Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 212: sand ninja plan

The Land of Winds, Sand Hidden Village.

With the scorching sun in the sky and the wind and sand all over the sky, the village of Nuoda was deserted and dead.

The war has lasted for nearly three years, and most of the ninjas in Hidden Sand Village have stepped forward and entered the battlefield of the Land of Rain. In three years, these ninjas suffered heavy casualties, and the vitality of Hidden Sand Village was greatly damaged. Calling Undergraduates!

A little boy with short white hair stood among a group of children, looking around curiously.

"Hey, what are you looking at, we are going to the battlefield, you don't seem to be afraid at all."

The boy with short white hair turned his head to look, blinked his eyes twice, and said: "Although we have been drafted, the adults will not send us to the battlefield, so I am not afraid."

"Eh? Is that so? You're not lying to me, are you?"

The little boy said proudly: "Of course, I thought about this for a long time before I came up with it!"

"Everyone be quiet!"

Hai Laozang stood on the high platform of the school, looking at the energetic children below, with a look of distress on his face.

But at this point in the war, there is no room for Hidden Sand Village to back down!

"Everyone, Konoha brutally kidnapped our Kazekage-sama and launched a war of aggression against our Hidden Sand Village. Our parents were slaughtered by Konoha ninjas on the battlefield. We..."

Hai Laozang loudly encouraged the children below, turning black and white, whatever they liked, and soon made these children feel righteous indignation, wishing to rush into the country of fire and flatten Muye Village.

Hai Laozang saw that "the military spirit is available", so he asked his ninjas to divide these children.

Indeed, as the white-haired boy said, even if they were recruited, if they went to the battlefield with their strength, they really didn't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder, so it was impossible to go to the battlefield.

"You guys, follow me!"

"You guys, hurry up and keep up!"

In order to support the battlefield of the Land of Rain, Hidden Sand Village built many supply points near the border between the Land of Wind and the Land of Rain, and these children went to 'work' at various supply points, and those ninjas who were replaced Go to the front line and continue to fight with Konoha Ninja!

In Fengying's office, the elders of Sand Hidden Village gathered together again.

"Everyone, the current war situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us, we must find a way to reverse the situation!"

Now the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Earth, and the Kingdom of Water are besieging Konoha, and the Kingdom of Thunder is watching. In their view, it is only a matter of time before the Kingdom of Fire is defeated!

It's just that for the Kingdom of the Wind, their losses are almost unbearable. Even if they succeed in the end, the benefits that the Kingdom of the Wind can obtain will probably be squeezed to the extreme by the other three major countries!

"How is the contact with Yan Ninja?"

Before Mist Ninja declared war, Sand Hidden Village had flirted with Iwa Hidden Village, and sent envoys several times to discuss the alliance, but they were all destroyed by Konoha. The attitude over there began to become ambiguous.

"They seem to have no intention of forming an alliance."

"Hmph, isn't that obvious!"

After Mist Ninja declared war, the same hatred between Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja gradually changed, and they became embankments against each other. It was even more difficult to form an alliance.

Everything is for the interests of the villages after the war!

"I suggest that the fourth generation of Kazekage be recommended first!"

"No, the promotion of the Fourth Kazekage will not help the war at all!"

"I suggest using the Tailed Beast!"

As soon as these words came out, all the elders fell silent.

The tail beast is the last power of the five hidden villages, once it is used, the consequences will be unpredictable.

"I object, the power of the tailed beast is great, but there are too many uncontrollable factors! Everyone, don't forget that Ichichu Rikifuku has been imprisoned since he was born. He doesn't know how to fight at all. Let him go to the battlefield. Don't be kidding! Also, the main force of the Mist Ninja battlefield is the Uchiha clan, if we release tail beasts at this time, the Uchiha clan will definitely appear in the Land of Rain!"

The faces of the elders changed.

Uchiha's Sharingan's control of tailed beasts is a nightmare for all hidden villages. If tailed beasts are controlled by Uchiha on the battlefield, the war may end immediately.

"This won't work, and that won't work. Tell me, what should we do? Yun Nin is now making it clear that he is going to make trouble. Even if we persist until the end of the war, the interests of the war will be contested by other hidden villages!"

"We can't delay any longer, we must fight Konoha! If we defeat Konoha, Iwanin and Mistnin will definitely increase their offensive, and even Yunnin will not be able to remain silent."

"Let's set it at Kikyo Mountain. There are all our strongholds nearby, and the terrain is also beneficial to us."

"Since that's the case, then gather all the supplies to Kikyo Mountain."

"This matter must be kept secret, and Konoha must never know!"

"Of course."

All the elders said something to me, and quickly set the specific plan for the decisive battle.

Then the whole hidden sand village began to operate.

The second battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain, after half a year, Fenghuo finally came here again.

Shikahisa Nara was very busy, but he also took ten minutes to chat with Fenghuo. The arrangement for him was neither a combat brigade nor a mobile unit, but a medical unit.

"This is Minato's request."

As if worried about sealing the fire, Nara Shikahisa explained, "After Matt Dai died, Minato was very worried about you."

Feng Huo nodded, this is indeed Minakame Minato's character.

I remember that in the original book, Obito and Lin died successively. Minato was worried about Kakashi, so he recruited him into Anbu to help him change his mentality.

There is really nothing to say about this good big brother's temper.

Feng Huo agreed to the arrangement, and then his heart moved, and he asked, "Brother Lu Jiu, do you have any information about the Xiao organization?"

"Xiao organization?"

Nara Shikahisa showed a strange look, and said, "If you mention it like that... I haven't heard any information about this organization for a long time."

It is clear to seal the fire, UU reading www. uukanshu.com It seems that Yahiko's death has already changed Nagato and Konan's ideas, and the Akatsuki organization may have become a terrorist organization for future generations.

"Lord Lujiu, I have important information!"

A grim voice came from outside.

Nara Shikajiu hurriedly said, "Give it to me!"

"Brother Lu Jiu, then I'll go to the medical unit first." Feng Huo left wisely.

Nara Shikahisa received the information, opened it immediately, and then his face slowly sank: "There are too many ninjas in Yanyin Village, right?"

In the information, it is recorded that a large number of ninjas in Yanyin Village are rushing to the front line, at least three thousand!

If so many ninjas really enter the battlefield, the pressure on their side will be great.

Nara Shikahisa ordered the ninja outside in a deep voice: "If Minato comes back, let him come to me directly!"

"Yes, Master Lujiu!"

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