Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 218: harass

After escaping from birth, Namikaze Minato and others came to the foothold to count the casualties.

This time, more than 20 ninjas who followed Namikaze Minato died, all of whom were jonin-level!

None of the rest was intact, Fenghuo ignored the sore eyes and healed them as soon as possible.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit dignified, and all the ninjas, including Namikaze Minato, stared at him with piercing eyes, as if you were about to deal with something big.

After simply stabilizing their injuries, Feng Huo realized that he was not feeling well either. The soreness in his eyes was second to none. The key was his vision, which was a little blurry from time to time.

When he used the Susanoo just now, he frantically agitated his pupil power, and the sequelae appeared.

Although he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help worrying when his vision really gradually blurred.

"Fenghuo, thanks to you this time." Namikaze Minato said, "This mistake is my responsibility, I'm sorry!"

"Minato-sama, it's not your fault, it's Iwanin who is too cunning!"

"Yes, Master Minato, we didn't blame you!"

Namikaze Minato's charismatic personality had already conquered them, and seeing him apologize at this moment, he immediately expressed his support.

Feng Huo rubbed his sore eyes, and the Sangouyu Sharingans were faintly visible between his fingers.

"Fenghuo, I have something to tell you." Minato Namikaze dismissed the other ninjas and asked solemnly, "Is the forbidden technique from before related to Sharingan?"

Feng Huo nodded: "That's right, it's the pupil art of Sharingan, called Susano!"

"Susano?" Namikaze Minato showed a thoughtful look, he seemed to have never seen the Uchiha clan use such a powerful ninjutsu, and Jiraiya-sensei never mentioned it to him.

Feng Huo seemed to see what he was thinking, so he explained: "This technique requires the evolution of Sharingan to a higher form before it can be used. In the entire Uchiha clan, apart from me, I am afraid that only Uchiha Fugaku can use it." !"

He originally wanted to hide his kaleidoscope, but at this time he used Susano in front of Sanqian Yannin and the mobile unit, and it would be foolish to hide it any more, so he simply said it openly.

The three gouyu in Fenghuo's pupils rotated slowly, and turned into black and red pentagrams in an instant.

Namikaze Minato shrank his eyes and pupils: "This is?!"

With his keen perception, he can naturally feel the powerful pupil power contained in these eyes.

"Kaleidoscope! The Sharingan that surpasses the Sangouyu!" Feng Huo said, "I also awakened when Uncle Dai died in battle."

"Sharingan, it can still evolve." Namikaze Minato was very surprised. You know, with the help of the three-pointed jade, the Uchiha clan is already famous in the ninja world. If there is still... yes, Uchiha Madara!

If it's not a kaleidoscope, why should Uchiha Madara be compared with the first Hokage?

Namikaze Minato felt a lot of emotions in his heart, and was very excited about the opportunity to seal the fire, but then he realized that something was wrong. Isn't there any limit to such a powerful pupil technique?

He asked questions, but Fenghuo put away the kaleidoscope while shaking his head, expressing that he hadn't noticed it yet.

He didn't want Namikaze Minato to know that using the kaleidoscope would lead to vision loss until he became blind, otherwise, with Namikaze Minato's temperament, he might have to seal his kaleidoscope directly.

At this time, the sky was getting darker. Fenghuo's use of the kaleidoscope not only consumed a lot of pupil power and chakra, but also a lot of physical strength. At this time, he couldn't hold on any longer, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Namikaze Minato thought about it, got up and told the ninjas of the mobile unit to keep the matter of sealing the fire a secret, and it must not be leaked before the war is over!

Everyone naturally responded.

After dawn, the Iwanin reinforcements set off again.

Last night, Susano, who sealed the fire, slaughtered all directions. Hundreds of rocks died under his copper hammer. It can be said that the loss was heavy, so naturally he didn't dare to stay.

The leader of the Iwanin reinforcements had a gloomy expression all the time.

The appearance of Susanoo means that someone from the Uchiha clan has opened the pair of super evil kaleidoscopes again. These are terrifying eyes that can control tailed beasts!

With the deterrence of the kaleidoscope, it is impossible for the tailed beast in Yanyin Village to enter the battlefield again.

Moreover, there is no one in the Iwanin front line who can compete with these eyes, not even him, not even Huangtu.

‘Do you want to ask the third generation of Tukage to do it himself? '

The war has progressed to this day, and there are not many methods available to Iwanin Village. The appearance of the kaleidoscope really disrupted them.

As they walked, a series of explosions suddenly sounded from the side.

The blast wave wrapped in countless shattered boulders struck from the left and right sides.

"Damn Konoha ninja! It's endless!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

The ninjas on the two sides built earth walls to resist the blast wave, but immediately after that, countless fireballs came from the sky, and the scorching fire waves howled and surged, trying to burn them alive.

"Earth Dungeon - Rock Fist Technique!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Yan Ninja output crazily, and soon extinguished all the fireballs in the air.

But more than a dozen inconspicuous kunai were scattered in the rock ninja along with the wind and fire.

"Not good, these kunai..."


"Namikaze Minato, Namikaze Minato is here!"

The golden hair flickered wildly among the rock ninja group, and the blood color was in full bloom like roses, one after another.

When Yanin was about to besiege Namikaze Minato with all his strength, Fenghuo made an outrageous appearance again driving Susano.

The two huge copper hammers were like two hills, rumbling to death, no one could stop them.

Although Yan Ren already knew that this was not a demon god, the shadow in his heart was still infinite.

Fenghuo wanted to learn how to charge again yesterday, but after the initial panic, Iwanin's ninjutsu fell again. Come on, Feng Huo's body seemed to have tens of thousands of insects crawling back and forth in his flesh and blood, he was so uncomfortable that he had no choice but to back away.

As soon as he retreated, Namikaze Minato also left immediately as Fei Lei Shen.

"Damn, hate!!"

"Damn Uchiha, bastard!"

The leader of the Iwanin reinforcements looked around, and there were dead and injured companions everywhere. At first glance, at least nearly a hundred people died!

Big fire!

Their more than two thousand ninjas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were beaten up by two Konoha ninjas for such virtue, what a shame!

"Seal their corpses, don't delay, keep going!"

There is no other way, we must rush to the battlefield of the Land of Rain as soon as possible, otherwise they have no chance of winning in the face of Susano's crazy harassment like this, Sanqian Yannin may really be killed by that Uchiha !

After Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato withdrew, Fenghuo found that his eyesight seemed to have begun to decline.

The blurry state that appeared before was only for a moment, and then became clear again after the blurring, as if it was a warning, but this time, it was a real decline in vision.

"It's okay." Minato Namikaze was worried when he saw Fenghuo in a daze.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I'm thinking that if I keep harassing like this, maybe I can really complete the task."

Fenghuo laughed.

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