Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 147: 0 rattan 0 li attitude

In Konoha Camp, the second battlefield in the Kingdom of Rain, in a medical tent, Qiudaotangbei was wrapped into rice dumplings and placed here, with only one face exposed.

At this moment, he looked expectantly at a medical ninja next to him.

After the medical ninja checked his body again, he shook his head slightly: "I'm very sorry, your injury is too serious. Even if you can recover, it has already had a huge impact on your ninja career. From now on..."

Qiu Daotangbei's face was depressed, although he knew the result from Feng Huo, he still couldn't help but hold on to his expectations.

"I see, thank you."

Qiu Daotang thanked Bei with a bitter face.

"Don't worry, you have made great achievements this time, even if you can't become a ninja in the future, you will live in the name of a hero in the village!" The medical ninja comforted.

Qiu Daotang Bei nodded and did not speak any more.

The medical ninja sighed. On the battlefield, anything can happen. There are many people who are worse than Qiudaotangbei, but he is used to this scene, and he still can't help feeling sad.

'war of the Damned! '

After Fenghuo returned to the camp, he was finally summoned by Shikaku Nara.

"I'm glad to see you come back alive, Feng Huo, you did a great job on this mission, you are already an excellent ninja!" Nara Shikahisa praised.

Feng Huo said: "But many people paid their lives for this."

Previously, under the **** of Saten and Yai, Fenghuo and Akidodo Kita were unfortunately caught by three Iwakage Murakami Shinobi. make a choice.

Saten stayed to entangle, while Ai, left from the other direction, trying to guide the sight of the three Iwanin Jonin.

Yes, Fenghuo came back successfully in the end, but Saten and Yai have never heard of it, and it is very likely that they have died behind Iwanin.

Feng Huo felt a heavy weight on his shoulders, obviously he had only met a few times, hadn't said a few words, and didn't know each other's personalities, so he entrusted his life for him!

This is the first time someone has died for him.

He seemed to see a few invisible 'silk threads' gradually entwining him. The name of the thread was 'fetters'.

"Don't be sad, after all, this is war!" Nara Shikahisa sighed, "I also died on the battlefield several times at the same time, of course it is very sad, but the war is still going on, we don't have time to be sad. If Ninja is defeated, more of our companions will die on the battlefield, and even we ourselves will die, so put out the fire and cheer up."

"I see." Feng Huo took a deep breath, suppressing the discomfort in his heart.

Then he asked, "Has Captain Yin Hezhi returned?"

Shikahisa Nara shook his head: "Not yet, there is no news about Namki who went to support him."

Nanmu is the captain of Saten and Yai, who chose to support Yin Hezhiyi at the beginning, but there is no news, and he does not know whether it is life or death.

"By the way, I have good news here." Nara Shikahisa suddenly showed a long-lost smile, "Minato is coming."

"Brother Shuimen came back from Mount Miaomu? Could it be that he..." Feng Huo was suddenly excited.

In addition to a group of toads on Miaomu Mountain, there is also the inheritance of the immortal model!

"It seems that you know quite a lot." Nara Shikahisa said with a meaningful smile, "Yes, Minato has mastered a powerful secret technique. It is said that only Master Jiraiya knows it in the village."

"Immortal mode." Feng Huo swallowed, it was greedy.

For Fenghuo, the immortal mode is very, very important, because Senshou Zhujian, the **** of the ninja world, has never practiced in the three holy places, but he can still use the immortal mode. Why? Because he is the reincarnation of Asura, possessing the 'body of a fairy'!

Mastering the Immortal Mode does not mean having an Immortal Body, but having an Immortal Body will definitely be able to master the Immortal Mode!

Fenghuo guessed that there must be some connection between the two!

And he, who possesses the Sharingan of Xueji Boundary, if he masters the immortal mode, he can find out the relationship with the immortal body...

What does it mean to share sharing eyes with a fairy body?

Reincarnation eye?

Fenghuo wasn't sure, but at least he saw some possibility.

Immortal mode, he must master it!

But here comes the problem.

Now in the ninja world, if you want to master the fairy mode, you have to go to the three holy places. Fenghuo doesn't like snakes, doesn't like slugs, and has no love for toads, and has already signed Xueying as a psychic beast. There is no way to go to the three holy places to practice.

But what if there is a recommendation?

‘If you ask Brother Shuimen to recommend me to go to Mt. Miaomu to practice immortal mode... I don’t know if it’s reliable or not. '

Fenghuo couldn't predict Namikaze Minato's reaction.

Although he is very gentle, he is still very responsible when it comes to principles.

"What's the matter, what are you thinking about?" Nara Shikahisa's question brought him back to reality.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just thinking that I'm a little happy to see Brother Shuimen." Feng Huo said with a smile.

"Yeah, Minato is here, and my pressure will be much less." Nara Shikahisa smiled.

Although in terms of resourcefulness, Namikaze Minato is a bit behind him, but I have to admit that Namakaze Minato is excellent in all aspects, with almost no shortcomings. In summary, Nara Shikahisa asked himself that he is not as good as Namakaze Minato, Even in his opinion, even the popular Orochimaru of the next Hokage may not be comparable to Namikaze Minato.

"Okay, then you can rest for a few days. If there is any news about Yin Hezhiichi, Saten and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I will inform you as soon as possible." After all, Nara Shikahisa is the commander in chief, and he is usually very busy .

Back at the camp of the third combat brigade, the brigade captain Chito Baili called him over for questioning.

For this mission, Chito Baili sent three Jōnin and nine special Jōnin, which almost emptied the foundation of the Third Combat Brigade. Although the mission was successfully completed, only two people came back, and one of them was seriously injured. In the future, he will no longer be able to be active in the battlefield as a ninja, so Qiandeng Baili is naturally uncomfortable.

Calling Fenghuo over, Qianteng Baili interrogated the prisoner and seemed to keep asking Fenghuo various questions.

"Are you sure it was someone else who lured Iwanin away, and then you and Qiu Daodangbei destroyed the supplies?" Chito Baili looked at Fenghuo with a bit of distrust in his eyes.

The more Shikahisa Nara valued Fenghuo, the more Baisato Chito distrusted him. He insisted on finding the 'flaw' in Fenghuo to prove to Shikaku Nara that his vision was correct.

Feng Huo nodded, and looked at the captain quite speechlessly: "Captain Qianteng, I should have said everything, you won't find anything if you ask again."

"Hmph, this matter is of great importance. So many companions have been sacrificed, but the greatest credit falls on you and Qiudaotangbei who came back alive. Of course I have to doubt it." Qianteng Baili said bluntly, He made no secret of his skepticism towards Fenghuo.

Feng Huo shrugged: "Then, I will take my leave first."

He didn't seem to care, because the sacrifices of Saten and Yai, no matter how great the credit, he felt dull.

"You!" Qianteng Baili looked at Fenghuo and turned away angrily, and then he showed a clear expression, "I must have seen through, so I didn't have the guts to stay and confront me, huh, brat, as long as there are survivors , your lies will definitely be exposed."

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