Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 158: hunt down

Under the rain curtain, Minato Namikaze looked at the figures of the three people opposite him with helplessness in his eyes.

He realized that these three men were only angry at the deaths of civilians here, and didn't really want to fight them.

But judging by the results, they are indeed hindering their mission.


The heavy rain was majestic, and the splashed rain vapor slowly enveloped the entire street like a light mist.

"You guys, are you serious!"

Namikaze Minato said solemnly.

The seven or eight companions behind him are all Jnin who have experienced many battles. Even Fenghuo, who has been a little behind, is especially Jnin. It can be said that it should not be too easy to deal with Yahiko and the three at this time.

But sealing the fire was very nervous.

When I saw Xiaonan before, I didn't feel anything, but now when I saw Nagato, a layer of cold sweat oozed from his back.

'Samsara eyes...Uchiha Madara...Bai Ze...'

Suddenly, he seemed to feel that in the silent street, there was a ruthless and peerless murderer hidden, who could violently kill anyone at any time.

'Calm down, I want to calm down! '

Feng Huo's deep breathing was covered by the heavy rain, but his heart was full of waves.

At this time, Uchiha Madara is not dead yet. Although he is old, it is not a problem for a Kage-level master!

And with Uchiha Madara's emphasis on the eyes of reincarnation, there must be a white clone monitoring here,

'That is to say, I have already entered Madara's sight? '

bang bang...

Feng Huo's heart beat wildly, but he didn't dare to look around.

Ahead, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan have already rushed over.

Namikaze Minato waved his hand, and three jounin rushed out behind him.

As soon as the two sides fought each other, Yahiko and the three fell into a disadvantage and retreated steadily.

Although the three are disciples of Jiraiya, in order not to affect their future, Jiraiya did not teach any powerful ninjutsu, but encouraged them to walk their own paths.

For example, Xiaonan's paper shield is like this.

And Yahiko still has Nagato, so his strength is just the same. Of course, if Nagato goes berserk and directly opens the eyes of reincarnation, it's another matter.


Nagato was kicked flying, and the whole person rolled several times in the rain, extremely embarrassed.

"Yahiko, get out of the way!" A strange gleam flashed in Nagato's eyes.

"Wait a minute, Nagato!" Yahiko was shocked.

In this year-long war, he has deeply felt the "cruelty" of Konoha, Sand Ninja, and Iwanin, as well as their extreme desire for victory. If Nagato's reincarnation eye is exposed at this time, God knows What will the three parties do to him.

Konan also figured it out in an instant, and hurriedly stood in front of Nagato, blocking the view of Namikaze Minato and others.

"Okay, that's it." As soon as Namakaze Minato opened his mouth, the three Konoha ninjas immediately retreated without any doubts, and their movements were straightforward without any delay.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Iwanin." Namikaze Minato asked again.

"They went to the east." Xiao Nan said first.

"Then, I'll take my leave." Namikaze Minato turned around and chased eastward.

Feng Huo ran after him, and when he missed the three of them, his eyes finally fell on Nagato's face uncontrollably.

He has red hair, and his eyes are shining white, and he seems to be able to vaguely see circles of ripples. Feng Huo was about to take a closer look, when a thousand paper cranes flew over suddenly and blocked his view of Nagato's eyes.

In the next instant, Fenghuo was gone.

"It should not have been noticed." Yahiko was very nervous, "Sorry, I was impulsive just now."

Xiao Nan shook his head: "It's not your fault."

Nagato clenched his fists, as if he was not reconciled, obviously he could kill everyone as long as he used his eyes, but...

"Nagato, let's go."

When leaving the small town, Minato Namikaze suddenly looked back, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Feng Huo couldn't help asking: "Brother Shuimen, what are you looking at?"

Namikaze Minato said with some doubts: "When I came out, I felt as if someone was watching us, maybe it was my illusion."

'No, it's not your illusion. '

Feng Huo didn't expect Namikaze Minato to be so sensitive that even Bai Jue's surveillance could detect it. Although there may be only a trace, it is already very amazing.

Bai Jue has been born for so many years, and the entire ninja world can count on one hand who can find his traces. Namikaze Minato is indeed different.

"Judging from the current situation, Iwanin has already been in contact with sand ninja, so now our task is to prevent these Iwanin from going back!" Namikaze Minato quickly focused on the task in front of him, "It must be done in the shortest possible time. Catch up with these rock ninjas!"


The ninja behind him responded loudly, and then they dispersed, each advancing at a distance of about a hundred meters, and began a carpet search.

Half a day later, they successfully traced the traces left by Yan Ren.

After Namikaze Minato confirmed it was correct, he immediately stood out and chased Iwanin at a terrifying speed, while Fenghuo and other ninjas followed behind. Soon, Namikaze Minato's figure gradually disappeared from their sight.


In a small valley, continuous explosions roared, and countless air currents blew, disrupting the rain curtain in the sky, presenting a strange shape.

"Catch up!"

"As expected of Master Minato, the speed is too fast."

"We have to hurry up."

These johnin's feet ran faster and faster, and gradually, Fenghuo was pulled away by them.

Compared with Kai, Kakashi and others, the speed of sealing the fire is absolutely astonishing, but compared with these experienced johnin, the gap is out.

They have all worked hard in physical training, otherwise how could they survive on the battlefield?

When Fenghuo arrived, the battle was over.

The small valley was in a mess, the ground was cracked, and all kinds of rocks were shattered, making it even darker and damper under the heavy rain.

But unfortunately, at the last moment, these rock ninjas chose to bury themselves alive in order to prevent the leakage of information. A perception ninja checked and found that their bodies had been squeezed into a **** piece by the rock.

After digging up the rocks, they didn't have any useful letters or other things on them, and they might have been destroyed in advance.

In short, intelligence or something, no

"So, did Iwannin form an alliance with Sand Ninja?" asked a Jonin. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Namikaze Minato pondered: "If Master Orochimaru successfully stops Sand Ninja in the first battlefield, then even if they have reached the alliance conditions, everything will return to zero, and they need to send people to negotiate again! At that time we will If someone intercepts and kills them, then their alliance will never succeed!"

Everyone couldn't help showing excitement when they heard this.

As long as Sand Ninja and Iwanin are not allied, then they can kill them slowly!

But Fenghuo is not so optimistic.

Sand ninja?

Rock ninja?

Do you think the third Ninja World War is on this level?


The wonderful thing is yet to come.

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