Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 187: addicted to money

Hatake Sakumo and Fenghuo finally agreed and decided to hire Kakutsu.

But this guy regards money as his life, and he comes from a traitorous background, which is an unstable factor. If he is allowed to go to the front line, he might rebel one day. Coupled with Fenghuo's selfishness, he was placed in the rear , responsible for protecting the supply troops and cleaning up the Mist Ninjas that sneaked in.

"So, how much commission are you going to pay me?"

Jiaodu quickly changed his role, following the golden rule of being rich and not making bastards, he started to fight them for a price.

Hatake Sakumo was a little dissatisfied: "Kakuto, don't forget that your life is still in our hands!"

Jiaodu smiled strangely: "Aren't you hiring me now? If the price can't be negotiated, I can't guarantee that I will do anything during the employment period."

"Sure enough, it's better to kill you." Hatake Sakumo said flatly.

Jiao was upset: "Hey, you guys are too unreasonable! Since it's an employment, of course you have to negotiate the price, otherwise you won't rest assured, I'm not wrong!"

That makes sense.

Hatake Sakumo frowned, unable to refute.

Then he reported the number.

Jiaodu shook his head: "I'm an S-rank rebel, and I'm worth a lot."

Feng Huo couldn't stand it anymore: "There are a lot of traitors like you in the black market, don't challenge our patience!"

"Even if you say that, I won't accept such a low offer." Jiao Du is notorious for asking for money.

"You are quite principled." Feng Huo was amused.

"It's about money, and I won't take a single step back." Jiao Du said with a serious face, "After all, the only thing you can trust in this world is money!"

After some haggling, we finally settled on a price that both parties were satisfied with.

Jiaodu said again: "Let me explain in advance that the employment time limit is only half a year, after half a year..."

Jiao Du wanted to say that he would leave in half a year, but the money hired this time was quite a lot, and within the same time limit, he really couldn't find a job that could beat this 'salary'.

So he said righteously: "If you want to continue to hire me after half a year, you must raise the price!"

Well, completely out of money.

Hatake Sakumo was an honest man, he was puzzled and said, "Kakuto, you should understand what we will do once the war is over."

Kakuzu laughed wildly: "I am a ninja who can escape smoothly after assassinating Senju Hashirama. Do you think you can kill me!"

Feng Huo was so angry that he was speechless, who the **** couldn't escape and sold himself just now?

However, he won't expose it, lest the horns become angry from embarrassment.

With horns wandering on the supply route, it's like inserting a domino horizontally in the middle of a set of dominoes. It's hard to say what the future will be like.

After paying the deposit, Hatake Sakumo returned to the village with Fenghuo.

This matter has to be reported to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In Hokage's office, Hiruzame Sarutobi was astonished after hearing this.

"What? You hired Kakutsu?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi dropped his pipe.

But then he smacked his lips, thinking that wasn't such a bad thing either.

Now that Konoha is facing the attack of the three major powers, it is necessary to unite all forces that can be united.

Hiring Kakuto this time completely opened up Hiruzaru Sarutobi's mind.

"Sakumo, tell me, can we hire more ninjas?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought about it, "Wandering ninjas, ninjas from other countries, or even... traitorous ninjas!"

Hatake Sakumo said: "Master Hokage, there should be no problem, but if the news leaks out, Sand Ninja, Iwanin, and Mist Ninja may all take the same measures."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, sighed, it really didn't work.

Now they are fighting against three, and the finances are stretched. If too much money is invested in the employment, the other three countries will also intervene, which will inevitably trigger a 'financial storm'. For Konoha, it may drag down the entire battlefield!

So this proposal was rejected.

Fenghuo returned to the supply unit and reported to Nara Lumi.

"There are a lot of kunai, shurikens, and detonating symbols on the black market. As long as the funds are sufficient, the black market can definitely meet our needs!" Feng Huo said.

Nara Lumi frowned slightly: "How can there be so many war supplies in the black market?"

Feng Huo guessed: "It may be made by ninja villages in other countries, and those wandering ninjas and rebellious ninjas."

Nara Lu Mi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, if this is the case, then I will apply for funds now!"

Three days later, Feng Huo took several Anbu to the trading place.

Although the black market has the word 'black', it is still trustworthy in terms of credit. The rough inspection of the materials for this transaction showed no defects.

The middle-aged boss still has the expression that the whole world owes him millions: "Then, happy cooperation!"

Feng Huo's heart moved: "Sand Ninja, Iwa Ninja, and Mist Ninja, are they also buying supplies in your black market?"

The middle-aged boss smiled strangely: "I'm sorry, I don't know, but the black market is all over the entire ninja world. I don't think I'm the only one doing this kind of business."

Feng Huo's eyes froze, then he thought carefully and was terrified.

The ninja world is so big, but the grandsons who sell 'arms' in the black market can make such a big business... Could it be that they are the real masters of this world?

Then he shook his head, the strong in this world are respected, even if people in the black market can produce materials, it is absolutely impossible to seize the right to speak in this world.

Ninjas are the main theme of this world!

After clearing the money and goods, the middle-aged boss finally showed a smile: "I hope we can cooperate next time."

On the way back, there were no unscrupulous thieves, and the supplies were transported back to the village smoothly.

Then Fenghuo called seven or eight bear children to pack these materials into boxes and transport them to the front line of Mist Ninja in batches.

When someone goes to the front line, someone will naturally come back.

On this day, Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu came back from the front line of Mist Ninja, and came to find them excitedly after hearing about the closure of the fire.

"Fight the fire! You have become the vice-captain." Kai's thick and thick eyebrows were burning like two weeds, "Accept my challenge!"


With a wave of Feng Huo's hand, the brats around him immediately rushed up, punching the old master down.

"Captain, it's great to see you!" Ebisu came up to flatter her, "Please take care of me from now on!"

"Damn it, you idiots!" Kai was furious as he was crushed by the brat.

"Don't be rude to big brother!"

"Yes, Kay, you are so arrogant!"

"What a nuisance."

"Challenges~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't mention it again in the future, you get it, Kai!"

Under the big sticks and radishes of sealing the fire, these brats have already become loyal, how can Kai be allowed to commit crimes?

The farce is over, seal the fire and talk about business.

"Did you see any strange people on the road?" Feng Huo asked.

After all, the horns are all traitors, so the news of hiring him has not spread, and these brats naturally don't know.


"did not see."

"Brother, do you mean Mist Ninja?"

"Idiot, how could it be Mist Ninja!"

"But the supply routes are all fixed, how can ordinary people show up?"

Feng Huo raised his brows, Jiaodu, he wouldn't take the money and run away, would he?

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