Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 181: Mist Ninja Invasion

The turmoil in Konoha Village did not affect the war in the Kingdom of Rain at first. On the two battlefields, the advantages established by Konoha are gradually expanding, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Until one day, a message was sent to the Konoha Camp in the Second Battlefield along with the supply troops.

"Nani? In the future, the supplies will be reduced by 30%?"

"Are you kidding? If you don't have enough supplies at this time, the advantage you established in the early stage will soon be regained by Iwanin!"

"What the **** is going on in the village!"

"Could it be the camp that was sent to the first battlefield?"

"No, the supplies on the first battlefield will also be reduced by 30%!"

"What does Hokage-sama mean!"

At this time, even the commanders Shikahisa Nara and Minato Namikaze were alarmed, because they had not received any notice beforehand!

"It's too sudden. Hokage-sama gave such an order, something must have happened in the village." Nara Shikahisa frowned, "Could it be that someone doesn't want to see us win?"

Namikaze Minato didn't express any opinion: "Maybe it's just a rumor, Shikahisa, let's wait and see what happens."

"That's the only way to go."

But Feng Huo, who was fighting in the medical class at the moment, had a numb scalp.

The materials in the two battlefields of the Kingdom of Rain have all been reduced by 30%. There is no doubt that Wunin or Yunnin jumped out of the cliff. These materials will be sent to the "third battlefield". The reason why they are not disclosed is probably because they are worried about hitting them morale.

However, due to the reduction of war materials, the next war is indeed much more difficult. It can be said that there are a lot of situations: Many ninjas suddenly found out that they had run out of kunai in their waists, ran out of detonating charms, and ninjas in the medical class found that there were not enough bandages. up.

Everything is life-threatening!

For a while, the two battlefields in the Kingdom of the Rain were a little chaotic, and Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja took the opportunity to fight back fiercely, killing Konoha Ninja and throwing away his helmet and armor!

Fortunately, Orochimaru and Nara Shikahisa are not easy people. They gathered their troops in the shortest possible time, retreated and defended, and temporarily stabilized the battlefield situation.

In the first battlefield.

Orochimaru was holding a newspaper, and his golden vertical pupils looked at the report about Hiruzaru Sarutobi's physical discomfort and lack of energy, and seemed to realize something.

"Is the teacher going to abdicate?"

He didn't believe it. Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi was old, he was the ninjutsu professor known as the strongest Hokage. How could he suddenly become 'unwell and lack of energy'?

Something must have happened in the village.

Orochimaru wanted to go back immediately, but his position at the moment locked him firmly here, unable to move.

After thinking about it, he decided to write a letter to Danzang, asking what happened there.

In the Land of Rain, the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization has been taken away by Urenin, a large number of members have been killed, and the rest have run away and surrendered, which can be regarded as a complete disbandment.

In a cave not far from the headquarters of the Akatsuki Organization, Nagato sat wearily on a stone. On his back, those ferocious stone thorns were still firmly inserted, as if he was born with it, and it seemed like a bone spur broke his body out.

"Nagato, what should we do next?" Xiaonan prepared some food and handed it to Nagato with distress.

Nagato's face has aged a lot, it looks like he is in his thirties, but his actual age is far from twenty!

"This pair of eyes, I want to dig out their potential thoroughly, and then... avenge Yahiko!" Nagato raised his head slightly, and his pupils were a pair of reincarnated eyes without emotion!

"Revenge...well?" Xiao Nan was in great pain, "It's all my fault, if I hadn't been arrested, if I had..."

If he had believed Uchiha Fenghuo at the beginning, the ending would have been different.

"It's not your fault, Xiaonan." Nagato looked over, and there was a faint soft light in his pupils, "Yahiko will not die in vain, I will help him realize his dream. However, peace is not spoken with your mouth Yes, how can you appreciate the preciousness of peace if you don’t experience the pain of your own skin?”

Xiao Nan was taken aback: "Nagato, you, what do you want to do?"

"After destruction, there will be new life!" Nagato's eyes glowed, "This is the ultimate way to peace!"

Xiaonan opened her mouth, but after Yahiko's death, her heart was slightly numb at this moment.

Perhaps Nagato was right.

In Yuren Village, the atmosphere is also dignified at this time.

Nagato's eyes of reincarnation made Hanzo extremely vigilant. He didn't dare to fight head-on in the previous fight. Although he successfully wiped out the Akatsuki organization, he also provoked a powerful enemy.

He immediately huddled in the village and lived a life without contention with the world.

He doesn't care about the wars between the three major powers outside!

If they fight, let them fight. After the fight, the Kingdom of Rain will still be his Kingdom of Rain!

In Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan has already mobilized some Chunin, and the Hyuga clan has also summoned some branch children to join ninjas from other clans and set off toward the eastern coastal area.

Mizukage did not disappoint them either. Following the information from the vanguard, Mizukage Mizukage finally sent troops to invade the Land of Fire.

And the vanguards are the powerful Blood Successor Genkai Clan, Minazuki and Kaguya Clan!

Taijutsu in the ninja world, in addition to the soft fist of the Hyuga family, is respected by the bones and veins of the Kaguya clan. The two families have also fought for the title of the strongest taijutsu. In this battle, the Kaguya clan can be so caring. There are also reasons for this.

The contemporary patriarch of the Kaguya clan, Zatsubaki, brought almost all the awakened blood successors in the clan with him, intending to spread the reputation of the bone vein throughout the ninja world in this war.

The Minazuki clan is also the male of the clan, and all the ninjas who awakened from the blood shield and awakened the ice shield have come to the land of fire!

In addition to these two blood-successor boundary families, there are other blood-successor boundary families such as Bodun and Rongdun who also sent ninjas here, UU reading www.uukanshu. As soon as the army of com enters the country of fire, it is like a broken bamboo, attacking the city and conquering the land wantonly, stirring up the southeast coastal area of ​​the country of fire into a mess.

However, the ninjas sent by the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan were unable to fight against such a powerful opponent at all, and were defeated steadily!

After the ninjas of the Hyuga branch died in battle, they all had their eyes gouged out. Unfortunately, they had birds in cages on them, and the Blood Succession Limit couldn't be passed on to the outside world.

And the Uchiha clan was even more ruthless, directly destroying their own eyes before death, so angry that Mist Ninja cursed shamelessly, and didn't even leave them any spoils.

With the invasion of Mist Ninja, the Land of Fire lost a large area of ​​territory!

The Fire Nation daimyo was furious, and immediately wrote a letter to the Third Hokage, strongly condemning his inaction for making Kirinin so arrogant, and urging him to drive Kirinin out of the Fire Nation as soon as possible, otherwise he will be deposed as Hokage!


Sarutobi Hiruzen burned the letter, his face dark as iron.

Mist ninja's invasion was too sudden and too strong, beyond his expectations.

'If you don't suppress the arrogance of Mist Ninja, Cloud Ninja will definitely invade immediately, and then it will be bad! '

Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately called Danzo, saying that he was dying, he was old and frail, his kidneys were weak, and Yuanyang had premature ejaculation.

Danzo, an old fox, understood in an instant, and his spirits were lifted. Then he went to Uchiha and Hinata, put pressure on them, and told them that if they want to compete for the position of Hokage, they must make great achievements on the battlefield.

Then he drew a big cake for them, stated the many benefits of being Hokage, and then threatened in a subtle way that if he did not work hard, once the village was breached, his root ninjas would immediately kill Uchiha and Hyuga. All cores!

In view of this, the two powerful families finally compromised and decided to fight the Mist Ninja with all their strength!

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