Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 224: hunt down

Mist ninja camp commander tent.

Mizunazuki Sora, Zao Tsubaki, and Zhao Qingkong all sat at the bottom, raised their heads slightly and respectfully looked at the long-haired middle-aged man on the main seat, Mizukage Three Generations.

"Have you not found the Loquat Shizang yet?"

Mizukage Mizukage's eyes are rather narrow and long, appearing a bit harsh and indifferent.

"Master Mizukage, after that battle, the Puffer Ghost of Ximelon Mountain was seriously injured and returned a few days later, but Loquat Ten Zang has never been seen. According to the memories of the Puffer Ghost, Loquat Ten Zang was actually fighting..."

Before Mizunazukaku could finish speaking, Sandai Mizukage interrupted him impatiently, and said coldly: "That's enough, I don't want to hear this! Heh, if you don't show up before the end of this war, you will be betrayed and forbearance!" deal with!"


"Then, the next step is to win this war!" Mizukage said, "Hyuga Clan, Uchiha Clan, and Konoha's two great families, I have been famous for a long time."

The second battlefield in the Land of Rain, the Iwanin camp, also ushered in a heavyweight today.

"Old, old... old dad? Why are you here?!" Huangtu's eyes almost popped out when he saw the person coming.

The short Onogi let out a cold snort, and flew up lightly, and stopped in the air when his eyes were level with the loess: "The kaleidoscope of the Uchiha clan was born, and you still can't deal with these evil eyes."

"I'm your son, yet you look down on me!" Huang Tu was dissatisfied.

"If you weren't my son, I wouldn't have come in person." Onoki asked, "Have you found out who the owner of these evil eyes is?"

Huang Tu looked embarrassed: "This, this, we already have someone to suspect."

"Who is it?" Onogi said solemnly, "Could it be Uchiha Fugaku, the new patriarch of the Uchiha clan?"

"No, it's not him." Huangtu rubbed his hands guiltily, "We suspect it's Uchiha sealing the fire."

"Uchiha seals the fire?" Onoki narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Give me his information."


Huang Tu immediately asked someone to fetch information about sealing the fire.

Of course, all this information was collected on the battlefield, including his appearance, voice, height, ninjutsu skills, etc. As for what happened before the fire was sealed off, they hadn't collected it yet.

Onoki opened the information, and was stunned as soon as he saw the photo of Fenghuo.

"Huangtu, you... you can't make a mistake, right? How old is this little devil!!"

"Father, that's him. He is the only Uchiha who is active on the battlefield." Huangtu said loudly.

Onogi's eyelids twitched slightly, but he still couldn't believe it, or rather, he didn't want to believe it.

Such a brat has already opened a kaleidoscope?

Then in time, he can't fly to the sky and stand side by side with Madara Uchiha?

Speaking of Uchiha Madara, he thought of the days when he was bullied by Uchiha Madara. He was really aggrieved, and every time he recalled it, he burst into tears!

"If it's really him..." Ohnoki shot out a violent killing intent in his eyes, "We must not let him leave alive!"

Huang Tu nodded: "Dad, I think so too."

Onoki directly slapped the information on his head: "Asshole, what's the use of just thinking about it!"

What else can Huangtu say?

"Let's go, now I'm going to see the owner of these evil eyes!" Ohnoki couldn't wait, he had to kill Fenghuo before he grew up to avoid future troubles.

The three generations of Tukage came in person, and the morale of Iwanin was greatly boosted, and he had already sharpened his sword.

Huangtu dispatched troops and generals, and immediately pulled out a lineup of two thousand rock ninjas.

Among the two thousand rock ninjas, the main ninjas are Chunin, but there are also two hundred Jonin, acting as sharp-headed troops!

"Huang Tu, you stay here." Ohnoki flew over lightly, looked at Iwa Shinobi in front of him, and said casually.

"Dad, why?" Huang Tu was anxious.

"You have to stay here to guard the camp." Onoki said, "If, I mean, if I don't come back from this expedition, you should know what to do."

"Dad?" Huang Tu was shocked, "What nonsense are you talking about! The other party is just a brat, even if you turn on the kaleidoscope, there is no way that you can be your opponent, Dad."

Onogi snorted, "I just said if, idiot son!"

Afterwards, he didn't bother to say much, his stature rose, and he flew away first.

Two thousand rock ninjas also set off immediately.

Such an aboveboard action was discovered by Konoha's ninja almost half a day later.

When the news came out, Shikahisa Nara was also taken aback.

"Although I've been mentally prepared for a long time, I didn't expect that the third generation of Tsuchikage would actually conscript himself, and I couldn't wait so much!"

Shikaku Nara looked at Sakumo Hatake below, and heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Sakumo-sama was there.

"Are you sure it's the third Dokage?"

Hatake Sakumo frowned, a little surprised why the third Tsuchikage would conscript himself.

"Master Sakumo, can Sandai Tsuchikage be entrusted to you?" Nara Shikajiu looked at him expectantly.

"Let me try." Hatake Sakumo nodded slightly.

The third Tsuchikage Ohnoki's Blood Successor eliminated Dust Dun, but his reputation shook the entire ninja world. Hatake Sakumo has already been heard like a thunder, and now he has the opportunity to fight, he is also a little excited.

Afterwards, Nara Shikaku began to recruit ninjas, set up tactics, and waited quietly for the arrival of the third Tsuchikage.

At the same time, accidents happened to Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato.

I don't know where the accident happened, but the two of them were discovered by sand ninja, and then they were chased and killed.

Fenghuo escaped several times relying on Susano, but was soon surrounded again.

After chasing and killing for two consecutive days, both Fenghuo and Namakaze Minato were exhausted and exhausted.

After sealing the fire, his eyesight dropped several degrees!

Sand Ninja's plan for the decisive battle can be said to be full of the village's background, and no news will be allowed to leak!

So no matter whether Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo are intentional or unintentional, Sand Shinobi will never let them go back alive!

Namikaze Minato also quickly realized this, saying: "There must be more sand ninjas ahead, we must change our route!"

Feng Huo was stunned: "You can't turn around and run, right?"

"We can run in the direction of the Iwanin camp!" Namikaze Minato's eyes sparkled, "The relationship between Sand Ninja and Iwanin is very delicate now, if we can bring Sand Ninja there..."

I didn't expect you to be such a Namikaze Minato!

Feng Huo glanced at him and coughed: "Then it's such a happy decision."

The two immediately turned around and ran towards the northwest.

The encirclement there was indeed a bit thin, and the two of them broke through the encirclement very quickly, but after a while, more and more sand ninjas gathered behind them, like two horses running on the grassland, followed by thousands of wild horses , That posture is really, wherever you go, no matter it is a village or a small town in the country of rain, all are slaughtered by sand ninja to prevent the news from leaking.

"I won't kill Boren~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boren died because of me." Feng Huo said with emotion.

"What do you mean?" Namikaze Minato asked shamelessly.

"Uh, it's nothing, just a feeling." Feng Huo turned his head, and the sand ninjas behind him were getting closer and closer, but looking carefully, it seemed that the number of people was much smaller.

So Fenghuo said: "Brother Minato, why don't we split into two groups, I will continue to take them to the Iwanin Camp, you go and give the information to Orochimaru."

Namikaze Minato glanced back, then used sensory ninjutsu to sense it, and after confirming that the sand ninja behind him would not threaten Fenghuo, he nodded in agreement: "Okay, then be careful!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Feng Huo said with a smile.

Namikaze Minato immediately used his shadow clone to continue running instead of his body, while he himself dived into the ground and left quietly.

At this time, Feng Huo's eyes also completely cooled down.

‘Oshemaru, don’t let me down! '

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