Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 148: disappointment

Although Fenghuo and Qiudaobei have returned, Nara Shikuhisa's pressure on the Iwanin camp is still there, holding back a lot of their combat power.

After all, no one can guarantee that there are no survivors of the Konoha ninja behind Iwanin.

After a day's rest, Feng Huo went into battle, cooperating with other junin and special junin from the third brigade, and continued to harass and attack rock ninja on the left side of the battlefield.

For Fenghuo, this was the first real battle on the battlefield.

There are dozens of rock ninjas in front, exuding ferocious killing intent, slightly outnumbering them, so they are at a disadvantage as soon as they fight, especially the opponent's earth escape ninjutsu, combined to have the power to shake the earth !

The entire land was blasted to pieces, countless huge boulders crossed the sky, and stone pillars rolled and rolled over. The scene was comparable to the epicenter of an eight-magnitude earthquake!

Fortunately, Konoha is not weak here, all kinds of evasion techniques are pouring out wildly, and relying on cooperation, he can also compete with Iwanin very vividly.

After several battles, several wounds inevitably appeared on Feng Huo's body, two of which were left by the opponent's elite Jnin. Although the wounds healed, the scars could not be removed, even medical ninjutsu would not help.

The battlefield is a touchstone, whether it is a genius or a mediocrity, it will be revealed.

Matt Dai was jokingly called Wannian Xiaren for many years, but he broke out in the battle with Wuyin with terrifying combat power. The hard steel Wuyin ninjutsu had seven people, and he exchanged one for four, gaining everyone's respect.

Fenghuo is not as exaggerated as Matt Dai, but with his excellent strength in all aspects, he has gradually gained the recognition of others.

Even Qianteng Baili couldn't help nodding after seeing Fenghuo's performance in these few battles.

Judging from Fenghuo's age at this time, he has already surpassed most of the people in the village. Even he himself may not be as good as him at Fenghuo's age. Unknowingly, his attitude towards Fenghuo has gradually changed. Changes, at least not as cold as before, but doubts about his previous achievements still exist.

On this day, Namikaze Minato finally came to the battlefield.

On the first battlefield, Orochimaru, one of the Sannin who is famous in the Shinin world, and Kaiichi Yamanaka and others are present, so Namikaze Minato will naturally not go to add icing on the cake.

"Minato, I'm finally waiting for you." Nara Shikahisa laughed.

Up to now in the second battle against Iwa Ninja, although he has gained some advantages by virtue of his excellent resourcefulness, his high-end combat power is inferior to Iwa Ninja's, so he didn't actually take advantage of it.

"Sorry, it took me a long time to practice at Mt. Myogi." Namikaze Minato smiled apologetically and asked, "What's the situation with Iwanin now?"

Nara Shikahisa said: "Iwanin was originally commanded by the son of the third Tsuchikage, Huang Tu, but after I was killed by me last time, Huang Tu had resigned from the position of commander, and he was replaced by his senior brother, Huito , is a disciple of the third generation of Tukage, and his strength is very tyrannical. We have fought against them several times and found that his strength is still higher than that of Huangtu, but he is average in terms of resourcefulness."

Speaking of this, Shikahisa Nara felt a strange feeling in his heart.

‘Obviously I am the commander in chief, why do you feel like you are subconsciously obeying orders when talking to Minato? '

"Souga." Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "If he appears on the battlefield again, just leave it to me!"

"It's really reliable, Minato!" Nara Shikahisa suddenly said solemnly, "By the way, there is one more thing. I sent people to the rear of the Iwanin camp to destroy their supplies. Missing, there is no news so far, I hope you can check it out."

Namikaze Minato nodded: "No problem, leave it to me, and tell me their identity information by the way."

Namikaze Minato, who has the technique of flying thunder god, is completely fearless of any terrain, even if it is Yanyin Village... he still dare not break into it.

"Do you want to meet that guy who sealed the fire?"

After talking about business, the two chatted about sealing the fire.

"I heard that he has made great achievements, is that true?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"Ah, he was the one who destroyed the supplies that were very important to Iwanin." Nara Shikahisa said it in detail, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to take him to the back of Iwanin again?"

Namikaze Minato shook his head slightly: "Not yet."

If you are going to carry out sabotage, you must bring Fenghuo with you. After all, this guy's thunder fire ninjutsu is extremely destructive, but this time he is going to rescue his companions, so it is not appropriate to bring Fenghuo, so he simply Refused.

"Minato, have you really mastered the sage mode?" Nara Shikahisa asked curiously.

The latter nodded: "Yes, but it's just a preliminary grasp. It won't last long, but it's very powerful!" Namikaze Minato's eyes shone slightly.

"This... can others learn?" Nara Shikahisa asked, "I look at Fenghuo, and I seem to be very interested."

Namikaze Minato grinned: "This guy's character of wanting to learn something good has not changed, but he will be disappointed. If he wants to learn the immortal mode, he must not only sign a psychic contract with Miao Mushan, but also be accepted by Miao Mushan." The immortals of Mushan must approve it."

"Immortal?" Nara Shikahisa asked in surprise, with a bewildered expression, "Is it an existence similar to the Sage of the Six Paths?"

Namikaze Minato shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know very well. In fact, I was able to learn the sage mode because of the strong recommendation of Teacher Jiraiya, but he didn't tell me the specific situation."

Nara Shikahisa nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "It seems that Fenghuo is going to be disappointed."

"It's okay, he's a very strong ninja!" Minato Namikaze said with a smile ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you want to meet him? "

"No, wait until I come back from Iwanin." Namikaze Minato's eyes gradually became serious, "Those companions may still be alive, I think I'll go there first."

Nara Shikahisa nodded: "Okay, the mission went well!"


Namikaze Minato, who had just arrived at the camp, did not take a break, so he turned and left, bypassing the Iwanin camp and cutting into their rear.

After knowing it, he felt that Fenghuo had heard the news of Namikaze Minato's arrival, so he ran to look for him at the first time, but he didn't see anyone. Finally, he found Nara Shikahisa and found out that Namikaze Minato had left.

"Fenghuo, sage mode, I'm afraid you won't be able to learn it from Minato." Nara Shikahisa smiled, "I've already asked Minato for you."

"What?" Feng Huo was taken aback, "How...how did you know?"

But immediately, disappointment appeared in his heart.

'It really doesn't work. '

"Your eyes betrayed you." Nara Shikahisa came over and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Maybe Ziraiya-sama has a way, I will ask him for you when I have time."

Feng Huo pulled himself together, smiled wryly and said: Did I act so obviously?

But for Nara Shikahisa's help, he was still very happy: "Thank you!"

"What nonsense, I watched you grow up, of course I hope you will become stronger and stronger." Nara Shikajiu laughed.

Feng Huo had a bitter face, feeling inexplicably being taken advantage of.

"By the way, since you are here, there are just a few people that you should really want to meet." Nara Shikahisa said.

"Who?" Feng Huo asked.

"You really... haven't you noticed?" Nara Shikahisa sighed, "This year's Chunin test has successfully ended half a month ago.

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