Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 219: reinforce

As Iwanin's reinforcements approached the Land of Rain, the attacks of Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato became more and more frequent. The damage caused by Susano who sealed the fire made Iwanin terrified.

When the Iwanin reinforcements came to the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Rain, the Sanqian Iwanin had already tortured more than a thousand people to death!

The heavy casualties are not enough to describe it!

In addition, most of the huge supplies they escorted were smashed into **** by the two huge copper hammers of Fenghuo Susano.

When such a thing happened, the leader of the Yannin reinforcements did not dare to hide it, and immediately sent the news back to Yanyin Village.

Hidden Rock Village in the Land of Earth.

Three generations of earth shadows hovered above Yanyin Village in the air, looking towards the direction of the Land of Rain, with an ugly expression on their faces.

For Konoha at this time, the war in the Land of Rain is stalemate, and the Mist Ninja is starting a war in the Land of Fire, and Yun Nin is also eyeing, and may invade the Land of Fire at any time. In his opinion, under such a situation, he sent Three thousand reinforcements are enough to establish a victory in the Kingdom of Rain battlefield. At that time, Konoha will lose sight of the other, and it will not be far from the collapse of the whole line.

It's just that they never expected that the 3,000 reinforcements had killed or injured thousands of people before they arrived in the Land of Rain!

"Susano... the damned Uchiha clan, have those evil eyes appeared again?"

Thinking of the scene of facing Uchiha Madara when he was young, Onogi's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached.

"Kaleidoscope Sharingan... It's a nightmare that people don't want to recall."

Onoki's eyes gradually revealed evil spirits, and he snorted: "It seems that I have to go out for a walk with this old bone. Uchiha Madara, I hope your descendants will not let me down!"

He slowly lowered his figure, and finally, with a click, Ohnoki froze: "Waist, waist, my waist~"

The leaves of the country of fire.

In Hiruzaru Sarutobi's office, the white-haired Jiraiya squatted in the corner digging his nostrils bored, feeling extremely happy.

The war has lasted for three years, but Jiraiya, the legendary Sannin, rarely appeared on the battlefield, as if this war had nothing to do with him.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sat on the side, staring at the disciple helplessly.

Among his three disciples, Orochimaru is the best. He has already fought Sand Ninja on the Rain Country battlefield. Tsunade can no longer appear on the battlefield because of hemophobia, and Jiraiya, this guy is too playful , The personality is also frivolous, it is difficult to be a big responsibility!

Just yesterday, he received a letter from Shikaku Nara, mentioning the change of Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja, especially the three thousand Iwa Ninja reinforcements, who really shocked Sarutobi Hiruzen. It is not easy to come up with so many ninjas.

Of course, he can still remain undefeated with one against three, and Konoha's strength has also shocked the entire ninja world.

"Jiraiya, you've had enough fun, right?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi spoke slowly, smoking a pipe, "The situation in the Land of Rain has changed, you should go there immediately!"

"What!" Jiraiya picked his nostrils vigorously, and said dissatisfied, "There are Orochimaru, Minato, and Shikaku there, and nothing will happen, old man, don't bother me to collect materials, mine will be published in the newspaper soon published."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi slapped the table angrily: "That's enough! Jiraiya, you are addicted to it all day long, do you know the situation we are facing now? Sand ninjas are gathering to prepare for a decisive battle, and Iwanin sent another three thousand Reinforcements, once they are successfully launched, our two battlefields in the Kingdom of Rain will be completely defeated!"

Ji Lai could not help being shocked.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "You have already been to the country of thunder, and you should know that cloud ninjas have gathered a large number of ninjas on the border. Once the situation in the country of rain collapses, they will definitely invade us. At that time, we..."

Jilai also sighed: "Hey hey hey, I see, Rain Country, don't worry, I'll go now."

"Wait!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "Sakumo will also take Anbu to the Land of Rain, you go with him."

"Nani?" Zilai was also surprised.

The two battlefields in the Land of Rain, plus the Mist Ninja battlefield, have mobilized most of Konoha's power, and the village has almost no power except Anbe and Genbu.

If Hatake Sakumo leaves with Anbe, who will be responsible for Sarutobi Hiruzen's safety?

Danzo has always been coveting the position of Hokage, and as Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciple, Jiraiya is also aware of this, he is very worried, if Danzo makes a small move at this time, how can Sarutobi Hiruzen have the power to fight back?

"Your safety?" Ji Lai also frowned.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoked his pipe, puffed out the clouds, and said, "Don't worry, since I have decided to give up the position of Hokage, I will not break my promise."

The implication is that Danzo only needs to wait quietly for him to abdicate to realize his dream. Why bother to make trouble again and take huge risks to deal with him?

Ji Lai also hummed and turned his head away, with an attitude of being too lazy to talk to you.

At noon, Hatake Sakumo integrated Anbu, leaving only four Anbu in charge of Sarutobi Hiruzen's daily life, and the rest were all taken away!

On Hokage Rock, Tsunade and Yakushi Nonoyu stood together, looking at the entrance of the village.

"Master Tsunade, you must be very worried about Master Jiraiya, right?" Yakushi Nonoyu said.

"Hmph, who would worry about that pervert!" Tsunade sneered, his golden hair glistened in the sun, and the breeze blew, and the golden hair mischievously brushed a prismatic mark on his forehead.

Pharmacist No Naoyu showed a gentle smile, if you are not worried, why stand here?

But she didn't expose it, and asked: "Master Tsunade, if it's okay, why don't you go to my orphanage for a while."

Tsunade put his hands on his hips, and flatly refused: "Don't be kidding, I hate children the most, they are noisy all day long, it's too worrying, I'd better go..."

Tsunade frowned suddenly, and suddenly remembered that he had lost all his money at Fugui Casino last night, so...

"I remembered that I still have something to deal with at the newspaper office, um, that's it."

In the Mist Ninja battlefield in the Land of Fire, the Uchiha, Hyuga clan, Minazuki, and Kaguya clan have fought dozens of battles, and the casualties on both sides have been increasing.

"Is this just white eyes?"

In the dense forest, Qing held a blood-stained kunai in one hand, and a white pupil in the other. The pupil was still bloody, obviously just dug it out.

He trembled all over, UU reading www. uukanshu.com couldn't be more excited. As a sensory ninja, having a white eye is his dream, but the branch of the Hyuga clan has a bird in a cage. Once the pupil is poached, the white eye will disappear.

"I didn't expect to meet a Hyuga clan today!"

He stared at the dying Hinata Ninja on the ground with piercing eyes, ready to poach his other white eye.

"Bastard, how could my Hyuga Clan's Blood Successor Limits fall into your hands!" The Hinata Clan, who fell on the ground and was on the verge of death, used his last breath to gather the few chakras left and rushed to the white eyes, blatantly destroying All the nerve lines in the eyeballs directly ruined the white eyes!


Qing was furious, and directly cut off his neck with Kunai, but the white eye has been scrapped.

"This eye must be transplanted as soon as possible!"

Qing was worried that Ye Chang would have many dreams, so she left here with blank eyes without saying a word.

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