Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 184: tame the bear

Coming out of Nara Lu Mi's office, Feng Huo was holding a stack of information lists in his hand. There were more than 30 people on it, all of whom were under his command. The materials of Ebisu, Shiranui Genma and others are impressively listed!

"Huh? Why is there no Kakashi?"

It's a pity to seal the fire secretly.

He went out to inquire, only to find out that Kakashi had jumped from the late-stage army to the first battlefield half a year ago, and is currently serving under Orochimaru.

Feng Huo thinks about it, Kakashi is a genius, he became famous earlier than him, how could he still stay in the supply unit to dawdle?

Then he came to his office.

That's right, although he is a vice captain, he is also the second in command, don't take the second as a cadre!

Of course, his office is not big, but he is also a person with a desk and an office chair!

There are more than 30 younger brothers under him, uh, even though they don't have much combat power, they are still chicken heads!

It's a pity that most of these younger brothers are delivering supplies, and Kai's team of three is no exception.

‘Although entering the supply unit went smoothly, what should we do next? '

He is the deputy captain, and he is usually responsible for the transportation of materials, and he doesn't have to follow the 'logistics'.

But if you don't follow, God knows when Kai and the others will bump into the seven people of Kirigakure Ninja Swordsman.

"However, from the current point of view, the seven members of the Kirigakure Ninja Swordsman should not have entered the Land of Fire yet, so there is no rush for the time being."

Afterwards, Feng Huo went downstairs, and many of the brats below were his subordinates.

"Cough cough."

When he came downstairs, Feng Huo coughed lightly twice, looked left and right, but saw no one coming to greet him.

I don't blame these brats, after all, the people supplying the troops are extremely busy. Captain Nara Lumi doesn't have a secretary yet, so he can't be allowed to personally introduce Fenghuo's identity to these brats, right?

Fortunately, Fenghuo has a thick skin and rushed up to strike up a conversation with them.

"New here?" A brat looked very domineering, seeing Feng Huo offering to help, he snorted, "Which team is it from?"

Feng Huo gave him a sideways glance, and deliberately said: "No assignment."

"No assignment? Hey, you didn't come in through the back door, did you?" The bear boy glared at Feng Huo angrily.

Feng Huo was taken aback, but after thinking about it carefully, he really walked through the back door, so he couldn't help showing a shy expression.

The brat put his hips on his hips and became furious: "I've seen a lot of brats like you, who just rely on their good family background to join our supply troops for meritorious service. I look down on you, you go, you go."

"Yeah, go, don't be with us, shame, shame."

The other two kids yelled too.

Fenghuo was speechless, these brats simply didn't consider him a cadre!

Moreover, when did the merits of the supply troops have to be obtained through the back door?

"Ahem, in fact, I'm the vice-captain of the supply troop. I just took office and I'm your leader!" Feng Huo said implicitly.

The three brats looked at him with their 'bladders' out of the corners of their eyes, full of disbelief.

Feng Huo twitched his eyebrows, took out a stack of documents from his pocket, rummaged, and found the documents of the three people in front of him, and said with a smile: "Yo, you are actually from the Qiu Taoist school."

Feng Huo glanced at the brat, a little surprised.

The few Qiudao people he came into contact with were all of the simple and honest type, and suddenly they were a little uncomfortable with the bear-child type.

"How do you know my last name?" Qiudao Dingpeng asked carelessly.

Feng Huo shook the documents in his hand.

Qiudao Dingpeng followed with his eyes straight, and was shocked: "Eh? How do you have my information?"

Then Feng Huo took out the information of the other two, and said with a smile, "Is this the letter?"

Qiu Dao Ding Peng put on a bad face: "You are not much older than us, why should you be our vice-captain!"

Hey, you fat man!

Feng Huo was worried that he would not be able to let others know him, so this fat man would simply send him to his door.

He shot immediately and beat him up hard, until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he screamed loudly.

"Now you know who I am?" Feng Huo snorted.

"Damn it, I won't let you go." Qiudao Dingpeng started acting wild when he regained his strength, and when he kicked up, he stamped on Fenghuo's unfathomably handsome face.

Feng Huo leaned back slightly, and slapped him staggeringly.

This fight, the people around were also attracted.

Everyone is a brat, and there is basically no sense of awe in their hearts. When they saw that it was Qiu Dao Dingpeng who was being beaten, they were not happy, so they rushed forward without saying a word, and wanted to put Fenghuo, an outsider, on the ground.

But Fenghuo has been reborn after two years of battlefield baptism, and besides, he is a special ninja, how can there be any suspense against a group of ninja, ninja, and even the brats who have just been pulled over from the ninja school?

In less than half a minute, it is now a horrible scene.

More than a dozen brats threw their butts into the sky and fell into the sand, screaming incessantly, but their eyes became more and more unruly, staring at Fenghuo full of dissatisfaction.

At this time, Nara Lu Mi, who heard the movement, finally arrived late, and smiled wryly when she saw this scene.

"Master Nara, this guy bullied us." Qiudao Dingpeng knew that the crying child had milk to eat, so tears fell down at that time.

Other brats also united with the villain to file a complaint.

Nara Lumi looked at Fenghuo helplessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Fenghuo, you are..."

"Haha, I was just joking with them." Feng Huo said to Ding Peng winkingly at Qiu Qiu.

Qiu Dao Ding Peng felt a little bit in his heart, he had a bad feeling: "You, are you really..."

Nara Lumi seemed to understand something, and clapped her hands to attract the attention of these bear children, and introduced to them: "This is Uchiha Fenghuo, from now on he will be the deputy captain of the supply force, responsible for supplies on the Mist Ninja battlefield!"

Qiu Dao, Ding Peng and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"But Master Nara, he is obviously so young."

"That's right, not much older than us, why can he be the vice captain."

"It's from the Uchiha clan, hmph, what's so great about it!"

These bear children expressed dissatisfaction.

Nara Lumi glanced at Fenghuo, who was carrying his hands on his back, looking up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, but kept winking at Nara Lumi.

The corners of Nara Lumi's mouth twitched, and he covered his forehead and introduced Xia Fenghuo's contribution to the battlefield of the Land of Rain to the group of brats.

Of course Feng Huo could introduce himself, but in that case, the group of brats might not believe him and thought he was bragging, but now that he said it from Nara Lumi's mouth, they were stunned and dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? He is not much older than us."

"Did Nara-sama make a mistake?"

"To be able to establish such a great feat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Huo opened his mouth, first he said a few words modestly, but the group of brats believed it, and all showed 'I knew you were bragging' eyes, Feng Huo The corner of his mouth twitched, thinking to himself that he wanted to convince people with virtue, then he couldn't control himself and beat them up again.

Nara Lu Mi stood beside her to stop her, and neither did she look on. In the end, she closed her eyes and turned around to deal with official duties.

Anyway, they are all Fenghuo's subordinates, so it's right to think that they are training.

Qiudao Dingpeng was screaming loudly at first, but when he saw Nara Lu Mi left, he collapsed at that time, got kicked twice, and immediately admitted to calling him big brother.

The thorns were subdued, and the other brats had no choice but to bow their heads and respectfully called the vice-captain.

"Sure enough, we still have to rely on virtue to convince people." Feng Huo sighed.

The brats are all crying: How can you convince others with virtue!

You obviously convince people with punches.

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