Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 172: bait

Although Yoshida Masaichi chatted so desperately that he wanted the other party to yell not to, but Feng Huo really didn't dare to kill him in public, and he didn't want to really heal him, he was too nervous.

So he pretended to be dizzy, and then asked other medical ninjas to treat Yoshida Shoichi.

Yoshida Masaichi was dragged by the fire for a while, and the wound on his abdomen bled a lot, but it was not fatal. Therefore, after some treatment, Yoshida Masaichi's injury was stabilized and sent to a tent.

When Yoshida Masaichi woke up, his brain was still a little unclear, and when he recalled what happened before, his chest suddenly heaved up and down like a blower, his eyes were bloodshot, and he growled: "Uchiha Fuhuo, you bastard! "

"Captain Yoshida, please be quiet!"

A dissatisfied voice came from the side, "Fenghuo is young after all, even if he didn't cure you, it's justifiable, and he also notified me in time, otherwise, with your injuries at that time, you may die directly!"

"Nani?! Notify in time?" Yoshida was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were sore and sore when he thought of Feng Huo's endless babbling and intentionally preventing other medical ninjas from treating him. Unload eight pieces!

How much blood was shed because of the fire beep beep beep!

Wronged, hated, but there is no evidence, even if this matter is told, no one will believe it!

With nowhere to vent his anger, Masaichi Yoshida's anger piled up in his chest, burning more and more intensely, and the wounds on his chest and abdomen began to hurt. When he looked down, blood was spreading from the white bandage.

"Hey, as Feng Huo said, you are restless. Didn't he tell you that getting angry will affect the healing of the wound? Why don't you listen to it?" The man shook his head with a look of hatred Looking at Masaichi Yoshida.

The latter's cheeks twitched, his fists were clenched, and his whole body was 'tightened'.

Helpless, the medical ninja had to treat his wound again, and then left dissatisfied.

"Uchiha seals the fire, this matter will never end here, I will never end with you!" Yoshida Masaichi's bloodshot pupils kept flickering, obviously hating to the extreme.

"Hey, who are you going to hang out with?"

Feng Huo walked in winking.

Although Yoshida Masaichi is the captain of the Fourth Combat Brigade, this is the territory of the medical unit, and people who have nothing to do with him are not allowed to stay for a long time. That's why Yoshida Masaichi was bullied by Fenghuo alone, but now So is Yoshida Shoichi.

"You bastard, you still dare to appear in front of me!" Yoshida Zhengyi touched his chest and abdomen wounds as soon as he was about to get angry, and hurriedly took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Why don't I dare to appear in front of you? I didn't do anything to be sorry for anyone." Feng Huo leisurely walked around him, sizing him up with the eyes of Peggy the zoo pig, " I have to say, Captain Yoshida, you are very lucky, if you hadn't met me, your injury..."

Seeing that Fenghuo wanted to irritate himself again, Yoshida Masaichi closed his eyes very decisively this time, but unfortunately he couldn't close his ears. Under Fenghuo's 'provocation', under his seemingly calm body, the wound on his chest and abdomen Cracked again.

"Oh my, didn't I tell you that getting angry is bad for the wound? Alas, at such an age, why can't you listen to it?" Feng Huo was so angry that he didn't pay for his life, and dealt a double blow to Masaichi Yoshida physically and psychologically.

"Get lost!" Yoshida Masaichi finally chose to explode.

A loud roar quickly attracted other people. There were medical ninjas with blood on their hands, and ninjas with missing arms and legs.

"Isn't this Captain Yoshida Shoichi, what happened?"

"It should be that he made Captain Yoshida angry."

When the onlookers looked at Feng Huo, the latter had already changed into a weeping expression.

"Captain Yoshida, no matter how much you hate me, I still have to say it!" Feng Huo held tears in his eyes, "Don't get angry while recuperating, the wound will burst, look, look, your wound opened again, I will I've told you so many times, why don't you listen?"

When the others heard it, they immediately 'understood' what happened. It must be that Yoshida Masaichi was angry with Iwa Shinobi, and after being stopped by the fire seal, he turned his anger on him.

"Captain Yoshida, he's right. You shouldn't get angry while you're recuperating."

"Yeah, regenerate the energy of Iwanin, and the body is still your own."

"He's doing it for your own good too."

wheeze wheeze...

The corners of Yoshida's eyes were twitching, and the wound on his chest and abdomen seemed to be getting bigger.

Fenghuo looked at it, and was planning to add fuel to the fire and stimulate him again, but unexpectedly Namikaze Minato came to him and called him away with a word.

"I said, it's too unkind of you to do this." Namikaze Minato glanced at Fenghuo with weird eyes, as if meeting him for the first time.

Feng Huo asked straightforwardly: "What's the matter? Did I do something bad? How come my heart of repaying the village has changed when I came to you!"

"Okay, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Pretend I didn't say anything." Namikaze Minato also knew that Yoshida Shoichi had colluded with Iwanobu to frame him, but because there was no evidence and the pressure of the war, there was no follow-up, so at this time he saw Fenghuo 'revenge' Yoshida Masaichi, he also turned a blind eye.

"Brother Shuimen, why did you come to me? Can I go back to the mobile unit?" Fenghuo really stayed here enough, he was too busy to talk to the dog every day, and it didn't do him any good to improve his strength. Staying here It's a waste of time.

"No, it's just a temporary call." Namikaze Mizumon said, "The target is Iwanin's logistics."

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched: again?

Why do you all like to cut logistics?

"Iwanin has launched a crazy offensive for more than a month, and the supply is under great pressure, so cutting off their supplies will definitely deal a huge blow to Iwanin!" Namikaze Minato said very calmly.

"Can I not go?"

Fenghuo was originally on Iwanin's blacklist, and now he cooperates with Namikaze Minato to kill Huitu, and then goes behind Iwanin, once the information is leaked...

"Don't worry, there is a follow-up to this battle plan!" Namikaze Minato laughed, "When we enter the rear of Iwanin, Huangtu will definitely send a large number of ninjas to surround and kill us!"

Then, Konoha's opportunity came.

Feng Huo was taken aback: "So we are just bait?"

Namikaze Minato nodded.

Feng Huo smiled wryly. Since it was a bait, the information about their entry into the back of Iwanin would definitely be leaked. Otherwise, how could Iwanin be fooled?

In this way, their danger is even greater.

"Then, your decision..." Namikaze Minato looked at him with a smile.

"Can I still refuse?"

Sealing the fire was quite weak. It seemed that I had experienced this matter of driving ducks to the shelves several times, and I was almost used to it.

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