Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Orochimaru

Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato came to Kikyo Mountain to collect information. This is top-secret information. The two of them came all the way, they were cautious and cautious. The sand ninja they met also used kaleidoscope illusion to erase their memories. How could they be discovered by sand ninja for no reason? ?

Feng Huo had to doubt Orochimaru.

However, considering that this Kikyo Mountain intelligence mission involves the success or failure of the first battlefield, and even affects the outcome of the other two battlefields, it has a lot to do with it. Orochimaru really dares to take such a big risk to betray them?

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, speculating on Orochimaru with his greatest malice, thinking that he would.

He continued to run towards the Iwanin camp, and the sand ninja behind him pursued closely, but for some reason, there was always a feeling that the number of people was getting smaller and smaller.

When he ran for two days and nights, there were very few sand ninjas behind him.

Feng Huo simply stood there, waiting quietly.

After a while, the sand ninjas behind them turned into moving poisonous snakes, and disappeared into the grass in an instant.

"It really is you, Orochimaru."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth.

As expected of the Sannin in the legend, this is a betrayal, and the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole are behind. In the end, he can not only get the information about Kikyo Mountain, but also kill himself to get Sharingan, and kill many others. Shaosha endures, kills three birds with one stone, kills three birds with one stone, high.

"Hehe, you are as smart as I imagined, so I expected you to let Namikaze Minato send back the information." Orochimaru slowly emerged from the grass, his face was as pale as a zombie, and his golden pupils Staring at Fenghuo's eyes fieryly.

"You're good at conspiracies and tricks, Orochimaru, you're only at this level." Feng Huo sneered, fearlessly.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, this kid didn't seem to be afraid at all, he couldn't help but feel a little vigilant.

He immediately looked around with sensory ninjutsu, but found no sign of anyone.

"Uchiha seals the fire, tell me the story of the farmer and the snake again." Orochimaru said lightly.

"Yo Yo Yo, I can't see that you still hold grudges." Feng Huo looked at Da She Wan's pale face with interest, and his tone was quite frivolous.

"You really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Orochimaru's eyes have been narrowed into a slit, and the next moment, a violent killing intent rushed towards Fenghuo.

"Only at this level do you have the nerve to make a fool of yourself?" Feng Huo stood in place, like a rock on the coastline, despite the turbulent waves, he remained motionless.

Orochimaru suddenly stuck out his tongue, and licked twice at the corner of his eyes, with a frenzied gesture: "The evil snake's wrist explodes!"


A few ferocious giant snakes rolled up the wind, slaying and sealing the fire like a dragon.

Feng Huo stood there motionless, as if frightened by the giant snake. The next moment, the giant snake quickly wrapped him around, and was then detonated by the big snake pill.


In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a stench spread rapidly.

"Sneaker Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru continued to attack. It seemed that there were countless poisonous snakes hidden in his body, and he frantically flung out and bit Fenghuo.

But for some reason, Orochimaru felt something was wrong.

He carefully stared at Fenghuo opposite, the clothes on his body seemed not damaged at all, he stood there motionless, the three-gou jade writing sharing eyes in his pupils slowly rotated, just like the sun rising and the moon setting, repeating itself.


Cruelty flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, "How dare you use illusion on me!"

Orochimaru quickly changed the flow of chakra in the body in an attempt to break the illusion.

In the next moment, his eyes darkened, and a huge rock hand came from the sky and slapped him fiercely.


The ground was cracked inch by inch, and poisonous snakes crawled out of the cracks, and soon formed the figure of Orochimaru.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, is your illusion only at this level?"

He looked forward, and saw that Feng Huo was still standing there, and Sangouyu's writing wheel was turning around, and it seemed that there was no change from before.

‘Am I still in his illusion? '

Orochimaru's heart skipped a beat.

As the apprentice of Sarutobi Hiruzen, a doctor of ninjutsu, Orochimaru knew many ways to break the illusion. At this time, he tried them one by one, but finally found that the surrounding scenes did not change at all.

‘How is it possible that I can’t break through his illusion? '

Orochimaru's face was as gloomy as black ink, and then he cast a psychic spell to psychic out the ten thousand snakes.

"Hiss, Orochimaru, didn't I tell you, don't call me if you have nothing to do!"

Wan Snake's huge body coiled into a snake array, like the snake head of a house looking around curiously.

A sneer finally appeared on the corner of Dashewan's mouth: "I found a flaw!"

Feng Huo outside also showed a wry smile: "Sure enough."

Wan Snake is the psychic beast of Orochimaru, so he is very clear about it, and Feng Huo has never seen Wan Snake, so there must be differences in the Wan Snake created by illusion, and this difference is enough to make Orochimaru Get out of the illusion.

"Hehe, Uchiha Fenghuo, your illusion..." Orochimaru opened his eyes again, and finally felt the fresh breath of the kid in front of him, but when his eyes fell on Fenghuo's eyes, he was startled, "These eyes..."

At this time, the Sharingan of Fenghuo's eyeball had turned into a black and red pentagram.

"Oshemaru, it took you so long to decipher one of my illusions, you are no longer qualified to be my opponent." Feng Huo instantly pushed himself up a few levels, standing there as if standing on the top of a cloud , looking down at the little loach in the mud.

"Hehehe, kaleidoscope? It's really surprising." Orochimaru tensed up all over.

"You actually know?" Feng Huo was a little surprised, but this guy is Sarutobi Hiruzen's apprentice, and he likes to study various forbidden techniques and knows many secrets. It's not surprising that he knows kaleidoscope.

"Let me see how strong these eyes are, hahaha."

Orochimaru suddenly laughed madly, and then made a seal with both hands, channeling a huge ten thousand snakes.


As soon as Ten Thousand Snakes appeared, Orochimaru kept his hands, and continued to form seals, wind escape, fire escape, thunder escape, earth escape, water escape, and in an instant, the wind howled, flames rose everywhere, the earth roared, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, countless ninjutsu scrolls With the power of terror pouring out crazily.

Feng Huo was also taken aback, and hurriedly opened the Susanoo to protect his whole body.

Then danced two huge copper hammers, and Rumble carried countless ninjutsu to force towards Orochimaru.

At this time, Wan Snake's huge tail curled up, setting off a huge gust of wind and whizzing towards Susano fiercely.

Feng Huo immediately picked up the copper hammer and smashed it.


An invisible air wave overturned the nearby land~www.wuxiaspot.com~Countless stagnant water, silt, and broken forest leaves were flying all over the sky.

"it hurts!"

The giant snake let out a cry of pain, then became fierce, frantically flicked its tail, and lashed towards Susano desperately.

Orochimaru is also a ghostly figure, with his hands forming seals like a dance, outputting crazily, and there is no repeated ninjutsu along the way. At the same time, he quickly changes his body shape while outputting, avoiding the kaleidoscope that seals the fire.


Within Susano, the concussion caused by the overwhelming ninjutsu hit him one after another, coupled with the mighty force of Ten Thousand Snake's Tail, it blasted him until his waist was sore, his back ached, his legs cramped, and he couldn't help but spit out blood.

"I didn't expect Orochimaru to be so strong!"

He saw that Uchiha Itachi could easily rub Orochimaru on the ground in the original book, but how come his script is reversed?


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