Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 160: collusion

Rain Ninja Village.

The ninja demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo looked at the information in his hand expressionlessly.

This is from Konoha Village, from the root leader, Shimura Danzo!

Mr. Danzo sent sincere greetings, expressing deep sympathy and condolences for the situation in the Land of Rain.

Sanshoyu Hanzo turned directly to the end, his eyes lit up.

It turned out that Danzo mentioned the Akatsuki organization of the Land of Rain at the end of the letter, and hoped to join forces with Sanshoyu Hanzo to get rid of this organization!

"Although I can roughly guess your real purpose, the existence of the Akatsuki organization has indeed affected my rule. Then, let's send someone to contact you."

Sansho Hanzo burned the letter paper and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He probably already guessed the purpose of Danzo!

Danzo is an ambitious conspirator, and he has been eyeing the position of Hokage. If he wants to plan for the position of Hokage, he must let the war continue until Hiruza Sarutobi can't bear the pressure!

However, the Akatsuki organization is active in the two battlefields of the Kingdom of the Rain, desperately promoting peace. Although it is unlikely to succeed, it is not afraid of 10,000 but just in case. Danzo will definitely not sit idly by and contact Sanshoyu Hanzo to get rid of it It is only logical that the Xiaoxiao organization will be organized.

Although Sanshoyu Hanzo didn't want the country to fall into war, he didn't want to see Akatsuki growing up to threaten his dominance.

Which is more important, the demigod of the ninja world can see clearly in his heart!

In Konoha Village, the training ground of the Uchiha clan.

A ninja younger than Fenghuo is training shuriken.


He threw seven or eight shurikens towards the wooden target in front of him, but none of them hit the bull's-eye, but in the next moment, these shurikens collided chaotically in the air, changing their flight trajectories in an instant, and finally all together Qi nailed in the middle of the bullseye.

"That's right, Shimizu, your shuriken throwing technique has reached the level of Uchiha sealing fire!"

Behind him, Uchiha Fugaku gently clapped his hands to encourage, his eyes full of expectations.

"Uncle Fugaku, I'm still far behind." Uchiha Shisui said modestly.

"Don't underestimate yourself, your talent must surpass Uchiha Fugaku!" Uchiha Fugaku smiled, "And, you have to set an example for Itachi, don't slack off."

"I see."

Speaking of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui's eyes flashed with joy. He really likes this little boy who just turned one year old.

Then, he thought of the war in the Land of Rain, and couldn't help but show a solemn expression: "Uncle Fuyue, do we really not want to intervene in the war in the Land of Rain?"

"Shisui, your task now is to practice hard. As for other things, you don't need to worry about them, so as not to be distracted." Uchiha Fugaku said a few more words before leaving the training ground.

Uchiha Shisui, on the other hand, continued training absent-mindedly.

'War...peace...if the war is lost, can the village survive? '

'Why can't everyone stick together? '

Uchiha Shisui is young, but his thoughts have gradually surpassed his age. He looked up at the sky, and it seemed that Uchiha Itachi's small face appeared in the clouds, babbling strangely.

Then sand ninja and iwa ninja seemed to appear, poking Itachi's little face full of holes.

Uchiha Shisui's eyes froze, and a vague idea took shape in his heart, taking root and sprouting like a seed.

On the other side, after Uchiha Fugaku left, he went back home to see his son Itachi, and then went to find the patriarch Uchiha Chinatsu.

Uchiha Chinatsu, even more aging, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes and the white hair at the temples seemed to have all run out overnight.

"Patriarch." Uchiha Fugaku greeted respectfully, "How is your health?"

Uchiha Chinatsu sighed, handed him the things in his hand, and said: "I feel dizzy after working for a while, Fugaku, although you are not the patriarch, but from now on, you will be in charge of the clan. something in it."

"Yes!" Uchiha Fugaku's voice was a little excited.

Uchiha Chinatsu asked with a smile, "How about the police force?"

"Everything is normal." Uchiha Fugaku said, "With the war together, I strengthened the patrolling of police officers in the village to increase the sense of security for civilians! Now our reputation in the village has improved a lot."

Uchiha Chinatsu said: "It would be even better if it could be published in the newspaper, so that the reputation of our Uchiha clan can definitely be improved again, and it will be easier to compete for Hokage."

Saying so, Uchiha Chinatsu picked up the recently published newspaper at hand, flipped through it, and said, "Look, Jiraiya's disciple, Namikaze Minato, was published in the newspaper every three days, and his every move on the battlefield has already affected In the hearts of countless civilians, if... eh?"

Uchiha Chinatsu's cloudy old eyes suddenly flashed a bright light, and turned to look at Uchiha Fugaku.

The latter was also taken aback. He hurriedly sent someone to find out the newspapers published after the war started. After checking and comparing them, he suddenly found that the frequency of Orochimaru appearing in newspapers was slightly lower than that of Namikaze Minato!

"How is it possible, Orochimaru is Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciple, and Namikaze Minato is at most his disciple, even if he likes this disciple again, he should think about it for Orochimaru!" Uchiha Chika pondered, "Unless the candidate in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart has already begun to waver! Everyone is rumoring that Orochimaru is the heir of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the person who is most likely to become the fourth generation of Hokage, but is it possible that Sarutobi Hiruzen will kill Hokage? Pass the position to Namikaze Minato?"

"I can't rule out this possibility." Uchiha Fugaku calmed down at this time, but felt that it was unlikely. After all, Namakaze Minato was a commoner ninja, and he didn't have any strong background behind him. What qualifications and abilities did he have to take the position of Hokage? ?

Uchiha Chinatsu's old face finally showed exhaustion: "We have always used Orochimaru and Danzo as imaginary enemies before. If Namikaze Minato jumps out at this time, we will be very passive. Fuyue, we must be fully prepared~www .wuxiaspot.com~ I see."

Uchiha Fugaku had no choice but to agree. He knew that his wife Uchiha Mikoto and Namikaze Minato's girlfriend, Kushina, were best friends. After returning, he hoped that his wife could get some information from Kushina.

But what he didn't expect was that his wife, who had always been gentle and obedient to him, rejected his request.

"Kushina is my girlfriend, I wouldn't do such a thing, I'm sorry!" Uchiha Mikoto hugged Itachi who was already babbling, with an apologetic face, but she looked at Uchiha Fugaku firmly.

"Hey, I'm also doing it for the Uchiha clan, forget it, forget it if you don't want to." Uchiha Fugaku looked at the son in her arms, shook his head and left.

‘Namikaze Minato, a commoner-born ninja, can he really inherit Hokage? '

‘No, Danzo is the only one who can be Uchiha’s opponent, the others are not worth mentioning! '

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