Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 213: Task

"Wooden escape-wooden ingot wall!"

In a secret training ground in Konoha Village, Danzo looks happily at A who is training hard.

It has been a year since I graduated from the ninja school. After undergoing rigorous training at the root, A is now a qualified ninja, but there is still a big gap with Danzo's expectations.

"A, don't be distracted, your third seal is wrong!"

Danzo pointed out A's mistake, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Wood escape!

What he is practicing now is Mu Dun!

Danzo's eyes flashed with lust, and he watched A's movements closely.

"Wooden escape-wooden ingot wall!"

A is sealed again.


Suddenly, there was a crackling sound from the ground under Jia's feet, like spring thunder exploding, and everything revived.

Danzo's eyes were bright, staring at the tiny crack.

Then, an ugly dead tree broke through the ground.

"Successful, I succeeded!" A was so excited, "Master Danzo, I succeeded!"

However, Danzo at this time was not happy but worried, and his brows slowly frowned.

‘What’s going on with this wooden escape? '

Danzo is the Mutun who has seen the first generation of Hokage. The power that covers the sky, is full of greenery, and is full of vitality, and the ugly gray dead wood at this time are completely two extremes.

"Continue training!" Danzo said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" A didn't realize it at all, and continued training enthusiastically.

As A made ugly gray dead wood one after another, Danzo's face couldn't help becoming more gloomy.

'This kind of Mutun can't compare with the first generation of Hokage at all! ’ Danzang’s mind turned, ‘The gene transplant experiment really failed. Although A survived, it was still a defective product! '

Danzo originally planned to transplant the cells of the first Hokage to himself, but he hesitated when he saw Jia's Mutun.

Is such a Mutun worth risking his life to transplant the cells of the first generation of Hokage?

Danzo squinted his eyes, looking at A uncertainly.

Fog hidden village in the country of water.

Three generations of water shadows stood in the water shadow building, behind them were several elders of Wuyin Village, and a consultant. These people were all anti-war.

"Mizukage-sama, the deaths and injuries of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, can't you wake up! If the war is not over, the entire country will be dragged down by this war!"

"The civilians already have the feeling of rejecting the Xueji Jiejie family. If this continues, the matter will be irreversible."

Mizukage Mizukage snorted coldly, and said displeasedly: "Shut up! What do you guys know?! Konoha will be defeated in this war! When the war is over, we will get huge benefits from the Fire Nation. , Enough to shut the mouths of those damned civilians!"

"Mizukage-sama, this is just your wishful thinking! Have you ever thought that once we fail in this battlefield, all civilians will fight against the Blood Successor Limit Family, and the entire Water Kingdom will fall into civil strife!"

Sandai Mizukage sneered: "Why, are you looking forward to this happening?!"

"No, Mizukage-sama, how could you think like that!"

Mizukage Mizukage sneered: "It's better not! Hmph! Although the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were defeated, the victory in this war must belong to us!"

"Master Mizukage, you..."

"Enough!" Sandai Mizukage waved his sleeves and said, "I will leave the affairs of the village to you!"

"Nani? Mizukage-sama, do you..."

The first battlefield in the Kingdom of Rain, in Konoha's camp.

A piece of information from the village lay quietly on Dashemaru's desk.

"Two elite jounin, eight jounin, three special jounin, two elite chunin... With such a lineup, you can still fail to kill Uchiha Fenghuo, hehe, you really amaze me more and more. "

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils showed a murderous intent.

As one of the three ninjas who are famous in the ninja world, Orochimaru is also very strong. Faced with such a chasing lineup, although he can complete the counter-kill, it may take a lot of trouble, but from Danzo From the information that came, it can be seen that Uchiha Fenghuo seems to have completed the counter-kill easily, and besides Uchiha Fenghuo and those dead Nenin, there were no traces of other ninjas appearing at the scene.

"Sharingan, is it really so powerful?"

The desire in Orochimaru's heart was burning.

In the beginning, he conducted human experiments with the purpose of transplanting cells from the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama, but at this time, his thoughts changed a little.

"Perhaps Sharingan is more suitable for me!"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, tapping his fingers on the table intentionally or unintentionally.

Then he looked at the information on the table, which were the movements of Sand Ninja, messy and irregular, but Orochimaru could still detect a hidden main line from these information.

He narrowed his eyes, pondering in his heart.

It's been three years, and even Konoha has been squeezed to the limit by this war, and Sand Hidden Village is probably the same!

A sneer slowly emerged from the corner of Dashewan's mouth. The purpose of their series of dazzling movements was nothing more than to win a battle.

So, where will it be?

To win in one battle, sand ninja must prepare a large amount of supplies and ninjas. If they appear in the sand ninja camp, they will never be able to hide it from him.

He got up to check the map, and finally set his sights on a small red dot.

"Could it be here?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he wrote a letter immediately, and then printed the envelope on the scroll.



Kakashi limply entered the tent and knelt down alone, "Master Orochimaru, do you have any orders?"

Kakashi has been in the second battlefield for some time, and he has made a lot of contributions on the battlefield. Later, as the war became more and more tragic, Orochimaru considered Hatake Sakumo, so he transferred Kakashi to his side to do guard.

"Kakashi, give this to Shikaku Nara." Orochimaru handed the scroll to Kakashi.


Kakashi put away the scroll~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and set off immediately.

At this time, after Nara Shikahisa learned that Iwanin had sent a large number of ninja reinforcements, he immediately negotiated with Minato Namikaze, and decided to delay these Iwanin and never let them reach the battlefield of the land of rain.

As the captain of the mobile unit, Minato Namikaze was obliged to do so, and immediately stated that he would personally lead the team to stop these Iwanin.

Nara Shikahisa was a little worried. After all, there were 3,000 Iwanin. If they were entangled in the front, even if Namikaze Minato had Hiraishen, he might die there.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Namikaze Minato smiled, "But I need a medical ninja, it must be a jounin."

The mobile troops are all elite ninjas who can kill, but they are not very good at medical ninjutsu. This time, to stop such a large number of rock ninjas, there will inevitably be casualties, and it is impossible to complete the task without medical ninjas.

Nara Shikahisa smiled and said, "It just so happens that there is someone who fits your criteria very well."

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