Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 182: 2 groups start

The news of the Mist Ninja invasion quickly spread to the two battlefields in the Land of Rain.

Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja were overjoyed when they heard this, and they had the pleasure of organizing people and encircling the city from the countryside, so they launched several battles to celebrate this event.

But Konoha's two big camps are cloudy.

"Sure enough, it's still here." Feng Huo frowned deeply, Mist Ninja attacked, seven Ninja Swordsmen, Uncle Dai...

How to break?

Feng Huo was very irritable.

In the original book, there is no time or place for the battle between Maite Dai and the seven people of Mist Ninja Sword.

Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikahisa also looked solemn. They never thought that the lack of supplies before was because of this!

"The impact of the Mist Ninja invasion is too bad." Nara Shikahisa gritted his teeth, "The cloud ninjas in the north are already ready to move, if they follow the Mist Ninja invasion, we..."

Decades ago, Konoha faced a similar situation when the village was first established, and was against almost the entire ninja world. , and Uchiha Madara, the great man, was able to smooth out the entire ninja world and bring peace, but what is Konoha at this time? It can't be compared with that era at all!

"Iwa Ninja and Sand Ninja are now fighting back frantically. They want to hold us back and prevent us from going to the southeast. If the village can't resist Mist Ninja, before Yunin can make a move, we may be defeated!"

"If the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan make a move, it shouldn't be a problem." Nara Shikahisa then smiled bitterly, "Hey, what's the use of thinking about it now?"

"Maybe, we can send some reinforcements to the domestic battlefield!" Namikaze Minato suggested.

Nara Shikahisa frowned: "Let's wait for news from the village first."

In the three battlefields, a loss in any one of the battlefields would cause a chain reaction, and Nara Shikajiu did not dare to take risks.

In Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan held a clan meeting.

During the meeting, Uchiha Chinatsu officially passed the position of patriarch to Uchiha Fugaku.

In the corner, he looked at this scene with unwavering eyes, and a look of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

He is Uchiha Tenizumi, the son of Uchiha Yamano, the former captain of the police force!

‘Damn it, if it was me who succeeded the captain of the police force, then I will be the patriarch now! '

His heart was full of resentment and hatred.

But no matter how angry he was, it didn't help. He just watched Uchiha Fugaku ascend to the position of patriarch.

His hateful and awe-inspiring eyes attracted the attention of a certain boy.

That boy is Uchiha Shisui who replaced Fenghuo and became Uchiha's new generation genius.

Uchiha Shisui is almost ten years old. He is 1.5 meters tall and looks like a tiger, but his eyes are bright and energetic, and he is very energetic.

He observed Uchiha Tenizumi, and at the same time observed other clansmen, some were indifferent, some cried with joy, some were distraught, and some were unwilling. A small group of people already had such messy 'ideas', not to mention the whole Konoha.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku was giving a passionate speech, to the effect that he would lead the tribe to glory, and then said that he would prove Uchiha on the battlefield, so that everyone would sacrifice their lives to make meritorious deeds.

Speaking of this, the faces of the Uchiha people below are even more varied. Obviously, compared with the generous jobs in the police force, most people are not too interested in going to the battlefield.

Uchiha Shisui gritted his teeth and thought to himself: If the village is defeated, all of us will either die or have our eyes gouged out. Don’t you all understand such a simple truth?

His vision has jumped out of the clan, and when he looks at these clansmen in reverse, he is naturally disappointed.

But, fortunately, there is Uchiha Fugaku!

Because Uchiha Fugaku is not only the patriarch, but also the captain of the police force!

In the past few years in the police force, he has established a great prestige through his own actions and strong strength. No one in the police force dares to disagree. Now that he inherits the position of patriarch, his prestige is even greater. Who dares to disobey him?

So no matter how unwilling you are, you have to follow.

The situation of the Hyuga family is a little more complicated.

Patriarch Hinata Matsuka looked at the chattering elders in front of him, feeling very headache.

He has already agreed and called on the disciples of the Hyuga Clan and Branch Families to go to the southeast coast to fight against Mist Ninja in the near future, but the elders were not happy.

They jumped out and defended the interests of the Hyuga clan with dignity.

"If a family member dies on the battlefield and the Blood Successors flow out of the border, who will bear the responsibility?"

Hinata Matsuhiro said lightly: "I'll carry it!"

"Can you afford it?" the elder said angrily.

If you can’t bear it, you ask me who will carry it? Hyuga Matsu was furious, but his good manners kept him from retorting with a pale face.

The elder said again: "The position of Hokage is a matter of great importance. Do you think Hiruzaru Sarutobi will really abdicate willingly? Even if he does abdicate, do you think Danzo and Uchiha will sit back and watch us ascend the position of Hokage? Stop joking, They just want our Hinata family to fight against the Kirinin, that's all, and once the war is over, we will be thrown aside!"

Hinata Matsuho said: "Since I have agreed to this matter, I will not change it! And the situation in the village is really bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If we just sit back and watch, our fate will not be much better!"

"Even so, it is enough to send the children of the branch family to the battlefield!" The elder was very excited.

"No, the disciples of the Zong family will also go!" He said firmly, "The Rizu and the Richai brothers must also go!"

"Bastard, it's enough to let Rizu go to the battlefield. Rizu is the clan and the next patriarch!" An elder was so anxious that he spat out his saliva.

Hyuga Matsuhiro resigned himself to it, and said calmly: "How can Hyuga inherit the Hyuga clan without going through wind and rain?"

"Bastard, bastard!" The elder cursed angrily.

Hinata Matsuhiko looked at him: "By the way, Elder, you are also going to the battlefield."

"Nani? You, what are you talking about?!"

The elder was dumbfounded.

Hyuga Matsuka said lightly: "Aren't you from the Hyuga clan?"

"I, of course I am, but I'm an elder, and I..."

"Because you are an elder, you usually enjoy various resources in the clan, so you should lead by example at this time! Everyone else has come to the battlefield, how can you hide in the village and enjoy peace?" Hyuga Matsuhiko looked at the others again , "The same is true for all the elders, everyone must go to the battlefield!"

Several elders looked at each other, speechless.

After dismissing these old guys, Hyuga Matsuka went to a nearby hut, and there was a person kneeling inside, it was Hyuga Hyuzu!

"Father!" Hinata Hyuzu saluted respectfully.

"Did you hear what I said? Do you have any ideas?" Hinata Matsuhiro asked with a smile.

Hyuga Hidezu showed a smile: "Father, I agree with you. I am willing to go to the battlefield and fight side by side with my brother!"

Hinata Matsuhiro smiled and nodded: "Very good, this is my good boy!"

The next day, Uchiha and Hinata sent a large number of ninjas into the southeast coastal area.

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