Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 234: do the opposite

"Uchiha seals the fire!"

Luo Sha's voice came from the gold placer, and the densely packed gold placer leaped across the sky like locusts, turning into a figure and galloping towards it.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Fenghuo sprayed out fireballs directly, forcing Luo Sha back.

But the surrounding gold dust swept in like a tornado, spinning around him and Luo Sha crazily, gathering more and more, turning faster and faster, reaching the sky like a sandstorm.

"I said, I don't have such a big enmity with you. As for pestering me?"

Feng Huo was speechless, the battlefield was so big and there were so many people, he couldn't believe that he was so lucky to meet Luo Sha twice.

Luo Sha's face was full of coldness, staring at Fenghuo's eyes: "Uchiha Fenghuo, you lied to me in the country of fire that day, and you played with Jia Luluo and me, and you almost couldn't come back. I will always keep this enmity in my heart!"

"Careful." Feng Huo snorted softly, but his face gradually became serious.

The placer all around roared, and the power became more and more fierce.

Feng Huo didn't dare to wait any longer, and quickly formed seals with both hands: "Feng Dun-Suppression Harm!"

The crushing damage was stolen from Kakuto. It is an extremely terrifying wind escape ninjutsu. It is a super-heavy cannon of the storm that compresses the tornado to the extreme and then fires it. The lethality is very terrifying!


Even the placer gold storm was hit with a huge gap!

Luo Sha originally thought that sealing the fire was a softshell, but he didn't expect such a change, so he manipulated the placer gold to plug the gap.

Fenghuo couldn't make him fulfill his wish, he immediately used his shadow clone to drag Luo Sha, while the main body quickly rushed to the gap, intending to repeat the old trick and escape.

"Damn it!" Luo Sha was furious, how could he make his wish come true, while manipulating a stream of gold placer to deal with the shadow clone at will, while pouring chakra into the gold placer, he shouted, "Magnetic escape-Gold placer big burial!"

Countless gold placers in the air frantically rushed towards Fenghuo's body, enveloping him in an instant, and then the gold placer shook, Fenghuo instantly... turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated.

"Nani?!" Luo Sha looked at it, and immediately felt bad.

The one in the air turned out to be a shadow clone?

Then his main body...Luo Sha was startled, turned his head hastily, and heard the wind whistling behind him, accompanied by a scorching and terrifying aura, coming suddenly.

"Fire escape-helix pill!"


The scorching flames swirled crazily like magma, piercing through layers of gold dust defenses, blasting furiously at Luo Sha's back.


Luo Sha flew out like a scarecrow, spraying a few mouthfuls of old blood in the air, his face pale as paper.

Feng Huo's eyes glowed. Just now he did the opposite, deliberately using the shadow clone to break through, and the body was entangled. Luo Sha was really fooled. When Luo Sha finished using his shadow clone's big move, Feng Huo immediately opened up behind him.

‘Hey, the future four generations of Kazekage won’t be killed by me right now? '

With an excited expression, Feng Huo galloped forward, rubbing a Thunder Dun-Helix Pill in his hand again.


Lei Guang frantically chose in his palm, wave after wave of terrifying aura.

Although Luo Sha resisted with gold dust at the critical moment, he was still severely injured. His back was bloody, black and red, and exuded a smell of meat. At this time, he was lying on the ground and couldn't get up.

When Fenghuo was only two meters away from Luo Sha, there was a rush of sound from the left and right sides.

The corner of Feng Huo's eye twitched, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw seven or eight strangely shaped puppets madly killing him.

The weapons carried by these puppets are of all kinds, and the colors are even more strange, red, blue, white, green, purple, and black. The sunlight refracts colorful colors, making Feng Huo's face blue.

Obviously, these weapons have been poisoned by sand ninja!

Fenghuo had just dug out a piece of flesh because of poisoning, if he was hit by these poisonous weapons again, how much flesh would he have to cut himself?

Ling Chi doesn't bring such excitement, does he?

So he ran away decisively, of course, before leaving, he directly dropped Lei Dun-Xiang Wan.


The power of the Thunder Dun-Helix Pill is also extremely terrifying. Once it explodes, even the ninja will be killed if he doesn't notice it, but unfortunately, those puppets have already rushed over and directly pounced on Luo Sha, killing the Thunder Dun-Helix Pill. All the power of the explosion was blocked.

And those puppets also became a pile of waste under the aftermath of the explosion.

Then several puppet ninjas jumped out, one by two took out the scrolls from their arms, made a seal, and made seven or eight rounds of puppets again, surrounding Luo Sha.

Feng Huo's eyes narrowed slightly. These puppet ninjas should be the Anbu of Sha Yin Village, who was ordered to protect Luo Sha, the future Kazekage of the Fourth Generation.

'Looks like he can't be killed. '

He didn't force himself to seal the fire, and immediately retreated.

The fighting lasted until evening, and the two sides called a truce again, and went back to their homes, looking for nurses.

Fenghuo was conscripted into the medical force again without accident.

"Uncle True Red?!"

Feng Huo accidentally saw Yuhi Zhenhong in the medical team, but the latter's face was pale, and the clothes on his chest and abdomen kept oozing blood, and he was seriously injured.

A medical ninja next to him is using hemostasis to stop the bleeding.

"Fenghuo, uh, why are you here? Are you injured?" Yuhi Zhenhong asked weakly.

Feng Huo shook his head: "I'm fine, I'm here as a medical ninja!"

Although he dug out a piece of his own poisonous flesh, he is a medical ninja himself, so there will be no serious problems, and speaking of it just makes Yuhi Mako worry in vain, it won't help the injury, so it's better not to say it.

"That's good." Saying Yuhi Zhenhong, she closed her eyes and passed out.

The medical ninja said: "He lost a lot of blood, and there are no other serious problems. He can recover after two days of rest."

The quality of the ninjas is very good, and two days are enough for Yuhi Zhenhong to recover his blood.

Only then did Fenghuo feel relieved, and then went to work.

Of course, he is still 'lazy', and he will condense his chakra for a while to deal with tomorrow's war.

At the same time, on the Campanulaceae mountain, Hai Laozang is treating Luo Sha's wounds himself.

"Most of the skin and muscles on his back were burnt to death, so they had to be cut off. Fortunately, the spine was not injured, otherwise..." Hai Laozang frowned, full of fear.

This genius ninja who possesses the limit of magnetic escape and blood inheritance, if he dies here, it will be a great loss to the village.

In particular, he vaguely learned from his sister Chiyo that this young man is likely to be the next Kazekage, so he dared not be careless and tried his best to treat him.

Chiyo, on the other hand, communicated with Sand Ninja Anbu, who was protecting Rasa, and asked about the process.

"Sangouyu Sharingan? Is it the Uchiha family?"

In the previous first battle, Uchiha had never appeared, and no one reported the previous battles, so Chiyo didn't know about it until this time.

However, according to Chiyo's information, the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan are fighting against the Mist Ninja in the Land of Fire at this moment, so how could they appear here?

'But no matter what, this pair of Sharingan, I accept it! '

Chiyo's eyes shone coldly.

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