Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 188: Kakuto's Alienation

Along the southeast coastline of the Kingdom of Fire, huge ships galloped from the depths of the sea, and more and more Mist Ninja stepped into the territory of the Kingdom of Fire. It seems that there is no end in sight!

In the main camp, several leaders of Mist Ninja are discussing the war.

The leader is the coach, the patriarch of the Mizunazuki clan of the wealthy clan in Wuyin Village, Mizunazuki Kong.

The deputy commander is Zaochun, the patriarch of the Shigumai clan!

In addition, there is also the Boiling Dun user Zhao Qingkong, whose strength is also extremely tyrannical.

"Two, the tenacity of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan is beyond our imagination." Minazukikura said solemnly, "The delay of the war is not good for us."

The land of water and the land of fire are separated by a sea, and they came across the sea. Whether it is manpower or materials, transportation will take a lot of time, so they made a quick decision strategy early in the morning.

Zao Tsubaki snorted coldly: "The Hyuga Clan will be handed over to our Kaguya Clan!"

"Hao Tsubaki, Hinata's soft fist is the best in the ninja world, can you beat others?" Zhao Qingkong laughed strangely.

Zao Tsubaki gave him a sideways glance, and sneered: "The Shigumai is the number one in the ninja world!"

"It's really good to say such things behind closed doors." Zhao Qingkong grinned strangely. He was already tall and thick, but with this strange smile, he was suddenly so ugly that he didn't look like a human being.

Zao Chun couldn't bear to look directly at him, and looked away to avoid arguing with him.

Zhao Aozora looked at Minazuki Sora again, with a strange smile on Ugly's face again: "Sora, isn't it a problem for your Minazuki clan's ice shield to restrain the Uchiha clan's fire escape?"

"Of course it's not a problem." Minazuki Sora twitched his lips and said, "The problem is the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. This kind of blood succession limit is too harmful to ordinary ninjas!"

Zhao Qingkong yelled loudly: "Then kill them before they use Sharingan!"

"You put it so simply!" Minazuki Sora was furious, "Zhao Qingkong, can you **** be quiet!"

"Aren't we discussing the war? How can you discuss it quietly!" Zhao Qingkong shouted carelessly, not caring about the coach.

Zao Tsubaki suddenly said: "According to the intelligence, this time the Hyuga Clan is coming out in full force, that is to say, the main family of the Hyuga Clan will also appear on the battlefield. If we are lucky, we may get supercilious!"

"Compared to Baiyan, isn't the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan better?" Zhao Qingkong retorted.

"Shut up you bastard!" Zao Chun was furious.

"Did I say something wrong!" Taking Qing Kong as a **** stick, he successfully stirred up the anger of Mizuna Yuekong and Zao Tsubaki. The two glared at him, but he completely ignored it and just stood there Talking, "Sharingan is the pupil of illusion, Baiyan can only observe, the two are not at the same level at all! I don't know which idiot puts Baiyan and Sharingan together and call it the three **** three pupils."

"Zhao Qingkong, shut up!" Minazuki Sora couldn't take it anymore.

"Huh? You two told me to shut up, what are you doing? What do you want to do!" Zhao Qingkong was also furious, "Don't think that being born in a wealthy family can tell me what to do! I will give birth to a hundred children with the limit of boiling blood , I am no worse than you!"


Shui Wuyue Kong and Zao Chun were so angry that their hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached.

This **** stirrer is really disgusting.

But there is no way, who made him the confidant of Mizukage of the third generation, who once served as the leader of the dark army in Wuyin Village.

After half the payment, Zaochun regained his composure and said, "I heard that the seven people are coming, I don't know if this is true."

"Ninja Sword Seven?" Minazuki Sora frowned slightly. In Wuyin Village, apart from their powerful Blood Successor Limit Family, the combat power and prestige of these seven people were also very high.

Minazuki Sora once planned to inherit a certain sword, but unfortunately it failed.

The shit-stirring stick laughed at the blue sky: "Haha, if the Seven Ninja Swordsmen really come, then Konoha is no match for us at all. Mizukage-sama should have sent the Seven Ninja Swords here long ago!"

Shui Mu Yue Kong was not happy: "What do you mean? Are you accusing us of doing nothing!"

Zhao Qingkong showed his trademark strange smile again: "I didn't say that!"


Shuiwuyuekong half-closed his eyes, white ice crystals suddenly gushed out of the air, and the temperature in the tent suddenly dropped.

Zhao Qingkong exhaled white smoke with his mouth open, and the surrounding air quickly warmed up.

"Want to fight!" Zhao Qingkong snorted, "I'm not afraid of you!"

The three of them quarreled in the tent for a long time, and finally got tired of seeing each other, and Zhao Qingkong was thrown out by the two of them.

"This guy is really... I don't know what Mizukage-sama is thinking, but let him come to the battlefield!" Zao Tsubaki complained.

"Don't say these useless words." Minazuki Sora said coldly, "Before the Seven Ninja Swordsmen come, we must do something, otherwise, with the temperament of the seven of them, all the merits will be snatched by them!"

"On the frontal battlefield, our wars with the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan are comparable, and we win and lose each other. It seems that we can only start from their rear!" Early Tsubaki suggested, "Our supplies are transported by ships. In the vast sea, Konoha's ninjas can't be found at all, and their supplies rely on horse carts, I think we can send someone to destroy their supplies!"

"I think so too."

After some planning, the two immediately dispatched thirty Chunin, divided into ten teams and set off.

At the same time, Fenghuo also left the village, wandering back and forth on the supply route.

He wants to confirm whether this guy in Jiaodu took the money and ran away!

But I don't know if Jiao really ran away or if he was avoiding him, Feng Huo spent several days running back and forth twice, but he didn't find any trace of him.

"Huh? These traces..."

On this day, Feng Huo noticed something unusual.

"This is definitely not left by those brats! It's Mist Ninja!"

Feng Huo was startled, he hurriedly formed seals to summon shadow clones, and acted separately.

He had honed himself on the battlefield of the Land of Rain for two years, and he was already very good at tracking. He quickly found some intentionally hidden traces, followed the clues, and found... three corpses!

And it's still a charred corpse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The surrounding area is also the ashes left by the large fire.

After checking the fire, he breathed a sigh of relief, none of these three corpses belonged to the brats.

Looking at the ashes, he suddenly smiled: "It seems that hiring corners is the right choice."

He continued to search, and sure enough, he found many charred corpses, all of which were burned to death by the flames.

Feng Huo had learned from Jiaodu, so he naturally knew that this was a masterpiece of hard work.

But Wu Ninja didn't know how many people had come, so he didn't dare to be careless, and the Kazukage clone looked in another direction.

However, what Fenghuo didn't expect was that Kakudu didn't kill all the Mist Ninjas he met, he secretly released a few of them, the purpose, of course, was to make money!

That's right, he can be hired by Konoha to kill Mist Ninja, and of course he can also be hired by Mist Ninja to kill Konoha's ninja, depending on who pays more.

"I told them a long time ago that the only thing you can trust in this world is money, haha."

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