Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 159: Madara, don't be precocious

"It's really disturbing!"

In the huge empty, gloomy and dry underground space, under a huge 'ancient tree', a gray-haired old man sighed softly. Behind him, a strange pipe connected him and the 'ancient tree', Sustaining what little vitality he had left.

In front of him was Bai Zee, who had just finished reporting on the encounter between Nagato and Namikaze Minato.

The old man slowly opened his eyes, and in a pair of writing wheels, three black jade jades were slowly rotating. The terrifying power of the pupils was like boiling magma. It seemed that even the space was affected, and there were faint ripples that seemed to exist or not.

"Then, the guys who confirmed Konoha didn't find out."

The old man, Uchiha Madara, spoke slowly.

Bai Jue said: "Don't worry, they didn't find out, but that Namikaze Minato is very sharp, I couldn't help but stare at him when he left, I almost got caught by surprise."

"Namikaze Minato..." Uchiha Madara shook his head, "I haven't heard of this surname, are you unknown?"

"No, he is a disciple of Jiraiya, one of the famous Sannin in the ninja world." Bai Jue said with a smile, "According to his performance on the battlefield, he has already mastered the Flying Raijin created by the second generation of Naruto Senshou Bojian, and He also mastered a Muji ninjutsu, which shines brilliantly on the battlefield, hehe."

"Hmph, can those ninjutsu in Senshou Banjian also be able to do it?" Uchiha Madara's old voice echoed in the huge underground space with strange vibrations, "That kid who can only hide behind Senshouzhujian ,ridiculous!"

There was a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth, even if he was old and lingering, he was still a super existence standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world, he could beat the second generation of Hokage, as for the Sannin, he was not even interested in mentioning it!

"Protect Nagato, don't let him have an accident, understand!"


Uchiha Madara slowly closed his eyes, and the terrifying pupil power pervading the underground space also slowly retracted.

"So, have you found a candidate?"

Bai Jue tilted his head, his white face was full of tangles: "Hey, is there really someone you want in the Uchiha clan? Don't make things difficult for me on purpose."

"It's actually very simple to change a person's will, Bai Ze, don't be lazy!" Uchiha Madara scolded softly.

"Hey, I got it, and it's not that I haven't done nothing. I've been doing Uchiha intelligence gathering." Bai Jueshu said, "Now the most powerful genius of the Uchiha clan is called Uchiha Seal the fire, but this kid has inherited the will of fire, and he is drifting away from Uchiha."

"The will of fire? Huh, it's just a policy of fooling the people!" Uchiha Madara said disdainfully, "He would accept such a will, is this kid a descendant of Uchiha Kagami?"

"No, he is just an ordinary clansman." Bai Jue said again, "But now there is a super genius in the Uchiha clan, called Uchiha Shisui, who is said to be very talented in illusion, and is known as the number one Uchiha. .”

Bai Ze is the true confidant of Uchiha Madara, of course he knows his specific plan, so he specifically mentioned illusion.

"These two geniuses should be enough to complete our plan!" Bai Jue nodded affirmatively, and then said, "Also, Uchiha Fenghuo is also on the battlefield. If you want to see him now, I can arrange an accident. Guaranteed that there will be no flaws!"

Uchiha Madara pondered and asked, "What's his personality like?"

"Personality? Although he's a brat, his thoughts and thoughts are very mature. He not only developed a few powerful ninjutsu, but also set up a Konoha newspaper, which is said to be very profitable."

"Be specific!" Uchiha Madara snorted.

"Hi hi."

Bai Juedang's deeds about closing the fire were detailed.

If Fenghuo was here, he would be terrified by Bai Jue's intelligence gathering ability when he heard these words. Because of many things, he himself almost forgot.

After listening to Bai Ze's report, Uchiha Madara sighed: "His thoughts have been formed, and he has accepted the will of fire. It is difficult to change him."

Bai Jue immediately said again: "About Uchiha Shisui, apart from his reputation as a genius, he also has precocious behavior. Well, it seems to be of the same type as Uchiha Fenghuo."

Uchiha Madara showed an impatient look, the current Uchiha, really, how can he be precocious?

He snorted, "Keep looking!"

"Hi hi."

Back at the Konoha camp in the second battlefield, there was no rest time for sealing the fire, and after making some adjustments, he followed Namikaze Minato on the mission again.

At the same time, Iwanin finally noticed the abnormality, and secretly sent someone to meet the companion who was negotiating with Sand Ninja, but after several days of searching, only a few corpses were found in a broken valley. , but their identities can be seen from the broken ninja food on them!

"Dead, all dead!"

"It's Konoha's ninja who did it!"

In the rock ninja camp, Huangtu roared furiously, "I told him long ago to let him negotiate with sand ninja in person!"

Huitu stopped him, and said solemnly: "The negotiation with Sand Shinobi was destroyed just after it started, where did Konoha get the information from?"

If we don't solve this problem, what if we go to the loess? Wouldn't Konoha kill him?

From the remaining battle traces in that valley, it can be seen that the one who killed their companions was Namikaze Minato, who had fought with Huangtu several times, under Konoha Sannin, the strongest in the new generation!

Speaking of Namikaze Minato, Huang Tu's face became dull.

In several fights, he didn't take advantage of it at all.

"Namikaze Minato's speed is too fast. To suppress him, I have to use the Tudun with a wide attack range, but..."

Huitu continued: "But in this way, your chakra consumption will be astonishingly fast!"

Huang Tu nodded: "That's right, what worries me even more is that at the speed of Namikaze Minato, if assassination tactics are implemented~www.wuxiaspot.com~No one in our camp can survive his hands!"

Huitu said: "I have increased my vigilance, it is impossible for him to come in silently."

"It would be great if my father was here." Huangtu said grimly, "With my father's dust escape, whether it is Namikaze Minato or Konoha Daying, they are all vulnerable!"

"The war has not reached this point yet!" Huitu retorted, "If the master appears here, then Konoha's third generation of Hokage will also come! That one is known as the strongest Hokage, proficient in five-attribute ninjutsu, and possesses the power of a ninjutsu professor. Ninja, his kills on the battlefield will definitely not be worse than that of the master!"

"Damn it!" Huang Tu was furious, "Brother, why don't we join hands and intercept Namikaze Minato together!"

Huitu was a little moved, but as the commander, he personally carried out the assassination tactics. It was not nice to say it, but considering half the salary, he finally nodded.

Because the threat of Namikaze Minato is too great, it must be eliminated as soon as possible!

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