that, Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at him with burning eyes.

Feng Huo hurriedly followed suit: "Master Naruto, I am willing to go to the Iwanin battlefield!"

"Very good, I didn't misread you!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said gratifiedly, "Where the leaves dance, the fire must burn, and the fire will illuminate the village, and the leaves will sprout again. My child, you have truly inherited the power of fire." will!"

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, how should he answer this question?

Learn from Matt Dai and his son to kneel down and cry bitterly?

Or imitating Naruto and clenching his fists and yelling that I will definitely protect my companions and protect the village?

Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very busy, so he waved him off.

After Fenghuo returned home, Yuhihong was still receiving Tsunade's training, and her tough character quickly made her face look less immature, making her less cute and more heroic.

Feng Huo even faintly saw the strong ninja in the original book.

"Fenghuo, you're back!" Seeing him, Xi Rihong's eyes quickly turned red.

Tsunade was full of displeasure: "Huh? Isn't your kid on a mission outside? Why did you come back?"

Feng Huo comforted Kureni Yuhi who was about to cry, and replied to Tsunade: "I was called back by Hokage-sama."

"So, you're going to the Iwanin battlefield?" Tsunade thought thoughtfully.

"What?" Yuhi Hong's eyes turned even redder.

Feng Huo Dayi said awe-inspiringly: "Hong, why are you crying, as a ninja, I have already realized this."

When Yu Hihong heard it, she immediately showed admiration.

Tsunade couldn't help but blow him away with a punch: "Bastard, don't lie to the little girl here!"

The next day, Fenghuo gathered other ninjas who went to the front line to support them. There were more than 300 ninjas, and they set off towards the battlefield in mighty strength.

Among this large group of ninjas, Feng Huo is definitely the youngest, so seeing him, many ninjas showed surprise expressions, and a few grumpy ones even showed the eyes of "you little brat, don't drag me down"~www.wuxiaspot .com~ If you don't see the right to seal the fire, what should you do?

Hurrying is boring, and with the slight repulsion from the surrounding ninjas, Feng Huo is immersed in his cultivation.

As we approached the Land of Rain, the weather above our heads gradually became gloomy. There was a sense of dampness in the air, and there was also a smell of blood when we smelled it carefully.

Feng Huo followed the large force towards the second battlefield.

The second battlefield is still in the Land of Rain. This unlucky country has endured too many wars, but who makes this country's strategic position important?

The two major battlefields of the Land of Rain are close to the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth respectively. It takes about two days for a ninja to travel between the two battlefields!


Half a day after entering the Land of Rain, the sky began to rain heavily, and a group of ninjas ran wildly in the rain. The scene was very spectacular.

A gray eagle fluttered its wings in the rain, its taupe eyes saw the ninja below, and immediately turned away.

"Is it Yan Ninja's ninja eagle?"

"Shoot it down!"

Immediately, a ninja jumped into the air and attacked with wind escape.

But the eagle was too fast and soon disappeared into the rain.

"Damn it!"

They rushed to the battlefield as reinforcements, but they didn't expect that the enemy would know the news before they entered the base camp, and their morale would inevitably drop.

Fenghuo didn't say anything else, and the psychic came out of the Chaolun Dance Brothers.

The two snow eagles took flight with excitement, and the eagle's cry resounded through the sky.

Just when all the ninjas were looking forward to it, the Chaolunwu brothers were drenched by the heavy rain, and their two wings flapped and landed on the shoulders on both sides of Fenghuo, and they pecked his face with their eagle beaks, as if they were complaining he.

Feng Huo was embarrassed. Although he didn't look up, he could still feel the resentment in the eyes of the ninjas.

It can't be my fault, can it?

What else could Fenghuo do? He hurriedly channeled the two embarrassing snow eagles back.

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