Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 183: back to the village

As Uchiha and Hyuga entered the battlefield, the supply troops also began to work busy, and countless war materials such as kunai, shuriken, grain, detonating charms, etc. were sent to the front line in batches.

The two battlefields in the Land of Rain, plus the southeast coastal battlefield in the Land of Fire, the three battlefields require a lot of manpower just for the supply troops. Students are pulled in to replenish the headcount.

Kurenai Yuhi, who was trained by Tsunade before, has also entered the supply unit!

Of course, the three battlefields are also dangerous.

After all, the Land of Rain is remote, and it has been at war for two years, which means "knowing the root and knowing the bottom line". However, Mist Ninja has just penetrated into the Land of Fire, when it is active, and it is easier for them to cut off Konoha's supplies, so those who are weak All of them transported supplies to the Land of Rain, and a group with two Chunin like Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu naturally transported supplies to the southeast coast.

Fenghuo, who was far away in the country of rain, was really worried when he heard the news, and didn't know how to deal with it.

He wanted to go, but the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan were the main forces on the Mist Ninja battlefield. If he went, wouldn't the Uchiha people take the opportunity to goug his eyes?

But he couldn't just watch Matt Dai die there.

He pondered for a night, and finally thought of a solution that was not an option. He immediately went to Namikaze Minato and proposed to withdraw from the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain and join the supply force.

"Supply troops?" Namakaze Minato was speechless, other ninjas wanted to go to the battlefield to make meritorious deeds, why did this kid do the opposite?

"Why?" Namikaze Minato asked curiously.

Feng Huo euphemistically expressed that he was very worried about the accidents of friends like Hong and Kai, so he hoped to join the supply team so that he could take care of them.

The reason was so high-sounding that Feng Huo himself believed it.

After all, this was what he had in mind.

Namikaze Minato was a little unhappy.

Fenghuo is young, but he is very strong, especially Jōnin. He has no major shortcomings in all aspects, especially medical ninjutsu can play a huge role. If he goes to the supply troop, it will undoubtedly be a loss for them.

But in the end, after some discussion with Nara Shikahisa, he agreed to his request.

Nara Shikajiu called Fenghuo and said: "With your strength at this time and the achievements you have made on the battlefield before, you may be entrusted with important tasks after entering the supply force. You must be mentally prepared."

"I understand, thank you Brother Lu Jiu!" Feng Huo sincerely thanked him.

"I will explain to Hokage-sama, seal the fire, and pay attention to the Uchiha clan!" Nara Shikahisa said solemnly.


With Nara Shikahisa, Fenghuo is at ease.

A few days later, the transfer order really came down, and he was arranged to join the supply unit, and also served as the deputy captain, who was responsible for the transportation of supplies for the domestic Mist Ninja battlefield.

For this reason, he must leave immediately.

Fenghuo hurried all the way, and finally returned to the village.

Speaking of which, it has been about a year since he left the supply force and entered the battlefield of the Land of Rain!

Close to homeland feeling timid...

If it didn't exist, Feng Huo walked in directly.

Because it was a wartime, the interrogation at the door was very strict. Fortunately, all kinds of identification documents were available for Fenghuo, and it passed smoothly.

Then he went back home, Yuhi Zhenhong was still in the first battlefield of the Rain Country, and Yuhihong also entered the supply force, the house was empty.

Sighing, he turned around and went straight to Hokage Building.

Seeing a newsstand on the road, he slowed down, bought a few newspapers and read them.

Looking at the newspaper reports about Hiruzaru Sarutobi's 'discomfort and loss of energy', Fenghuo didn't believe even a single punctuation mark.

In the original book, Hiruzaru Sarutobi is old and strong, and he has been strong until the 60th year of Konoha, and it was not until Orochimaru launched the Konoha collapse plan that he ended Hokage's duties with his death.

After reading the newspaper, it is not far from the Hokage Building.

During the war, the vicinity of Huoyinglou was very quiet, with few people coming and going.

As soon as Feng Huo approached, he felt a few breaths falling on him, full of vigilance.

‘Are you worried about someone coming to assassinate Hokage? '

Feng Huo shook his head with a wry smile.

When I saw Hiruzaru Sarutobi in Hokage's office, the old man was smoking his pipe vigorously, and he was not "senile" at all.

"Fenghuo, you're back." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was very happy to see him. After all, he was a good boy who accepted his inheritance of the will of fire, and on the premise of making great achievements on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain, he was willing to fight for the sake of his little friend. Abandoning the frontal battlefield and returning to the supply unit in safety, this heart of protecting his companions moved him so much!

Well, smoke a pipe again to suppress the shock!

"Master Hokage." Feng Huo gave his duties according to the usual practice, that is, he briefly introduced his good deeds on the battlefield.

Then Hiruzaru Sarutobi praised him, and then formally appointed him as the deputy captain of the supply unit.

The deputy captain of the supply unit is the second in command, with a high position and authority. In normal times, such a position would definitely not be available to Fenghuo, but now Konoha has one against three, and the three battlefields are blooming. There is a huge shortage of manpower, Hi Sarutobi Zhan could only choose a top-notch one from the short group, and Fenghuo's contribution to the establishment of the battlefield was large enough, so it was a matter of course, and he was appointed.

After leaving Huoying Building, Fenghuo immediately went to the supply unit to serve.

The southeast corner of the village is where the supply troops are located. At this time, people are coming and going, and there are wooden boxes piled up densely at the door. There are carriages next to them, and several children younger than Fenghuo are quickly moving The wooden crate was loaded into the carriage and then transported away.

Obviously, these children are the subordinates after the fire was sealed off.

He went all the way, and found that these children were sweating profusely, and their faces were somewhat dissatisfied, stubborn, tired, and frightened. They looked quite pitiful.

Feng Huo sighed, probably guessing that these people had just graduated from ninja school, or even hadn't graduated yet.

Walking into the supply unit, Fenghuo asked someone to ask, and came to the office of the supply unit captain Nara Lumi.

That's right, the captain of the supply unit is also from the Nara family!

I heard that he and Shikahisa Nara are still cousins.

For the Nara family, Fenghuo has a good impression.

People in this family have high IQs, but they are aloof from the world. They like deer and grow herbs. They are the largest supplier of medicinal materials in the village. Most of the medicinal materials in this war were supplied by the Nara family.

"Uchiha Fenghuo?" Lumi Nara saw Fenghuo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a smile in his eyes, "You are really young."

"Captain Lu Mi." Feng Huo called out respectfully.

This is a show of favor.

Generally, when two strangers meet, their honorific name is their surname plus their position, such as Captain Nara, Chief Uchiha, and Captain Bofeng, but if they are close, their name is added to their position, just like the phrase "Captain Lumi" in Fenghuo. '.

"Lu Jiu wrote me a letter, Fenghuo, you are very good!" Nara Lumi felt very good about Fenghuo, and was willing to retreat from the front line for the safety of her friends.

If it was someone else, he would have to wonder if the other party was afraid of death and didn't want to stay on the front line, so he came back for any reason, but Feng Huo's resume was clearly written, and he entered the rock ninja first and then cut off a group of the other party's very important supplies, and then went to the back of Iwanin and Namikaze Minato to kill a total of twenty Iwanin jonin and three generations of Tsuchikage's disciple Huitu. Rescuing countless companions, one after another, is all meritorious service in sealing the fire!

With these meritorious deeds, who would dare to doubt that the purpose of sealing the fire is impure?

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