Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 185: black market

Fenghuo is not stupid. After convincing people with virtue, he helped them up, greeted them with care, and secretly stuffed thousands of taels into their arms, patting their chests to show that they would have meat, bones, and soup to drink with him.

These brats had never seen such a routine before, and they were dumbfounded at the time.

What's more, they have been in the supply force for many days. Although they have earned a lot of money, their parents often confiscate the money as soon as it comes out. Excitedly called Big Brother next to the fire.

Qiudao Dingpeng pulled his face, and was a little unhappy at first, but the younger brothers around him rebelled, and after a while he twitched, the rebellion passed, and the elder brother yelled the loudest.

Feng Huo has a sense of proportion, but this is the time to buy people's hearts, so he used healing techniques to heal their injuries, and used a bull's knife to kill chickens, and these brats soon became alive and well.

"Brother, you actually know medical ninjutsu, that's amazing!"

"Brother, I also want to learn medical ninjutsu."

"Brother, you taught me physical skills, I want to do ten too!"

After seeing the method of sealing the fire, these brats were even more convinced.

"Okay, what should I do?"

With a wave of Fenghuo's hand, the brats immediately took their positions and continued to carry supplies.

Then I feel bad about sealing the fire.

These brats were really brats, but they were still kids after all, most of them were younger than him, but at this time they had to go to the front line in groups of three with supplies.

If he encounters Mist Ninja on the way, he is still a little uncertain about what will happen.

"Hey, this damn!"

Feng Huo is so depressed, he came here to protect Kai and the others, but seeing these brats now, if he is allowed to sit idly by...


Feng Huo wished he could replace them, but he couldn't do it all by himself!

Around noon, these brats were packed up and ready to go.

At this time, Feng Huo saw several men and women dressed as civilians not far away looking at this side with blurred eyes.

Presumably there are their children among these bear children.

Fenghuo felt very uncomfortable.

But during the war, there was no other way. The stronger and older people all went to the battlefield. In terms of supplies, we could only rely on these brats.

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat.

No, there are still people in the village.

Anbe of Naruto, root of Danzo!

But then he shook his head.

As far as he knew, most of Anbu's elites had been dispatched to the Rain Country battlefield as captains, and the rest had to protect Hokage.

As for the root, hehe, it is basically Danzo's personal armed force. Unless he is besieged by others, he will definitely not participate in the war.

With Danzo's character, he wished that all the vital forces in the village would be disabled, and he would like to benefit from it.

Damn, this guy is such a moth!

The fire is sealed off.

Back at the office, Nara Lu Mi came to find him, and he had a task for him.

"Now the three battlefields are very tight in terms of supplies, especially basic supplies such as kunai and shuriken. The supply of the village can hardly keep up with the consumption of the war."

Nara Lumi hopes that Fenghuo can go to the black market to buy a batch of kunai and shurikens. Of course, it would be even better if he could buy detonating symbols!

In terms of money, there is naturally financial support from the village.

Sealing the fire didn't matter, I agreed.

That afternoon, he left the village and came to a town a hundred miles away.

For the black market, Fenghuo doesn't like it. After all, his head is still hanging on the black market. Of course, since the last Snow Country mission, he and Namikaze Minato and others killed successive black market killers. Basically no one dares to take on the head task.

Fenghuo was wearing a mask and a hoodie, very cautious.

This is the first time he has come to the black market, he looked around and found that it is still very lively, and the business here involves a lot.

Kunai, shurikens, chakra knives, detonating talismans used by ninjas, tea, rice, oil and salt used by civilians, and even slaves, livestock, and houses, there is no black market that dare not buy and sell!

And buying murder to kill is just one of the transactions.

It's amazing to seal the fire.

He walked to a shop selling kunai and shurikens. The owner was a middle-aged man with gloomy eyes and a gloomy face. He could tell at a glance that the whole world owed him money.

"Kunai, shuriken, how do you sell it!" Feng Huo cut to the chase.

The boss pointed to a wooden sign next to it with the price written on it.

Feng Huo frowned, this price is more than 20% higher than that in the village.

Shouldn't the price of the black market be cheaper than the outside?

Could this guy be Zai Sheng?

Feng Huo looked skeptical, but he was wearing a mask, so the boss couldn't see it.

"If you don't sell it, get out!" The boss is a straightforward businessman.

"It's expensive!" Feng Huo said succinctly, and was also worried that revealing his identity would cause any trouble.

"During the war, what is cheap?" The boss looked up and down Fenghuo with disdainful eyes, "If you can't afford it, get out, don't hinder me from doing business!"

Hey grandson!

Feng Huo wanted to hit him with a fire escape-helix pill.

But, business matters.

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, and asked again: "I want a lot, and it's cheaper!"

The middle-aged boss gave him a sideways look: "How much?"

"As much as you want!"

He didn't say anything. The speed at which kunai and shurikens are produced in the village can no longer keep up with the consumption of war. If there is no other stable channel for goods, the ninjas on the front line will have to reclaim the kunai and shuriken on the ground while fighting. The sword, the painting is so beautiful that no one can imagine it.

The middle-aged boss showed a strange smile, and whispered: "Are you Konoha's ninja?"

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, his mind turned, he didn't deny it, and hummed, "I'm asking you something!"

"Of course, it can be cheap, hehe." The middle-aged boss winked, "Do you need a detonator?"

This is big business!

"Detonating Talisman? How many are there?" Feng Huo hesitated for a while.

"I can sell you as much as you want!" The boss looked serious.

Feng Huo sneered, not believing a single punctuation mark.

But immediately his heart moved.

I remember that in the original book, in order to kill Obito, Xiaonan spent all his wealth to buy 600 billion detonating charms!

Not six thousand, but six hundred billion, a full six hundred billion detonating symbols! !

Where did Xiao Nan buy such a terrifying amount of detonating symbols?

The answer, of course, could only be the black market!

And these 600 billion detonators are not a small number~www.wuxiaspot.com~Even the black market cannot be accumulated overnight, it must be accumulated over many years, that is to say, there must be a large number of detonators in the black market at this time There may not be 600 billion talismans, but tens of billions is definitely not a problem!

Feng Huo's heart trembled, and he sighed secretly: Xiao Nan is really rich.

Six hundred billion detonating charms, Nima, the richest woman in the ninja world is Xiaonan!

Too rich.

Then he restrained his thoughts and said: "I also need detonating symbols, the more the better!"

He didn't dare to say how much he wanted, because the price of the detonating talisman was much more expensive than that of kunai and shuriken, and he couldn't afford to pay that much if they really took out tens of billions of detonating talismans.

Negotiate the price, agree on the time and place of delivery, turn off the fire and leave.

But a tall and thin figure caught him far away.

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