Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 171: Heal Yoshida Sho 1

In war, the importance of medical ninjas is self-evident. When a battle is launched, they have to follow the expedition. After the battle, they have to take care of the wounded companions. They are busy everywhere.

Before being in the third combat brigade, Fenghuo was also recruited into the medical unit, and he was very tired at that time. Now that Iwanin is crazy and seems to "take revenge on society", the task of the medical ninja is bound to be even more difficult and arduous.

Sure enough, on the day Fenghuo entered the medical team, more than a dozen wounded people were sent over.

After sealing the fire, I am happy.

"Yoshida Shoichi?"

This **** was actually injured, which angel sister did a good job!

When Feng Huo was in the third combat brigade, this **** colluded with Yan Ren and almost killed him, but now it fell into his hands, hehehe.

Feng Huo immediately "expressed" to several medical ninjas next to him, and successfully assigned Yoshida Masaichi to his name.

"Hey Hey…"

Feng Huo walked towards Yoshida Masaichi with a sly smile.

The latter was seriously injured. There were several hideous wounds on his right arm, his left foot was pierced by stone thorns, and his abdomen was still bleeding profusely. It looked miserable!

'It seems that Yan Ren is really persistent. After such a long time, he is still staring at him. '

Yoshida Masaichi was clutching his stomach right now, when he looked up and saw Feng Huo approaching with a smile on his face, he shivered immediately.

"It's you!" Yoshida raised his eyebrows, looked him up and down, and said with a sneer, "You are not staying in the mobile unit, what are you doing here? You want to be lazy!"

"Hey, don't say that, after all, I'm your attending physician~" Feng Huo rubbed his hands and looked him up and down, trying to figure out where to start, without attracting attention.

"Nani?!" Yoshida twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said calmly, "You little brat? Get lost!"

"Captain Yoshida, as you know, there is an urgent need for medical ninjas. There is no other way. I, a three-legged cat, can only bite the bullet and come forward." Feng Huo reasoned with him, "Although I am young, I study medical treatment. Ninjutsu has been around for four or five years. Not only have I learned the healing technique and the hemostasis technique, but I have also learned the palm fairy technique. There are already dozens of ninjas who have been cured after my treatment, whether it is a high-level ninja or a middle-level ninja. So far, there has not been a single bad review, and my professionalism is definitely one of the best in the entire medical team!"

Feng Huo couldn't stop the blood rushing from Yoshida Zhengyi's abdomen, so he couldn't help being even more excited.

"Captain Yoshida, why don't I introduce you to some medical ninjutsu I have mastered. Hemostasis can help you stop bleeding quickly. Yes, it is the wound on your abdomen. If you use my hemostasis, you can guarantee a few breaths of blood." It can stop it! Of course, the most powerful thing is the Palm Immortal Technique, which can directly heal the internal organs of the body, and the current favorable rate is 100%!"

Fenghuo said earnestly: "So Captain Yoshida, Shibie will treat you with admiration for three days. I am now an excellent medical ninja! Of course, I am not proud. Looking at the wounded everywhere, I would rather be here Fighting on the battlefield, killing one rock ninja earns money, killing two earns one, killing three earns two, killing four earns three, killing five earns four, killing six earns five, killing..."

Feng Huo was counting his fingers over there, Yoshida Masaichi was already convulsed with anger.

"Hey, Captain Yoshida, what's wrong with you? Could it be a convulsion caused by too much bleeding? This is not good, we must use hemostasis as soon as possible!"

Feng Huo looked sad, "It's a pity, you don't like me and don't want me to treat you! Although I am a medical ninja, I respect your opinion, don't worry, I will give you the fastest speed to the top. You apply for another medical ninja, don't stare at me, I know what you mean, I must find a medical ninja who is stronger than me, for this reason, I will inquire and observe carefully, those frizzy medical ninjas, Definitely not to choose!"

The blood in Yoshida Masaichi's abdomen became more joyful.

"You, you!!" A few traces of blood gushed from Yoshida's mouth, and he stared at him with red eyes, "Little devil, you, you..."

He was so angry that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"I know what you want to say!" Feng Huo said solemnly, "You may have misunderstood me, so you don't want to see me, but I am a medical ninja, everything I do is for your health, you can You can't make trouble with me, but you can't make trouble with your own body, can you?"

Feng Huo sighed, seeing a medical ninja approaching, hurriedly pressed Yoshida Masaichi's abdomen with both hands, and said loudly, "Don't move, now I will use hemostasis to stop the bleeding, it may hurt, bear with it! "

The medical ninja passing by took a look, um, good boy, if you work so hard at such a young age, you will definitely be an excellent medical ninja in the future. He looked at Masaichi Yoshida, and found that the latter's face was livid, and he snorted: "As a ninja, I can't bear even a little pain!"

Saying that, he shook his head and left.

"Wait, wait..." Yoshida stretched out his hand, but halfway through it, he was pressed down by the fire seal.

"Can't wait, can't wait!" Feng Huo said anxiously, "Captain Yoshida, look at your injuries, I really can't wait any longer, if you wait any longer, your blood will be drained!"

He did not forget to popularize the knowledge to him, "About 20% of the blood in the human body will be in shock, and if it is about 30%, it will be life-threatening! Let me tell you, your current condition is very dangerous. If you do not receive treatment , a dead end, you say, do you still have to wait? Hmm? Do you still have to wait? Ah? !"

One or two of Yoshida's eyes had begun to turn white.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, then hesitated for a while, would it arouse suspicion if he wanted to do nothing?

So he put his hand on his foot and treated him for the penetrating wound on the sole of his foot.

This injury looks serious, but in fact the amount of bleeding is not much, and it can be treated at the end, but who will let Fenghuo not see such a big blood hole?

He is a ninja with slight obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Yoshida Masaichi had already rolled his eyes out and looked repeatedly, his vision began to blur, and double images appeared. As Feng Huo said, his blood loss was close to 20%, and he was only one step away from shock.

Next to it, another medical ninja came over.

Feng Huo immediately yelled: "Captain Yoshida, hold on, it will be fine soon, I will definitely not let you have trouble!"

Yoshida was staring at the medical ninja, but unfortunately, the man was so busy that he didn't even look at him.

Feng Huo whistled, and looked at Masaichi Yoshida with joy: "Captain Yoshida, don't get angry. Getting angry is not good for the wound, and it may even cause a second tear."

Yoshida Shoichi's anger lived up to everyone's expectations, and he came up in a whoosh.

Sure enough, the abdominal wound spurted blood again.

Feng Huo shook his head and sighed: "Look at you, what did I say? Can I still lie to you? Really, treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, and don't get angry if you don't get angry. Why don't you?" Listen? It’s interesting to fight against me? Huh? This is a joke with your own life.”

Yoshida Masaichi couldn't bear the pain of life anymore, he rolled his eyes decisively, and passed out.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you say so, you're not even a ninja, you shameless!"

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