Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 180: trade

"Hiichi, can you confirm it!" Danzo asked calmly, suppressing the restlessness in his heart.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded: "It has been confirmed!"

"Damn it, these damned Mist Ninjas appear at this time, absolutely uneasy and kind!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun gritted his teeth, "Hi Zhan, we must prepare for the worst!"

Mitomen supported the frame of the mirror, and said: "The worst plan is that Kirin and Kamo-nin declare war on us at the same time!"

"War with the four major powers, even we can't do it!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said with a sullen face.

Danzo analyzed: "Now Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja have declared war on us, Cloud Ninja is eyeing the north, and Mist Ninja has started to move again. At the same time, we have little chance of winning in the face of the four major powers, so we must stagger the war!"

"Danzo, what do you mean?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun asked.

"Cloud ninja likes to add insult to injury. If Mist Ninja suddenly declares war on us, they will definitely be ready for war. Once we can't resist Mist Ninja's offensive, they will definitely invade us." Danzo said, "So we have to use the strongest Stance and Mist Ninja fight to the death, confuse Cloud Ninja, buy time, and then end the War of the Land of Rain as quickly as possible, at least one war, so that we have extra manpower to guard against Cloud Ninja.”

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded slightly, he had considered this level before, but the problem is, if he wants to treat Kirinin with the toughest and most iron-blooded attitude, he must have the best of the Uchiha and Hyuga clan, otherwise it will not be possible at all.

Turning to bed Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan also thought of this in an instant, and their faces couldn't help being ugly.

The two are somewhat in conflict with the Uchiha clan.

Danzo looked at the expressions of the three and sneered slightly in his heart.

Wanting the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan to contribute is nothing more than coercion, mace and candied dates.

Mace is his root and Sarutobi Hiruzen's Anbe, the cooperation of the two organizations is fully capable of assassinating any one of these two great families!

Candied date, hehe, it is the position under Hiruzaru Sarutobi's buttocks.

That is - the seat of Hokage!

With these two things, are you afraid that Uchiha and Hinata will not be obedient?

These two great families coveted the position of Hokage, but by no means less than his Danzo!

Danzo said slowly: "I can have a good talk with the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan, but there is no guarantee that it will be successful."

Turning to bed Xiaochun said: "Danzo, are you sure?"

Mitomon Yan was also very nervous: "If they don't want to, we will be passive."

Danzo glanced at Hiruzen Sarutobi, and said deliberately ambiguously: "As long as you pay a high enough price, there is nothing that cannot be negotiated."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart sank, and he had a vague premonition, but what could he do at this time?

"Okay, I'll trouble you then, Danzo."

When the three of them left, Hiruzaru Sarutobi seemed to be ten years older, sitting there paralyzed, with his head downcast.

Soon, he regained his composure and began to think.

'Danzo suddenly jumped out to take over everything. There must be some schemes. The one who can make Uchiha and Hinata compromise is probably my position. '

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, "But there is only one Hokage seat, and it is impossible for Danzo to give it to Uchiha and Hinata." '

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and an idea gradually took shape in his mind.

‘That’s right, I can take advantage of the situation and use the position of Naruto to lure the Uchiha and Hyuga clans. They will definitely fight against Mist Ninja with all their strength and make the greatest contribution to compete for Hokage! '

"But Hokage was elected, not privately awarded!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. When the war is over, he can completely operate it manually and let the election be tilted according to the person he chooses!

The first thing that came to his mind was naturally Orochimaru!

Then the figure of Namikaze Minato also appeared in his mind.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned slightly. From very early on, he identified Orochimaru as his successor, but as time went by, Minakaze Minato was born, no matter in terms of ninja talent, character or other, he was impeccable , is impeccably perfect, and he is a real commoner, and his reputation among the commoners has surpassed Orochimaru.

And all of this is thanks to newspapers.

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, it's too early to think about this.

Maybe, Mist Shinobi is not planning to invade Konoha?

The Uchiha clan.

After the patriarch Uchiha Chinatsu sent Danzo away, the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

He recruited Uchiha Fugaku and discussed with him the news brought by Danzo.

"Although it is somewhat different from what we expected, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally can't bear the pressure of war!" Uchiha Fugaku nodded with a smile.

"Although he will abdicate, we are not absolutely sure that we will win the position of Hokage!" Uchiha Chinatsu said solemnly.

"Danzo is really insidious, huh, if we want to compete for Hokage, we must make great achievements on the battlefield!" Uchiha Fugaku guessed, "I think he will go to Hinata's house in the future and say the same thing to them!"

"Will the Hinata family agree?" Uchiha Chinatsu asked.

Fuyue nodded: "Their clan seems to have no desires, but their desire for Hokage will never be less than ours. In this way, our two clans will become competitive for Hokage. On the battlefield, we can't do our best. Already!"

"Danzo is so despicable, he actually wants to use this method to make us work **** the battlefield!" Uchiha Chinatsu said angrily, "Fugaku, what if we reject his proposal?"

"Then, we have to prepare to evacuate Konoha!" Fu Yue's face was serious.

Leaving Konoha?

Isn't that following Uchiha Madara's old path?

Uchiha Chinatsu subconsciously felt that this was unreliable.

When Uchiha Madara left the village back then, none of the clansmen were willing to go with him, even with his reputation, let alone Uchiha Chinatsu.

"Fuyue, if Kirinin really declares war and invades Konoha..." Uchiha Chinatsu took a deep breath and said slowly, "Then you will lead the Uchiha clan!"

"Huh?" Fu Yue was taken aback.

Uchiha Chinatsu showed a relieved smile: "You are already qualified to be the patriarch of the Uchiha clan!"

Fu Yue's heart was pounding, although he had expected this day, but when it really came, he still couldn't help being excited.

"Hi! I will definitely lead the Uchiha clan to glory!"

On the other side, the wealthy Hyuga family was quickly defeated by Danzo's "coercion and lure" and "mace and radish" and agreed to his plan.

Danzo went back and discussed with Sarutobi Hiruzen for a long time, and the matter was settled.

The next day, there was a small report in the newspaper, saying that the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi was getting old, and he was exhausted from the busy government affairs and the battlefield in the Land of Rain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His health was getting worse and worse , often cold, fever.

Afterwards, reports of Hiruza Sarutobi's death came out from time to time in the newspapers, giving the common people the impression that Hiruza Sarutobi was about to abdicate.

Of course, this is also done to show the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan, making them believe that Sarutobi Hiruzen is really going to abdicate!

At the same time, the newspaper's "hero reports" about Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru on the battlefield of the Land of Rain are also increasing day by day, occupying more and more pages.

But all of this did not cause much trouble to the Uchiha and Hyuga clans.

In the eyes of these powerful families, Namikaze Minato, who was born as a commoner, is not qualified to inherit Hokage.

And Orochimaru?

In the transaction with Danzo, the other party has already obtained a 100% guarantee that Orochimaru will never inherit Hokage!

In other words, the only ones who are qualified to compete for Hokage are the two big families, um, maybe the conspirator Danzo is also added?

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